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Nick Wilson edited this page Sep 10, 2011 · 45 revisions

Welcome to the Django Starter Kit wiki!

At the DjangoCon 2011 sprint in Portland, we are trying to improve the experience for people who are new to Django. What are the obstacles, speedbumps, areas of confusion and annoyances that make it hard for someone to build their first web app with Django?

Django Starter Kit home page:

IRC channel: #djangostart on

Sprint ringleader: Nate Aune - nate (at) djangozoom (dot) com, @natea on Twitter and natea on IRC

Goals for sprint


Overview: show me a high level overview of how the Django pieces fit together


Team: Phil, Jason


Setup: how do I get my environment set up so that I can begin working with Django

Team: Dana, Nick



Build: let's build my first Django project and follow a comprehensive tutorial

Team: Esther, Mjumbe


Deployment: how can I get my Django project running on a public server so others can use it?

Deployment Options


Sprinters: Tim, David

"What's next?"

Other: Glossary of common terms, cheat sheets, etc.



Team: Joe, Data

But wait... there's more!

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