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217 lines (193 loc) · 13.6 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (193 loc) · 13.6 KB


Key Action Description
<backspace> cursor_left_with_wrap Move the cursor one position left, wrapping to the previous line.
V enter_line_selection Enter line selection mode.
v enter_char_selection Enter character selection mode.
^V enter_col_selection Enter column selection mode.
O prepend_and_insert Insert a new line before the current line and enter insert mode.
o append_and_insert Insert a new line after the current line and enter insert mode.
a insert_after_cursor Place the cursor after the selected character and enter insert mode.
s delete_forward_and_insert Delete the character under the cursor and enter insert mode.
x delete_forward Delete the character under the cursor.
P paste Paste yanked text before (P) or after (p) the cursor.
p paste Paste yanked text before (P) or after (p) the cursor.
r replace_char Replace a single character.
A insert_at_end Move the cursor to the end of the current line and enter insert mode.
u undo_history Undo history until the last breakpoint.
^R redo_history Redo history until the next breakpoint.
^L redraw_all Repaint the screen.
^G goto_definition Jump to the definition of the word under under cursor.
i enter_insert Enter insert mode.
R enter_replace Enter replace mode.
<shift-up> enter_line_selection_and_cursor_up Enter line selection and move the cursor up one line.
<shift-down> enter_line_selection_and_cursor_down Enter line selection and move the cursor down one line.
<alt-up> previous_tab Switch the previous tab
<alt-down> next_tab Switch to the next tab


Key Action Description
<escape> leave_insert Leave insert modes and return to normal mode.
<del> delete_forward Delete the character under the cursor.
^C leave_insert Leave insert modes and return to normal mode.
<backspace> smart_backspace Delete the preceding character, with special handling for indentation.
<enter> insert_line_feed Insert a line break, splitting the current line into two.
^O perform_omni_completion (temporary) Perform smart symbol completion from ctags.
^V insert_char Insert one character.
^W delete_word Delete the previous word.
<tab> smart_tab Insert a tab or spaces depending on indent mode. (Use ^V to guarantee a literal tab)
/ smart_comment_end Insert a / ending a C-style comment.
} smart_brace_end Insert a closing brace and smartly position it if it is the first character on a line.
<paste-begin> paste_begin Begin bracketed paste; disable indentation, completion, etc.
<paste-end> paste_end End bracketed paste; restore indentation, completion, etc.


Key Action Description
<escape> leave_insert Leave insert modes and return to normal mode.
<del> delete_forward Delete the character under the cursor.
<backspace> cursor_left_with_wrap Move the cursor one position left, wrapping to the previous line.
<enter> insert_line_feed Insert a line break, splitting the current line into two.

Line Selection

Key Action Description
<escape> leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
^C leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
V leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
v switch_selection_mode Swap between LINE and CHAR selection modes.
y yank_lines Copy lines into the paste buffer.
<backspace> cursor_left_with_wrap Move the cursor one position left, wrapping to the previous line.
<tab> adjust_indent Adjust the indentation on the selected lines (<tab> for deeper, <shift-tab> for shallower).
<shift-tab> adjust_indent Adjust the indentation on the selected lines (<tab> for deeper, <shift-tab> for shallower).
D delete_and_yank_lines Delete and yank the selected lines.
d delete_and_yank_lines Delete and yank the selected lines.
x delete_and_yank_lines Delete and yank the selected lines.
s delete_lines_and_enter_insert Delete and yank the selected lines and then enter insert mode.
r replace_chars_in_line Replace characters in the selected lines.
<shift-up> cursor_up Move the cursor up one line.
<shift-down> cursor_down Move the cursor one line down.

Char Selection

Key Action Description
<escape> leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
^C leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
v leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
V switch_selection_mode Swap between LINE and CHAR selection modes.
y yank_characters Yank the selected characters to the paste buffer.
<backspace> cursor_left_with_wrap Move the cursor one position left, wrapping to the previous line.
D delete_and_yank_chars Delete and yank the selected characters.
d delete_and_yank_chars Delete and yank the selected characters.
x delete_and_yank_chars Delete and yank the selected characters.
s delete_chars_and_enter_insert Delete and yank the selected characters and then enter insert mode.
r replace_chars Replace the selected characters.
A insert_at_end_of_selection Move the cursor to the end of the selection and enter insert mode.

Col Selection

Key Action Description
<escape> leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
^C leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
^V leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
I enter_col_insert Enter column insert mode.
a enter_col_insert_after Enter column insert mode after the selected column.
d delete_at_column Delete from the current column backwards (<backspace>) or forwards (<del>).

