Information stored in file system headers Every file/folder is a file itself Psudo file system doesn't exist on file system Only exists in RAM while system is running Two main pseudo file systems to know: /proc /sys
Proc dir Contains information about the processes running on a system. Processes are listed by PID, with hardware and process data both in the same directory structure. Directories w/ number coorelate to a number Numbers are PIDs
In /proc all processes that are running are in this folder Each directory includes information about running processes
Sys dir Contains information about the system's hardware and kernel modules. No process information is stored here fs contains information about filesystem such as xfs
Core framework of the operating system Provides a way for the rest of the system to operate with hardware, memory networking and itself Linux kernel is monolithic, handles all memory and hardware device interactions Extra functionality can be loaded and unloaded dynamically Systems don't have to be rebooted for added functionality.
uname, displays information about the currently running kernel -m, architecture -r, kernel version -a, all information
lsmod, displays a list of all currently loaded kernel modules
modinfo, Diplays information about a specified kernel module modinfo MODULE
modprobe, Command used to dynamically load/unload kernel modules at runtime modprobe -r MODULE, remove a kernel module modprobe MODULE, reload kernel module
udev, linux device manager for the kernel, links info on system to /dev
/dev, contains information on all of the connected hardware on a system
D-Bus, Sends data messages between applicates as a conduit of information about what is going on in the system. udev uses udev to notirfy users and the system when new hardware is attached.
lspci, DIsplays information on PCI devices attached
lsusb, Displays information on USB devices attached
lscpu, Displays information on processors on a system
lsblk, Displays information on all block devices on a system
udev via D-Bus -> /dev Pseudo filesystem Handles for all devices connected to the filesystem
lsblk, via D-Bus -> /dev
GRUB = GRand Unified Bootloader Bios -> Boot sector -> Linux Kernel -> Initial RAM disk
dmesg, traditional utility used for viewing the kernel ring buffer
journalctl -k systemd utilty to view the kernel ring buffer within the systemd journal
init, short for initialization Based off of the System V init used in UNIX systems Services are started one after the other in a serial fashion Slower boot, simpler
First place kernel looks /sbin/init Reads /etc/inittab
runlevels 0, halt 1, singler user Mode. Root user only usually 2, Multi-user mode (no networking) 3, Multi-user mode (networking) 4, unused 5, Multi-user, with networking and GUI 6, Reboot
/etc/inittab id:3:initdefault
wait, The process specified will be started once when the runlevel is entered and init will wait for it's termination
First, boot disk is found by boot loader Kernel and RAM disk are loaded Drivers are pulled out init performs some system maintence from init scripts Starts run level 3 System is ready for use
RPM: /etc/rc.d DEB: /etc/init.d
/etc/init.d, contains the scripts for the services on the sysem /etc/init.d/rc., script that orchestrates how the runlevel scripts run and what occurs when runlevel is changed
First developed for Ubuntu Used in Ubuntu 6.10 Used in RHEL 6, Debian and Fedora 9 Asynchronous start of services, decreased boot up times Works off of real-time events Upstart will attempt to start a service if it stops
Upstart uses /sbin/init /sbin/init -> startup -> mountall -> /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf -> telinit -> runlevel -> /etc/init/rc.conf Simplified view
SysV is not aware of a change on a system New monitors would not be aware of new monitor When something changes on a system it triggers an event
Default state is a waiting state, moves to starting, running, stopping and killed Finally goes to post-stop and back to waiting state Upstart will attempt to restart a job 10 times after 5 seconds each time
systemd unit files
Doesn't rely on shell scripts Doesn't need to run through BASH interpreter Inefficient use of time C code replacements Still compatible with older sysv scripts
Three main locations for unit files, /usr/lib/systemd/system, do not edit those files /etc/systemd/system, these unit files can be edited, supercede above files /run/systemd/system
Verify unit files on a system: systemctl list-unit-files
Unit files formatted like MS-DOS ini files [Unit] Description=Multi-User System ^^ Doesn't need to be in quotes Documentation=man:systemd.special (7) Can be space delimited Wants= Wants won't fail service if unavailable rescue.service
Review unit files ssytemctl cat something.unit
kernel looks for /sbin/init symlink to /lib/systemd/systemd
Runlevel 4 is used for custom environments
runlevel, view your current runlevel
telinit, change to another runlevel
To change runlevel at boot, INterrupt the GRUB boot process by pressing any key during startup, then at the the GRUB selection Menu highlight a kernel to modify, press the 'a' key to add an argument to the end of a kernel line, enter in a runlevel number.
Target, a unit that syncs up other units when the computer boots or changes states
Often used to bring the system to a new state ie a state with a just a command line:
Common types of targets: - multi-user system similar to what runlevel 3 provides - similar to runlevel 5 - similar to runlevel 1 - basic system, used during boot process - system initialization man 5 man 7 systemd.special
Systemd set default target systemctl set-default
Systemd check default target systemctl get-default
Reboot commands, reboot telinit 6 shutdown -r now systemctl isolate
wall, broadcasts a message to all logged in users. After message is typed, press Ctrl+D to terminate
Shutdown commands, poweroff telinit 0 shutdown -h +1 systemctl isolate
acpid Advanced Configuration and power interface, registers system events such as pressing the power button or closing laptop lid.
