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AGAPE has terrible installation instructions for their pipeline at (AGAPE on Github)[] which is also described in this paper: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129184 Given that many using it wil be first timers to Unix and the Command Line I thought I would make better installation instructions.


I would suggest completing the pipeline install in the following order (because many of the later software depends on the earlier software:

  1. bamtools
  2. sga
  3. lastz
  4. augustus
  6. Boost
  7. Chain NET
  8. AGAPE
  9. BWA
  10. SAMtools

##Operating system This guide is specifically written for installation on Ubuntu server 14.04.3. I chose this specifically because many of the programs have apt-get repositories already which vastly simplify the installation process. Some (but not many) of the software has RedHet yum equivalents, so if you're using a non-debian linux distribution be prepared for a lot of building from source code and the associated pain.

If you are new to linux I would HIGHLY recommend starting with Ubuntu, getting the pipeline working and having a play and then getting your HPC techician to help with installation on the cluster itself (which may well not be on a debian system). Remember that, once installation is complete and sucessful, the command line commands will be the same regardless of the flavour of linux you are using. So all your hard work, testing and practice on Ubuntu will not be in vain!

##Installing SGA

sudo apt-get install sparsehash

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

sudo pip install ruffus

sudo pip install pysam

(optional) sudo apt-get install libjemalloc-dev

###Installing bamtools

Yes there is an apt-get package for bamtools but it is (as of May 2016) bamtools.2.3.0 which is insufficuently recent for this pipeline hence why we're building from source.

git clone

sudo apt-get install cmake

mkdir build

cd build

cmake ..


###Updating the bamtools lib files for Augustus (and others)

Must now copy to /usr/lib/ sudo cp <path_to_bamtools_directory>/bamtools/lib/ /usr/lib/

sudo mkdir /usr/include/bamtools

sudo cp -R shared /usr/include/bamtools/shared

sudo cp -R api /usr/include/bamtools/api

###Actually installing sga

Then: cd src


./configure --with-bamtools=/home/fogbank/Bioinfotools/bamtools


make install

##Installing NCBI BLAST command line tool

'sudo apt-get install ncbi-blast+'

##Installing Boost

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

##Getting Chain NET 'wget'

##Installing Augustus ###Augustus Dependancies

You will need the following packages before installing Augusts

sudo apt-get install python-numpy

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

sudo apt-get install liblpsolve55-dev

These should already be installed but it pays to check they are:

sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-graph-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-iostreams-dev

sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev

###Augustus Itself 'wget'

'tar -xzf augustus-3.2.2.tar.gz'


sudo make install

##Installing ABySS

sudo apt-get install abyss

add abyss subcommands to PATH

nano ~/.bashrc

export PATH = /usr/lib/abyss:$PATH

##Installing AGAPE

git clone

##Installing LASTZ

A copy of LASTZ is included in the AGAPE git repo. Simply move into the AGAPE/src/lastz/src directory and run:


make install

make test

You may also wish to edit the $installDir variable to a relevant location before running the commands above. You can do this by setting the variable in nano make‑include.mak. Otherwise, by default, lastz will be created in a folder called lastz-distib in your home directory.

###Other versions of LASTZ


tar -xzf lastz-1.03.73.tar.gz

cd last-1.03.73/src

##Installing BWA

sudo apt-get install bwa

##Installing SAMtools

sudo apt-get install samtools


must add header to SGA and ABySS files bin/edit_fq_head inputfile1.fastq 1 > inputfile1.sra.fastq sga preprocess --pe-mode 1 inputfile1.sra.fastq inputfile2.sra.fastq > output_paired_end.pp.fa

possibly need to gunzip files before preprocessing?? gunzip filename

sga preprocess --pe-mode 1 inputfile1.fastq.gz inputfile2.fastq.gz > output_paired_end.fastq takes about 128 seconds, 190 with unzipped files

sga index -a ropebwt -t 8 --no-reverse output_paired_end.fastq takes about 553 seconds with 2 cores (-t 2) takes about 286 seconds with 8 cores (-t 8)

sga correct -k 41 -t 1 --discard --learn output_paired_end.pp.fa -o takes about 8870 seconds with 1 core (-t 1) takes about seconds with 8 cores (-t 8)

abyss-pe aligner=map k=41 name=gNDA_paired_end Tag np=8 can be used to create multiple processes. Can be distributed using openmpi takes about __ seconds

sga-align --name gDNA_paired_end.frag gDNA_paired_end-contigs.fa takes about 456 seconds -n 5 -m 100 -mina 95 -- prefix gDNA_paired_end.frag gDNA_paired_end.frag.bam takes a couple of minutes -m 100 gDNA_paired_end.frag.refsort.bam > gDNA_paired_end.ctg.astat takes < 1 minute

sga scaffold -m 100 --pe -a gDNA_paired_emd.ctg.astat -o gDNA_paired_emn.scaf gDNA_paired_end-contigs.fa` takes < 1 minute

###BWA commands

bwa index ref_gen.fsa takes < 1 minute

At this point we decided to use the non SGA-error corrected reads as inputs. This should be checked or justified. We also left k as 2. bwm aln -q 15 -l 35 -k 2 -n 0.04 -o 2 -e 6 -t 8 ref_gen.fa gDNA_fromhERstrain_1.fastq > bwm_aligned_1.sai takes about 153 seconds across 8 cores bwm aln -q 15 -l 35 -k 2 -n 0.04 -o 2 -e 6 -t 8 ref_gen.fa gDNA_fromhERstrain_2.fastq > bwm_aligned_2.sai takes about 161 seconds across 8 cores

bwa aln -q 15 -l 35 -k 6 -n 0.04 -o 2 -e 6 -t 8 ref_gen.fa > bwm_aligned_6.sai takes about 1000 seconds across 8 cores

bwa sampe ref_gen.fa bwn_aligned_1.sai bwm_aligned_2.sai gDNA_fromhERstrain_1.fastq gDNA_fromhERstrain_1.fastq > aln-pe.sam takes about 1 minute - aborted :(

bwa samse ref_gen.fa bwn_aligned.sai > aln-se.sam takes about __ seconds

##To Do

  • Install HugeSeq and dependancies.
  • Install BOWTIE as a possible replacement fot LASTZ.
  • Install velvet as a possible replacement for ABySS.
  • Install FastQC (for some reason).
  • Install FASTX-toolkit to replace SGA.
  • Maker install