MuPIF is modular, object-oriented integration platform allowing to create complex, distributed, multiphysics simulation workflows across the scales and processing chains by combining existing simulation tools. MuPIFDB is database layer (based on MongoDB) and workflow manager/scheduler for MuPIF with REST API.
- mongoDB server
- Python modules: pymongo, flask, bson, flask_pymongo, isodate, dateutil, python-pidfile, pygal
- for REST API debugging and development install chrome extension (ARC - Advanced REST client or Postman)
git clone mupifDB.git
nohup python3 -m flask run --host &
To support statistics graphs (using, the should be run periodically (using cron) to regenerate the charts. Dynamic generation is costly. Suggested crontab entry to update charts every 5 minutes:
*/5 * * * * python3 /home/bp/mupifDB/ -w -h
MuPIF has been developed at Czech Technical University by Borek Patzak and coworkers and is available under GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3).
Please consult MuPIF home page ( for additional information.