Col Insert

Key Action Description
<escape> leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
^C leave_selection Leave selection modes and return to normal mode.
<backspace> delete_at_column Delete from the current column backwards (<backspace>) or forwards (<del>).
<del> delete_at_column Delete from the current column backwards (<backspace>) or forwards (<del>).
<enter> (unbound) (unbound)
^W (unbound) (unbound)
^V insert_char_at_column Insert a character on all lines at the current column.
<left> column_left Move the column cursor left.
<right> column_right Move the column cursor right.
<up> column_up Move the column cursor up.
<down> column_down Move the column cursor down.

Navigation (Select)

Key Action Description
^B go_page_up Jump up a screenfull.
^F go_page_down Jump down a screenfull.
: enter_command Enter command input mode.
/ enter_search Enter search mode.
? enter_search Enter search mode.
n search_next Jump to the next search match.
N search_prev Jump to the preceding search match.
j cursor_down Move the cursor one line down.
k cursor_up Move the cursor up one line.
h cursor_left Move the cursor one character to the left.
l cursor_right Move the cursor one character to the right.
b word_left Move the cursor left to the previous word.
w word_right Move the cursor right to the start of the next word.
B big_word_left Move the cursor left to the previous WORD.
W big_word_right Move the cursor right to the start of the next WORD.
< shift_horizontally Shift the current line or screen view horizontally, depending on settings.
> shift_horizontally Shift the current line or screen view horizontally, depending on settings.
f find_character_forward Find a character forward on the current line and place the cursor on (f) or before (t) it.
F find_character_backward Find a character backward on the current line and place the cursor on (F) or after (T) it.
t find_character_forward Find a character forward on the current line and place the cursor on (f) or before (t) it.
T find_character_backward Find a character backward on the current line and place the cursor on (F) or after (T) it.
G goto_line Jump to the requested line.
* search_under_cursor Search for the word currently under the cursor.
<space> go_page_down Jump down a screenfull.
% jump_to_matching_bracket Find and jump to the matching bracket for the character under the cursor.
{ jump_to_previous_blank Jump to the preceding blank line before the cursor.
} jump_to_next_blank Jump to the next blank line after the cursor.
$ cursor_end Move the cursor to the end of the line, or past the end in insert mode.
<pipe> cursor_home Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
<enter> next_line_non_whitespace Jump to the first non-whitespace character in the next next line.
^ first_non_whitespace Jump to the first non-whitespace character in the current line.
0 cursor_home Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.

Escape (Select, Insert)

Key Action Description
<f1> toggle_numbers Toggle the display of line numbers.
<f2> toggle_indent Toggle smart indentation.
<f3> toggle_gutter Toggle the display of the revision status gutter.
<f4> toggle_smartcomplete Toggle smart completion.
<mouse> handle_mouse Process mouse actions.
<mouse-sgr> handle_mouse_sgr Process SGR-style mouse actions.
<up> cursor_up Move the cursor up one line.
<down> cursor_down Move the cursor one line down.
<right> cursor_right Move the cursor one character to the right.
<ctrl-right> big_word_right Move the cursor right to the start of the next WORD.
<shift-right> word_right Move the cursor right to the start of the next word.
<alt-right> expand_split_right Move the view split divider to the right.
<alt-shift-right> use_right_buffer Switch to the right split view.
<left> cursor_left Move the cursor one character to the left.
<ctrl-left> big_word_left Move the cursor left to the previous WORD.
<shift-left> word_left Move the cursor left to the previous word.
<alt-left> expand_split_left Move the view split divider to the left.
<alt-shift-left> use_left_buffer Switch to the left split view.
<home> cursor_home Move the cursor to the beginning of the line.
<end> cursor_end Move the cursor to the end of the line, or past the end in insert mode.
<page-up> go_page_up Jump up a screenfull.
<page-down> go_page_down Jump down a screenfull.
^Z suspend Suspend bim and the rest of the job it was run in.


Key Action Description
<enter> command_accept Accept the command input and run the requested command.
<tab> command_tab_complete_buffer Complete command names and arguments in the input buffer.
<up> command_scroll_history Scroll through command input history.
<down> command_scroll_history Scroll through command input history.


Key Action Description
<enter> search_accept Accept the search term and return to the previous mode.
<up> (unbound) (unbound)
<down> (unbound) (unbound)

Input (Command, Search)

Key Action Description
<escape> command_discard Discard the input buffer and cancel command or search.
^C command_discard Discard the input buffer and cancel command or search.
<backspace> command_backspace Erase the character before the cursor in the input buffer.
^W command_word_delete Delete the previous word from the input buffer.
<mouse> eat_mouse (temporary) Read, but ignore mouse input.
<left> command_cursor_left Move the cursor one character left in the input buffer.
<ctrl-left> command_word_left Move to the start of the previous word in the input buffer.
<right> command_cursor_right Move the cursor one character right in the input buffer.
<ctrl-right> command_word_right Move to the start of the next word in the input buffer.
<home> command_cursor_home Move the cursor to the start of the input buffer.
<end> command_cursor_end Move the cursor to the end of the input buffer.