/etc/acpi/events Two conf files Power and video Looking for a power button to be pressed Will fire off an action
Check the default target, systemctl get-default
Change the default target, sudo systemctl set-default
Check the default target again.
Primary locations you must know /, root directory /var, variable location. Stores dynamic contenct such as web sites and log files /home, user's home directory where personal files are stored. /opt, optional. Usually used by 3rd party software vendors. /boot, where linux kernel and supporting files are stored.
Swap space is temporary storage that acts like RAM Swap partition is the most common setup Swap files, similar to page file Slower than /swap
Old rule of thumb, 1.5 -> 2x available RAM Recommended not to have less than 50% of available RAM
Partitions and mount points /dev/sda /dev, contains all devices
mountpoint, take a parition of a disk and mount it to specific directory mount, can be used to mount partitions to directorys, or show all existing mounts wihtout any options fdisk -l /dev/diskname, Can be used to list out parition information on the specified disk lsblk, used to show all block devices on a system and their names swapon --summary, Shows a summary of the swap usage on the system. Same infmation can be found in /proc/swaps
LVM, Logical Volume Manager Allows for creation of groups of disks or partitions that can be assembled into a single or multiple filesystems Can be used for any mount point except /boot Can be resized Can be snapshotted
Example, Bottom PV, physical disks VG, volume group. Encompasses all disks LV, Logical volumes. Carve up VG into directories File system (/, /swap etc.)
pvs, Lists out the physical volumes in an LVM group vgs, Lists out the volume groups within an LVM group lvs, Lists out the logical volumes within an LVM group
GRand Unified Bootloader BIOS > Bootloader locates MBR boot.img > core.img > /boot/grub grub.conf/menu.lst BIOS > Stage 1 > Stage 1.5 > Stage 2
default =0, which kernel to boot first timeout =5 title OS (Kernel) kernel kernel version initrd, ram disk title OS (kernel), an older version of the kernel
Install Grub grub-install [device] : findmnt /boot Device can be /dev/sda or /dev/hd0 or '(hd0)'
Can also use the grub command
From grub prompt, use 'find /grub/stage1' /boot is root
grub-install is typically already done by a live cd
Grub shell commands grub, Invokes the grub shell help, lists commands find, /filepath, search for a file in all paritions quit, quit shell Can hose system Backup config file
MBR (Master Boot Record) traditionally only support 26 total partitions ( 4 partitions, with one partition extended to 23 partitions) Partition size limited to 2 TB
GPT (GUID Partition Table) Supports 128 partitions Partition size up to ZB (Zetabyte) range, 1 ZB = 909,494,701.8 TB
UEFI (Unified Extensible Fireware Interface) to boot Needs 64 bit OS Prevents unauthorized OS's from booting on system
UEFI BIOS > Looks for MBR (boot.img) > empty sectors core.img > /boot/eft vfat/FAT32 ESP file system > /boot/grub2 grubenv themes Has GPT header Parition entry array Large listing of partitions and ID numbers
RPM: grub2-command DEB: grub-command
grub-editenv list, view the default boot entry for the grub conf file grub2-mkconfig, creates or updates a /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file based on /etc/default/grub
update-grub, command that can be used to update a GRUB2 configuration after changes to /etc/default/grub have been made
GRUB Legacy A, append options to the kernel boot line C open up the grub command line ESC, Escapes out of any grub menu Arrow keys, navigation
rhgb quiet lines, shows all kernel messages
When reinstalling grub, use the setup command setup (hd0) ^^ This is how I fixed an old Ubuntu 14.04 install back in the day
GRUB 2 E, edit a menu item Ctrl+x boot selection/modified line systemd specific command to boot into unit linux /boot/vmlinuz-kernel root=UUID ro
ls to view partitions (hd0,msdos1) refers to system using MBR instead of GPT ls (hd0,1)/
Manually boot system with GRUB command line set root=(hd0,1) linux /boot/vmlinuz-4.#.# root=/dev/vda1 Use tab to autocomplete
Set up ram disk initrd /boot/initrd.img-4.#.# Tab it out
boot Loads configuration
Files containing functionality that other applications can use End in a .so extension, Shared Object /lib /usr/lib (32 bit) /usr/lib64 (64 bit) /usr/local/lib /usr/share
Two types dynamic (.so) statically linked (.a)
ldd prints out shared object library dependecies
ldconfig configures dynamic linker run-time bindings creates a cache based on library directories and can show you what is currently in cache
/etc/ Configuration file that points to directories and other configuration files that hold references to library directory locations
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Legacy environment variable that points to a path where library files can be read from
Apt installs dependencies, dpkg does not
Reads /etc/apt/sources.list, list of sources deb URL Distribution Type deb-src, includes source code for repo above Directs installation/removal of packages to dpkg
update, upgrade, install
apt-get doesn't remove conf files If you want to remove the rest of the dependencies use autoremove
purge, removes the package and any associated conf files dist-upgrade, upgrades all packages on the system up to the next release
download, downloads package without installing it
apt-cache search, look through local apt cache for program
apt-cache show, list basic info for package
apt-cache showpkg, displays more technical information about a package
deb packages contain app/utility, conf files, how/where to install file, list of dependencies
need dependeicies installed.
