Now deprecated in favor of rust-wildbow-scraper. Go use that instead!
Scrapes wildbow's twig, pact and worm into epubs with some extra ease-of-use features. Run node app.js with -t, -w, -g, -r or -p to scrape twig, worm, glow-worm, ward or pact respectively. --help for more info. New: Now scrapes Ward(Worm 2)!
All you'll need is npm and node. Run:
git clone
cd reimagined-wildbow-scraper
npm install
node app.js [options]
You might want to add an alias such as alias riws = node ~/reimagined-wildbow-scraper/app.js
to make it easier to use.
node app.js --help
for list of commands:
-V, --version output the version number
-r , --resume <json> Resume from JSON file
-a, --ward Scrape Ward
-w, --worm Scrape Worm
-t, --twig Scrape Twig
-p, --pact Scrape Pact
-g, --glow_worm Scrape Worm 2 Prologue
-h, --help output usage information
It'll output an epub and a json file in your current directory. If you want to, you can save the json file and use to to resume later, saving you from having to download the whole rest of whatever book you're following along with.