.NET client's test suite assumes there's a RabbitMQ node listening on localhost:5672
(the default settings). SSL tests require a broker listening on the default
SSL port. Connection recovery tests assume rabbitmqctl
at ../rabbitmq-server/scripts/rabbitmqctl
can control the running node: this is the case when all repositories are cloned using
the umbrella repository.
It is possible to use Visual Studio 2013 Community,
, or xbuild
(on Mono) to build the client and run the test suite.
First copy Local.props.example
to Local.props
and edit it if needed, specifying whether
you intend to build the client on Mono and what .NET version should be targeted.
Then, build in Visual Studio or build from the command line. To do the latter, simply run
on Windows and
if you use Mono.
Tests can be run from Visual Studio using NUnit Test Adapter. Note that it may take some time for the adapter to discover tests in the assemblies.
Running the tests from the command line is also straightforward: use
msbuild.exe /t:RunUnitTests projects/client/Unit/RabbitMQ.Client.Unit.csproj
on Windows with .NET and
xbuild /nologo /t:RunUnitTests projects/client/Unit/RabbitMQ.Client.Unit.csproj | grep -v "warning CS2002"
on Mono.