dpkg --info Displays info on a package
dpkg --status Same as --info, but less detailed
dpkg -l lists out packages that match the provided string
dpkg -i installs specified packages
dpkg -L Lists out all files that were installed with a specific package
dpkg -r Remove a package
dpkg -P Removes a package and it's conf files
dpkg -S Search package database for file specified and list out mentions of file/string
dpkg-reconfigure Allows for modification of a package by re-running the app's config tool
Yellowdog Updater, Modified Yellowdog Linux
Handles RPM dependencies
yum conf /etc/yum.conf Repos at /etc/yum.repos.d cache repo info at /var/cache/yum
Zypper SUSE zypper repos, lists repos zypper install PROGRAM
DNF Used on Fedora Uses same syntax as Yum
update, ,search, info, list installed, clean all
Content of repo base-url, where package is from
install, remove, autoremove, reinstall
yum whatprovides Find out what package provides a specified file name
yumdownloader download rpm file
RPM package contains app/utility conf files instructions list of dependencies
Located in /var/lib/rpm
rpm --rebuilddb Rebuild rpm database
Doesn't handle dependencies
rpm -qpi display info on package
rpm -qpl Lists files in a package
rpm -qa Lists out all installed packages
rpm -i Installs a specified package
rpm -U Upgrades an installed package
rpm -e Erase package from system
rpm -Va verify all installed programs Useful for security auditing
rpm2cpio Convert an rpm file into a cpio archive file rpm2cpio app.rpm | cpio -idmv
sudo apt install apache2 wget sudo apt update sudo systemctl status apache2 curl http://localhost wget --output-document=local_index.response http://localhost
sudo yum install /home/cloud_user/Downloads/elinks-0.12-0.37.pre6.el7.0.1.x86_64.rpm which elinks elinks
Virtual Machines are emulations of a specific computer system type Virtualization software will allow you to set up one OS within another Share physical hardware VM is isolated from hardware Communicates through a hypervisor Examples KVM, QEMU, VMWare, Xen, Virtualbox
Full virtualization - guest system isn't aware it's a VM Paravirtualization - system is aware it's a VM, uses guest drivers
VMs perform better VMs can be cloned or turned into templates to rapidly deploy new systems You may need to change system's D-Buss macine ID dbus-uuidgen -ensures data goes to correct location
VM's provisioned from cloud providers cloud-init is typically used to ensure that user data is completely new new SSH keys sets the system's default locale sets the system's hostname Sets up mount points
machine container shares a kernel and file system with the host computer
Application Container shares everything but the application files and library files that the application needs
Container examples, Docker nspawn LXD OpenShift
Invented to allow sharing yet segragation of server instances Protect OS from each other Prervention of wasting CPU, memory, disk space Based on emulating virtual hardware through a hypervisor in terms of system requirements
Use shared OS
BASH, Bourne Again SHell VARIABLE=path,command,alias BASH functions function yo() { echo "yo" }
env displays environment variables echo
set Displays shell settings or shell variables for the session
unset removes a variable
shopt displays shell options and their current settings
export export a variable to the current shell and any new shells
pwd, which
type Used to determine if something is a function, file, alias, built-in or keyboard
history, bash_history
HISTFILESIZE environment variable that determines how many lines the .bash_history file will contain.
man command
Section 1, executable programs or shell commands section 2, system calls section 3, library calls section 4, special files section 5, file formats/conventions section 6, games section 7, misc.
man -k search man pages for a specific key word
apropos links to the man -k command
man [section] Open a particular section number for a specified command
cat, less, head, tail
nl prints out the number of lines in a file
wc word count
od octal dump. Use to print out a file in octal or other format
md5sum Calculates and checks a file's hash based on MD5 algorithm
sha256sum Calculates and checks a file's hash based on the SHA-2 algorithm using 512 bits
sha512sum Calculates and checks a file's hash based on the SHA-2 algorithm using 512 bits
sha256sum file > file.sha256 sha256sum -c test.sha256
sort command used to sort/or merge lines of a file
uniq displays unique lines of a file
tr Used to translate or swap characters in a file for another character
sort -t "delimiter" -kCOLUMN sort -t "," -k 2 Doesn't change the file itself
uniq --group visualize the grouping in the file
sort -u FILE only print unique values in files
cat file.csv | tr 'TARGET_SWAP' 'ITEM TO SWAP WITH' cat file.csf | tr ',' ':' cat list.csf | tr -d ','
Replace all uppercase with lowercase
cat file.csv | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'
cut Extracts columns or fields of data from a file
paste merges lines of files
cut -d 'delimiter' -f 'column number,column number' cut -d',' -f 3
cat file.csv | tr ',' '\t' | cut -f '2,3' \t = tab
paste combines files in parallel by default paste file.csv file2.csv
Specify delimiter paste -d ',' file.txt
Helpful for flat files Or files that get passed off to another task
sed the stream editor command
split command that is used to split a file up into individual pieces
find/replace w/ sed
-i in place sed sed -i's/find/replace/g' file
sed 's/workstation/desktop/g' file.csv > list.csv ^^ Creates a copy
split -b 100 file.txt ^^ bytes, works with kb, mb, gb
File globbing to remove files at once rm xa* Didn't know that was the actual term name...
