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205 lines (162 loc) · 8.7 KB

File metadata and controls

205 lines (162 loc) · 8.7 KB

Contributing to DogeHouse

Please read the PRIORITY LIST before contributing.

We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:

  • Reporting an issue
  • Discussing the current state of the code
  • Submitting a fix
  • Proposing new features
  • Becoming a maintainer

Code of Conduct

The code of conduct is described in

Our Development Process

All changes happen through pull requests. Pull requests are the best way to propose changes. We actively welcome your pull requests and invite you to submit pull requests directly here, and after review, these can be merged into the project.

Using the Project's Standard Commit Messages

This project is using the conventional commits standard. Please follow these steps to ensure your commit messages are standardized:

  1. Make sure your shell path is in the root of the project (not inside any of the packages).
  2. Run yarn.
  3. Stage the files you are commiting with git add [files].
  4. Run yarn commit. This will start an interactive prompt that generates your commit message:
    1. Select the type of change.
    2. Type the scope. This is either global for project-wide changes or one of the packages (kibbeh, shawarma etc.).
    3. Write a short, imperative tense description of the change.
    4. If the above was not sufficient, you may now write a longer description of your change (otherwise press enter to leave blank).
    5. y or n for whether there are any breaking changes (e.g. changing the props of a component, changing the JSON structure of an API response).
    6. y or n for whether this change affects an open issue, if positive you will be prompted to enter the issue number.
  5. Your commit message has now been created, you may push to your fork and open a pull request (read below for further instructions).

Pull Requests

  1. Fork the repo and create your branch (usually named patch-%the number of PRs you've already made%) from staging.
  2. If you've added code that should be tested, add some test examples.
  3. Ensure to describe your pull request.

Adding Emojis

Emojis need to be 28x28px. To add an emoji, add the png/gif image to public/emojis and add the emoji to the kofta/src/app/modules/room-chat/EmoteData.ts.

To avoid conflicts please add the emojis to the top of the file.

NOTE: We are not accepting new emojis atm

Quickstart Local Frontend Development

Do this if you only want to do React stuff and don't want to touch Elixir:

UI (react + next.js):

Navigate to /kibbeh

  • Run yarn
  • Run yarn staging (this tells React to connect to a hosted version of the backend for development purposes)
  • Read kibbeh/ for more information and a fixes for known development issues.

NOTE: Please follow the design guidelines and figma mockups and if what you're trying to do isn't in there, consult @ajmnz/@benawad beforehand.


  1. Set up the front-end (previous step).
  2. Go to kibbeh/public/locales.
  3. Check if a folder with the language you want to add / edit already exists. If not, copy en/translation, create the folder and paste it there.
  4. Edit the JSON file. Make sure that it's valid.
  5. Go to kibbeh/src/ui/LanguageSelector.tsx and edit the object to include your language.
  6. Test and make a pull request.

Supporting translation in new components

  1. Add your translation key into the English translation.json located in kibbeh/public/locales/en/translation.json. Make sure it is put in an appropriate section that makes sense.
  2. Run yarn gen:i18:keys. This will add your key into translationKeys.ts.
  3. Use your translation key in your code. This is done by using useTypeSafeTranslation like this: const { t } = useTypeSafeTranslation();. You can now call t and get your desired translation key.
  4. Run yarn i18 to generate all fields into all other translation.json.

Devcontainer Full Local Development

For VSCode users, we're able to use devcontainers which allows to create development environments that already have all the tools and services configured and ready to go.


Prerequisite: Install Docker on your local environment.

To get started, read and follow the instructions in Developing inside a Container. The .devcontainer/ directory contains pre-configured devcontainer.json, docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile files, which you can use to set up remote development within a docker container.

  • Install the Remote - Containers extension.
  • Open VSCode and bring up the Command Palette.
  • Type Remote-Containers: Open Folder in Container, this will build the container with Elixir and Node installed, this will also start Postgres and RabbitMQ instances.

If you need to modify environment variables for kousa, you need to modify them inside /home/doge/.bashrc and restart your terminal.



$ mix deps.get
$ mix ecto.migrate
$ iex -S mix


$ yarn
$ yarn build
$ yarn start


$ yarn
$ yarn dev

Manual Full Local Development

How to run locally:



Install RabbitMQ:

  • macOS: Run brew install rabbitmq.
  • Windows: Run choco install rabbitmq.
  • Linux: Follow their installation guide here.

Start RabbitMQ

  • macOS: Run brew services start rabbitmq.
  • Windows: Setup guide here.
  • Linux: Setup guide here.


Install PostgreSQL:

  • macOS: Run brew install postgresql.
  • Windows: Follow this guide.
  • Linux: Follow this guide.

Start PostgreSQL:

  • macOS: Run brew services start postgresql.
  • Windows: Start PostgreSQL through the control panel or run net start postgresql-{version}.
  • Linux: Run /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql start.

Create a DB named kousa_repo2:

$ psql postgres

$ CREATE DATABASE kousa_repo2;


Elixir installation guide here.


Navigate to /kousa and set the following environment variables:

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost/kousa_repo2
export BEN_GITHUB_ID=7872329
export RABBITMQ_URL=amqp://user:password@yourinternalip:5672
export SENTRY_DNS=
export API_URL=http://localhost:4001
export WEB_URL=http://localhost:3000
export PORT=4001

You can save these variables in a .txt and run source path/to/file.txt

Run the following commands:

$ mix deps.get
$ mix ecto.migrate

Start the server

$ iex -S mix


Navigate to /shawarma and run yarn.

Mediasoup requires node >=0.8 <=14 and has specific requirements on Windows.

Create an .env file and set the following environment variable:


Then run yarn build and yarn start.


We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue. Report a bug by opening a new issue; it's that easy!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

- Q: [The Question?]
- A: [The Answer!]

Feature Request

Great Feature Requests tend to have:

  • A quick idea summary.
  • What & why you wanted to add the specific feature.
  • Additional context like images, links to resources to implement the feature etc, etc.


By contributing to DogeHouse, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file.