- usbdrive_copy.py
- searches for drives whose start and end is specified in code, and if that path exists copies all pdf,ppt files to a path specified in code.
- youtube-playlist.py
- downloads a youtube playlist and saves in current directory using youtube-dl software.
- convert.py
- converts media files in specified directory using ffmpeg and deletes original. -w means recursively.
- sendtomega.bat
- nothing special, simple command using rclone to copy a folder to mega. Assuming there is a directory named megalocal on mega and remote=mega in rclone.
- make_index_of_directory
- recursively traverses the directory and lists files.
- scraping/mylib.py - some functions to help with web scraping
- lrctrl.c - presses the left and right control together on the hardcoded evdev keyboard. Useful to get keyboard from qemu vm.
- krun.c - can be put as shebang in a kotlin file.