split -d --verbose -nx file.txt ^^ Use digits and make 'x' amount of files x00, x01 created
Put file back together cat x0* > file.txt
sed -i 's/cows/Ants/Ig' fable.txt Ignore case on input not output Ig, case insensitive and global
ls, touch, cp, rm, mv
file, Command used to try and determine a file's type.
ls -d will not show sub-directories and cannot be used with -R
cd, mkdir
rmdir, remove directory, will not delete a directory with any content
$PATH, Environment variable that describes the directories that the current logged in user can run applications from without specifying their full path.
dd, Copies and converts files. Often used to create files and to back up disk drives Create an arbitrary file, dd if=/dev/urandom of=file bs=1024 count=10 Creates a 10 MB file Check size of file with ls -lh
tar, wraps up files and folders into an archive file. This command does not provide compression on it's own. Used to be used for backups Tape ARchives
Create tarball tar -cf compressedFile.tar fileToCompress Create File
View contents of tarball tar -tf compressedFile.tar
Extract tarball tar -xf compressedFile.tar
Switch for compression depends on switch, tar -czf compressedFile.tar.gz fileToCompress order matters
Extract tar.gz, tar -xzf compressedFile.tar.gz
Extract bz2 file, tar -xvjf file.tar.bz2
gzip/gunzip, Create/Unzip .gz files
bzip2/b2unzip Create/extract .bz2 compressed files
xz/unxz Create/extract .xz compressed files Default redhat compression
Find command only focus
-name Find files based on their name
-ctime Find files based on the time when they were last changed
-atime Find files based on their access time
-empty Find files or folders that are empty
-exec [command] {} \; Will act on the results of the find command itself
find . -name TARGET . current directory
sudo find / -name passwd
Handy, expensive on CPU/IO Other commands that use a localized database Rely on a database for information ex. locate
find . -ctime 1 ^^ 1 day
find /filepath/to/directory -newer FILE Look for files newer than stated file Can combine results
find . -empty -type f -exec rm -f {} \; {}, act on everything returned \;, close out command
find ~ -name "*.tar.*" -exec cp -v {} /path/to/directory \;
globbing, global command
? Matches any single character
[abc] Matches any one of the characters in the list, case sensitive
[^abc] Matches any one character except those that are in the list, case sensitive
[0-9] Matches a range of numbers
Create the 'Projects' Parent Directories Create the first parent directory structure with the mkdir command, and use the -p switch:
mkdir -p Projects/ancient mkdir Projects/classical mkdir Projects/medieval or
mkdir -p Projects/{ancient,classical,medieval}
Create the 'Projects' Subdirectories Create the subdirectory structure:
mkdir Projects/ancient/egyptian mkdir Projects/ancient/nubian mkdir Projects/classical/greek mkdir Projects/medieval/britain mkdir Projects/medieval/japan or
mkdir Projects/ancient/{egyptian,nubian} mkdir Projects/classical/greek mkdir Projects/medieval/{britain,japan}
Create 'Projects' Empty Files for Next Step Create the empty files for later use:
touch Projects/ancient/nubian/further_research.txt touch Projects/classical/greek/further_research.txt
Rename a 'Projects' Subdirectory The user would like for the classical directory to be renamed to greco-roman.
mv Projects/classical Projects/greco-roman
Try out different compression methods Take a look at the original size of your junk.txt file, and make note of it:
ls -lh junk.txt First, let's try the gzip compression method. The following command will compress the junk.txt file using gzip:
gzip junk.txt Now, run the 'ls' command to view the size of the file:
ls -lh Notice that the gzip command replaced the original file with a compressed version of it. The other compression commands we will use will do the same. Take note of the smaller size of the file. Then, decompress the gzip file to get the original junk file back:
gunzip junk.txt.gz Next, perform the same steps, using the bzip2 compression method:
bzip2 junk.txt Note that this compression method will take slightly longer than the previous. Make a note of the bzip2 file's size (typically, these file sizes are smaller than gzip compressed files):
ls -lh junk.txt.bz2 Once again, decompress the file to get the original back:
bunzip2 junk.txt.bz2 Now we will try out a newer compression method, using 'xz':
xz junk.txt Note that this compression will take some time as well. Once the command completes, view your file's size:
ls -lh And finally, decompress the file:
unxz junk.txt.xz
Create tar files using the different compression methods. This next set of tasks will focus on working with tar files. First, use the gzip compression method to make a tarball:
tar -cvzf gztar.tar.gz junk.txt Then, make a new tarball using bzip2:
tar -cvjf bztar.tar.bz2 junk.txt Lastly, use xz to make a tarball:
tar -cvJf xztar.tar.xz junk.txt Run the ls command again to compare the file sizes:
ls -lh Notice that creating tar files did not replace the original junk.txt file. Note also how close in size the xz and bzip2 files are to each other.
Practice reading compressed text files. The final group of tasks will demonstrate how to read compressed files, without decompressing them on your disk. First, copy over the /etc/passwd file to your home directory:
cp /etc/passwd . Now, compress the file using bzip2 into a tarball:
tar -cvjf passwd.tar.bz2 passwd Use the bzcat command to read the bzip2 compressed file:
bzcat passwd.tar.bz2 Do the same for a gzipped tar file:
tar -cvzf passwd.tar.gz passwd And use the zcat command to read this compressed file:
zcat passwd.tar.gz And finally, create an xz tar file:
tar -cvjf passwd.tar.xz passwd And use the xzcat command to read its contents:
xzcat passwd.tar.xz When done, hand the server over to be graded.
Stdout, standard output > >> stdin, standard input < | wc <
cat file | less
Redirecting (stderr goes to screen) 2> error.log (stderr gets redirected to error log) 2>&1 | less (stderr and stdout gets sent as stdin to less)
tee, Reads data from stdin and writes that data to stdout and files Command is useful for chaining together long commands and viewing output at various stages. Pipe to file and view output
ls -d /usr/share/doc/lib[xX]* | tee file.txt COMMAND | tee FILE Redirect output to multiple locations
xargs, Accepts input from stdin and other commands Commonly used with the find command can be used with other commands
find directory -empty find directory -empty | xargs rm -f faster than exec option
grep -l "junk" test/file_* | xargs -I {} mv {} test/bak/ No need for \;
find ~ -name "*.sh" | xargs ls -al > scripts.txt
ps, top
man proc, man page for /proc pseudo file system directory
man signal, manpages for the various signal states of processes
PID, Process ID 1, init/systemd Indented lines, child processes
ps -u USERNAME Find processes spawned by user
ps -e List all processes from all users
top k PID Kill's PID
free, uptime, kill, pkill
pgrep, Find process information based on process name
pgrep process/PID Only returns PID by default
pgrep -a PROCESS Returns more information
pgrep -u USER List all processes by user
sigkill 9, kill sigterm 15, terminate nicely Be aware of stale PID files
sighup 1, hangup
Prepend kill command with sudo command sudo kill PID
pkill -x process Only kill processes that match name
killall kills all process based on a named provided as an argument
watch, screen
tmux modern terminal window manager with extra features
screen watch -n TIME COMMAND detach, ctrl+a d re-attach screen -r
screen -r screenID
tmux detach, ctrl+b d
tmux ls, shows running sessions
tmux attach-session -t sessionID
nohup, command preceded by nohup receives signal 1, sends to background
bg, sends a job to the background while it keeps running
& When applied to the end of a command, the command is sent to the background
fg, Brings a job that is in the background to the foreground
jobs, Displays a listing of jobs that are in the background
nice, used to define a new nice level before an application is started renice, used to change the nice level of an application that is already running
All processes need to use CPU time -20 highest priority 19 lowest priority 0 is the default for most processes
Only sudo/root can lower nice level Anyone can raise the nice level
ps -o pid,nice,cmd,user default shows username
Start with higher nice level nice -n 5 COMMAND
renice -n LEVEL PID ^^ If you lower you need sudo/root
Renice in top r Provide pid Provide new level
Similar to file globbing. Common regex . represents a single character ^ Search the beginning of a line $ Search the end of a line [abc] Search for specified characters [^abc] Search for characters besides these
- match zero or more of the preceding characters or expression
grep g.m FILE . stands in for any character
grep ^rpc FILE What lines start with rpc?
grep EXPRESSION$ FILE Show lines that end with EXPRESSION$
grep ^[Aa].[Aa] FILE Look for lines that start with Aa anycharacter and Aa
grep ^[Aa].[Aa][^h] Lines with
grep var* Show lines that match 0 or more of the characters preceeding the wildcard
sed can operate on files using regex
egrep searchs a specified file line by line returning lines that contain a pattern matching a given regex equivalent to 'grep -E'
egrep -c 'bash$' /etc/passwd Count
egrep '^rpc|nologin$' FILE Look for lines that start with rpc or end with nologin
fgrep Searches based on strings rather than pattenrs equivalent to 'grep -F'
fgrep -f STRINGS FILE Uses strings in a file to look for
fgrep -f STRINGS FILE*
Per man pages: -E, --extended-regexp
Interpret PATTERNS as extended regular expressions (EREs, see below).
-F, --fixed-strings
Interpret PATTERNS as fixed strings, not regular expressions.
Working with Basic Regular Expressions Introduction Hello there. We've got a few simple tasks we need to perform, just to get the hang of regular expressions. We'll be reading some text files and redirecting some output (output that we'll decide on using regular expressions) to other text files.
Locate HTTP Services We want to read all of the lines in /etc/services that start with http (but not any that start with httpx) and send them to ~/http-services.txt.
This will get it done for us:
grep ^http[^x] /etc/services > ~/http-services.txt To check if we have what we want in the new file, run:
cat ~/http-services.txt Locate LDAP Services This one is a little trickier. We want to find all of the lines in /etc/services that start with ldap. The fifth character can be any alphanumeric character, but the sixth character can not be an a. We'll dump the output into ~/lpic1-ldap.txt.
grep ^ldap.[^a] /etc/services > ~/lpic1-ldap.txt To check if we have what we want in the new file, run:
cat ~/lpic1-ldap.txt Refine the HTTP Results We want to read the ~/http-services.txt file that we created earlier, and just look at lines that don't end with the word service. This grep command will do it:
grep -v service$ ~/http-services.txt > ~/http-updated.txt To check if we have what we want in the new file, run:
cat ~/http-updated.txt
vimtutor vim tutorial Honestly we all know how to use Vim...
Introduction Welcome to Vim, and a lab where we'll walk through some basics of using it. We're going to create a text file with Vim, and edit it.
Create a New File We're going to create a new file called notes.txt in /home/cloud_user.
cd vim notes.txt Now, to add the text Beginning of Notes File, we need to get into insert mode, by pressing i. We can start typing now once we're in insert mode.
Leave two blank lines after Beginning of Notes File. Now, to save the file and quit Vim, we have to first hit Esc (to get out of insert mode), type :wq! (write and quit).
Send Data to notes.txt Using the cat command and output redirection, send the contents of the /etc/redhat-release file to the end of the notes.txt file, taking care to append the contents so as to not overwrite the file (using >>, not >)
Run this to append notes.txt with the contents of /etc/redhat-release:
cat /etc/redhat-release >> notes.txt Modify notes.txt Let's open notes.txt again for editing. We'll place the cursor before the opening parenthesis around the word Core and use a keyboard shortcut to delete the text from there to the end of the line. We'll leave two more blank lines at the end of the file and then save and quit again.
Here are all of the steps to do that:
Open the file: vim notes.txt Use the arrow keys to move to the beginning parentheses before Core Remove text from the cursor's position to end of line: SHIFT D (or d$) Create a blank line under where the cursor is o Hit Enter to create the second blank line Hit Esc to leave insert mode Hitting o added a blank line, but also put us in insert mode Write and quit:
- wq!
Then, we're going to jump to the third line of the file, enter some text, and make another blank line afterward.
Here are all of the steps to do that:
Append the notes.txt: free -m >> notes.txt Edit notes.txt: vim notes.txt Navigate to the Swap line with arrow keys. Delete the line: dd Create a blank line under where the cursor is (and put us in insert mode): o Hit Enter to create the second blank line. Hit Esc to get out of insert mode. Get to the 3rd line of file:
- 3
- wq!
We'll do it like this:
Append the notes.txt: dbus-uuidgen --get >> notes.txt Edit notes.txt: vim notes.txt Get right to the end of the file: G (Capital G) Get into insert mode: i Type "Dbus ID = " (with a space between the equals sign and the dbus-uuidgen --get command's output). Only type the text within the quotation marks. Write and quit:
- wq!
lsblk, command used to list out block devices (such as hard drives) fdisk, legacy command used to create partitions of the MBR (DOS) type parted, modern command used to create partitions of MBR or GPT types
Partition ID's: 83 - standard Linux filesystems 82 - Linux swap partitions 8e - Linux LVM Volumes
Old school method fdisk /dev/sda m, help command
n, create new partition table p, primary e, extended LPIC doesn't cover hard disk geometry, use default Press enter at the prompt Indicate size in kb/mb/gb Use default w write partition to disk
Need to create file system and mount it
fdisk -l, list out partitions.
Create partitions w/ parted tool parted /dev/vdb help, show commands
mklabel msdos for MBR method mkpart primary/extended? primary First and only partition By default uses ext2
parted doesn't go by cylinders, but by Megabytes Input 1 signify the start Input 1000 to signify the end (approx 1 GB) p to view table
gdisk, command in style of fdisk, used to create GPT partitions on disk parted, can be used to create both MBR and GPT disk partitions
When dealing with GPT use the parted/gdisk command Use default partition number Start at first sector Accept default first sector Specify a size for partition, +500M Defaults to 83/8300 file systems Typically followed by two zeroes p, view partition table
Not written to disk, write with w key Asks if you wish to complete, enter Y press enter
parted /dev/DEVICE mklabel gpt mkpart Partiion name? optional File system type? Use default ext2 Start? 1M End? 500M p, view partition table
lsblk to view tables
fdisk, gdisk, parted Any of these tools can be used to create swap partitions
mkswap, used to format a partition to be used as swap space
swapon, enable swap partition swapoff, disables a swap partition
Create new partition and make swap partition start with lsblk
use gdisk gdisk /dev/DEVICE p, view partitions n, new partition Defaults to 2, detects existing partition. Use default 2 First sector, default Last sector, default
Defaults to 8300, L to show codes 8200 for SWAP
Write to disk, w COnfirm w/ y lsblk to confirm layout
mkswap -L SWAP /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION -L, makes label Pay attention to UUID, Label
swapon -a -a, Anything marked as swap in /etc/fstab Skips already on swap Newly created SWAP doesn't exist in fstab yet
swapon -U UUID swapon -L SWAP
free -m, check for new swap Will not persist after reboot
vim /etc/fstab File System TABle
New entry /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION ^^ Valid and will work, not exactly best practice Kernel potentially will mount disk wrong
Use UUID/LABEL LABEL=SWAP swap swap defaults 0 0 0 dumping 1 turns it on Don't want to back it up
Last column, filesystem checking Checks filesystem to see if all info is intact Nothing to protect/backup Save/close file
New swap should be in place after reboot Don't actually have to reboot to check Turn off swap swapoff -L SWAP confirm with free command swapon -a ^^ Re-reads fstab Confirm with free
Linux files systems are in two categories Journaling/non-Journaling Non-Journaling: ext2 - legacy file system released in 1993 Journaling: Uses a journal to keep track of changes that have not been written yet ext3, introduced journaling ext4, added features such as SSD support XFS, created for the IRIX OS. Default for CentOS 7/RHEL
Btrfs Rather than taking a file and sending to disk, uses Copy on Write (CoW) If you modify the file original file is copied and data is written in file Only changes are recorded Helpful to roll back to a previous version of a file Uses subvolumes Similar to partitions Accessed like a directory Still in active development
LPIC only wants you to be aware of it Provides snapshots Subvolume that refereneses the original data's location Snapshot a 500GB volume in just a few seconds
FAT file systems File Allocation Table Linux can use vFAT which allows for longer file names EFI boot partitions need to use a FAT partition On linux this will be a vfat partition
Newer FAT file, exFAT - Extended FAT file system allows files over 2 GB Primarily used for external drives, usb drives etc. Not enabled by default Need to install a driver to use exFAT
mkfs, creates a new file system on a partition mkfs -t [fs-type] mkfs.[fstype]
mkfs.ext4 -L LABEL /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION confirm w/ lsblk -f
blkid Displays the file systems Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID)
blkid /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION Shows Label, UUID, Type
mkfs.xfs -L OPT /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION xfs different output It's set of built in tools
df shows available disk space on a file system du shows disk space in use df -h du -sh
inode, INdex NOde stores information about files and folders such as permissions, ownership and file type Most file systems contain a maximum number of inodes it can contain.
Display inode info: ls -i df -i du --inodes, shows how many inodes are in use by each directory
tmpfs file systems are temporary and won't persist after server reboots
du -h --max-depth=2 Only want to see how much space is used within the first two directories
fsck, file system check utility. Can be invoked via command line and configured in fstab. Devices must be unmounted before a check can run.
e3fsck, file system utility ch3eck for ext2/3/4 file systems. Can replay system's journal.
mke2fs, Utility for creating new ext2/3/4 file systems
tune2fs, Utility to adjust parameters on an ext2/3/4 file system.
umount /dev fsck -r LABEL=LABEL
Second number column in /etc/fstab (0 0) shows order partition is checked root / should be 1
e2fsck /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION If it comes back clean even though you've had issues re-run check with -f e2fsck -f /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION
create a brand new file system on a new partition new partition configuration file mke2fs conf file /etc/mke2fs.conf
mke2fs -t ext4 -L LABEL /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION
tune2fs -i 3w /DEV/DEVICE_PARTITION Next check after will show when file system check will be run Directory that gets created, lost + found
mount /dev/DEVICE_PARTITION /PATH/TO/DESTINATION If a filecheck locates damaged data it will be moved to lost+found
xfs_repair, Utility to repair XFS file systems xfs_fst, reorganizes data stored in blocks on an XFS file system. Similar to Windows disk defrag. Needs to be mounted.
xfs_fsr /path/to/defrag
xfs_db, used to debug an XFS file system Unmount filesystem Interactive command frag, check on fragmentation
/opt local filesystem Need more space for file directory /dev/sdb1 Mount to /opt directory Each directory is a docking port Data saved to /dev/DEVICE stays on drive If you need database to be consistently available you'll need to create an /etc/fstab LABEL=opt /opt ext4 defaults 1 2 ^^ Example fstab option
Mount command and detect type of file system Filesystem Independent Mount Options async, data will be written asynchronsly ro, mount as read only
LABEL=OPT /opt rw,exec,suid,auto 1 2
mount /root/install.iso -t TYPE -o ro,loop /media loop for files
Create a New Partition Run the lsblk command to verify that you have a /dev/nvme1n1 device available. Once confirmed, create a partition on the /dev/nvme1n1 disk using fdisk (note you will need to run sudo for these commands) that uses the entire disk:
lsblk sudo fdisk /dev/nvme1n1
Create the File System Create a new XFS file system on this partition with the mkfs.xfs command. Once that is complete, run the blkid command on the newly created partition to obtain the UUID. Make a note of this UUID:
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/nvme1n1p1 sudo blkid /dev/nvme1n1p1 Mount the new File System and Make it Permanent Edit the /etc/fstab file and create a new entry at the bottom for your new disk. The format should follow the following (be sure to use your disk's UUID from the previous step):
UUID=YOURUUID /opt xfs defaults 0 0
Save and close the file, then run the sudo mount -a command to mount new partition. A df -h /opt command should show you roughly 5GB available for the /opt directory.
chmod basics symbolic r read w write x execute - no permission 4 read 2 write 1 execute 0 no permission 6 = rw-, etc. Owner,Group,World permissions
I'm admittedly kinda sloppy here since anyone reading this should know this...
chown, change ownership chmod, change permissions chgrp, change group ownership
chown :group file chgrp group file
Only root can change ownership
SUID set user id bit. Files with an 's' in the place of the 'x' permission within the user's column have this set. Note that this will not work on BASH scripts anymore. Many file systems can be mounted with the 'nosuid' option.
SGID Set group id bit. Files and folders with the s in the place of the 'x' permissions within the groups column hve this set. This assigns group ownership to files Useful for shared group directories
Sticky Bit Permission has a 't' in place of an 'x' in the other's column. This permission only allows the creator of a file to remove the file.
Apply group id chmod -R 2770 /directory check perms w/ ls -ld /directory chgrp folder
sticky bit is useful for temp directory t is added to end chmod 1777 /directory confirm with ls -l FILE
umask, show current umask settings Can also be used to set a new umask value for the current shell session.
Default permissions 777 directories 666 files
umask value Subtract the umask value from the default permission to get the current permission value.
expr 777 - 002 expr 666 - 002
Permanent Configuration /etc/bashrc = umask set for whole system /home/[user]/.bashrc = umask set for user
Reset Permissions on /opt/myapp Directory In order to allow access to the /opt/myapp directory, the student will need to provide specific permissions to the directory itself so it can be read by users other than the owner.
Accomplish this task with:
sudo chmod 755 /opt/myapp Optionally, although less secure, the following would meet the requirements as well:
sudo chmod 777 /opt/myapp check_circle Permissions on Files and Folders Within /opt/myapp The student is asked to allow read and write permissions to all files and folders within the /opt/myapp directory (including files within the subfolders recursively).
This task can be completed successfully via:
sudo chmod 666 -R /opt/myapp/* Note: For users to be able to navigate into directories, the directories must be set as executable. You can do this with:
sudo find /opt/myapp -type d -exec chmod o+x {} \;
ln creates a hard link to a file This type of link will only work on the file system of the originating file
ln -s creates a symbolic soft link to a file or directory. Links of this type can traverse file systems.
unlink removes a link from a file/folder. Not covered on LPIC-1
Create a Symbolic (soft) Link Using the ln command, create a symbolic link from the file /etc/redhat-release to a new link file named release in the cloud_user's home directory. Using the ls command, verify that the link is valid. Use the cat command on the /home/cloud_user/release file to verify its contents.
Can be completed with:
ln -s /etc/redhat-release release ls -l cat /etc/redhat-release Check the Inode Numbers for the Link Using the ls command, first look at the inode number for the /home/cloud_user/release link and then check the inode number for /etc/redhat-release. They should be different, as the symbolic link is just a new file system entry that references the original file.
Viewing the inodes can be done via:
ls -i release ls -i /etc/redhat-release Create a Hard Link Create a directory called docs in your home directory. Copy the /etc/services file into this new docs directory. Using the ln command again, create a hard link from /home/cloud_user/docs/services to a link file named /home/cloud_user/services. Use the ls command to verify the link's inode number, and the inode number for the original /etc/services file.
The commands to accomplish this task are:
mkdir docs cp /etc/services docs/ ln docs/services services ls -l ls -i services ls -i docs/services Attempt to Create a Hard Link Across File Systems Using the ln command, attempt to make a hard link from /home/cloud_user/docs/services to /opt/services (you will have write permissions to this location). Why does this not work?
To see the behavior of this task, try the following:
lsblk ln docs/services /opt/services Attempt to Create a Symbolic Link Across File Systems Once more using the ln command, attempt to create a soft link from /etc/redhat-release to /opt/release. Why does this work, but creating a hard link fails? Turn the system over for grading when complete.
Creating the soft link should succeed, even across filesystems, like so:
sudo ln -s /etc/redhat-release /opt/release ls -i /etc/redhat-release ls -i /opt/release
Where computer data is stored ona a storage device Organized and eaily located Data saved in a persistent manner Data integrity preserved Data can be quickly retrieved for a user in a later point in time
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) Directory structure: Inverted tree with a single root Case sensitive Paths are delimited by a forward slash / Any folder/file preceded by a . are hidden A single . in a directory refers to the current directory A double dot refers to the parent directory
locate, command that searches a local database of files and folder looking for items that match the search criteria
updatedb, updates the database the locate command uses
whereis, This command locates binary, source and/or manual pages for a command