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BLSSignatureChecker.sol Singleton Transparent proxy
OperatorStateRetriever.sol Singleton None

BLSSignatureChecker and OperatorStateRetriever perform (respectively) the onchain and offchain portions of BLS signature validation for the aggregate of a quorum's registered Operators.

The OperatorStateRetriever has various view methods intended to be called by offchain infrastructure in order to prepare a call to BLSSignatureChecker.checkSignatures. These methods traverse the state histories kept by the various registry contracts (see ./ to query states at specific block numbers.

These historical states are then used within BLSSignatureChecker to validate a BLS signature formed from an aggregated subset of the Operators registered for one or more quorums at some specific block number.

High-level Concepts

This document organizes methods according to the following themes (click each to be taken to the relevant section):



function checkSignatures(
    bytes32 msgHash, 
    bytes calldata quorumNumbers,
    uint32 referenceBlockNumber, 
    NonSignerStakesAndSignature memory params
    returns (QuorumStakeTotals memory, bytes32)

struct NonSignerStakesAndSignature {
    uint32[] nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices;
    BN254.G1Point[] nonSignerPubkeys;
    BN254.G1Point[] quorumApks;
    BN254.G2Point apkG2;
    BN254.G1Point sigma;
    uint32[] quorumApkIndices;
    uint32[] totalStakeIndices;
    uint32[][] nonSignerStakeIndices;

struct QuorumStakeTotals {
    uint96[] signedStakeForQuorum;
    uint96[] totalStakeForQuorum;

The goal of this method is to allow an AVS to validate a BLS signature formed from the aggregate pubkey ("apk") of Operators registered in one or more quorums at some referenceBlockNumber.

Some notes on method parameters:

  • msgHash is the hash being signed by the apk. Note that the caller is responsible for ensuring msgHash is a hash! If someone can provide arbitrary input, it may be possible to tamper with signature verification.
  • referenceBlockNumber is the reason each registry contract keeps historical states: so that lookups can be performed on each registry's info at a particular block. This is important because Operators may sign some data on behalf of an AVS, then deregister from one or more of the AVS's quorums. Historical states allow signature validation to be performed against a "fixed point" in AVS/quorum history.
  • quorumNumbers is used to perform signature validation across one or more quorums. Also, Operators may be registered for more than one quorum - and for each quorum an Operator is registered for, that Operator's pubkey is included in that quorum's apk within the BLSApkRegistry. This means that, when calculating an apk across multiple quorumNumbers, Operators registered for more than one of these quorums will have their pubkey included more than once in the total apk.
  • params contains both a signature from all signing Operators, as well as several fields that identify registered, non-signing Operators. While non-signing Operators haven't contributed to the signature, but need to be accounted for because, as Operators registered for one or more signing quorums, their public keys are included in that quorum's apk. Essentially, in order to validate the signature, nonsigners' public keys need to be subtracted out from the total apk to derive the apk that actually signed the message.

This method performs the following steps. Note that each step involves lookups of historical state from referenceBlockNumber, but the writing in this section will use the present tense because adding "at the referenceBlockNumber" everywhere gets confusing. Steps follow:

  1. Calculate the total nonsigner apk, an aggregate pubkey composed of all nonsigner pubkeys. For each nonsigner:
    • Query the RegistryCoordinator to get the nonsigner's registered quorums.
    • Multiply the nonsigner's pubkey by the number of quorums in quorumNumbers the nonsigner is registered for.
    • Add the result to the total nonsigner apk.
  2. Calculate the negative of the total nonsigner apk.
  3. For each quorum:
    • Query the BLSApkRegistry to get the quorum apk: the aggregate pubkey of all Operators registered for that quorum.
    • Add the quorum apk to the total nonsigner apk. This effectively subtracts out any pubkeys belonging to nonsigning Operators in the quorum, leaving only pubkeys of signing Operators. We'll call the result the total signing apk.
    • Query the StakeRegistry to get the total stake for the quorum.
    • For each nonsigner, if the nonsigner is registered for the quorum, query the StakeRegistry for their stake and subtract it from the total. This leaves only stake belonging to signing Operators.
  4. Use the msgHash, the total signing apk, params.apkG2, and params.sigma to validate the BLS signature.
  5. Return the total stake and signing stakes for each quorum, along with a hash identifying the referenceBlockNumber and non-signers

Entry Points (EigenDA):


  • Input validation:
    • Quorum-related fields MUST have equal lengths: quorumNumbers, params.quorumApks, params.quorumApkIndices, params.totalStakeIndices, params.nonSignerStakeIndices
    • Nonsigner-related fields MUST have equal lengths: params.nonSignerPubkeys, params.nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices
    • referenceBlockNumber MUST be less than block.number
    • quorumNumbers MUST be an ordered list of valid, initialized quorums
    • params.nonSignerPubkeys MUST ONLY contain unique pubkeys, in ascending order of their pubkey hash
  • For each quorum:
    • If stale stakes are forbidden (see BLSSignatureChecker.setStaleStakesForbidden), check the last quorumUpdateBlockNumber is within DelegationManager.minWithdrawalDelayBlocks of referenceBlockNumber. This references a value in the EigenLayer core contracts - see EigenLayer core docs for more info.
    • Validate that each params.quorumApks corresponds to the quorum's apk at the referenceBlockNumber
  • For each historical state lookup, the referenceBlockNumber and provided index MUST point to a valid historical entry:
    • referenceBlockNumber MUST come after the entry's updateBlockNumber
    • The entry's nextUpdateBlockNumber MUST EITHER be 0, OR greater than referenceBlockNumber


These methods perform very gas-heavy lookups through various registry states, and are called by offchain infrastructure to construct calldata for a call to BLSSignatureChecker.checkSignatures:

OperatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState (operatorId)

function getOperatorState(
    IRegistryCoordinator registryCoordinator, 
    bytes32 operatorId, 
    uint32 blockNumber
    returns (uint256, Operator[][] memory)

struct Operator {
    bytes32 operatorId;
    uint96 stake;

Traverses history in the RegistryCoordinator, IndexRegistry, and StakeRegistry to retrieve information on an Operator (given by operatorId) and the quorums they are registered for at a specific blockNumber. Returns:

  • uint256: a bitmap of the quorums the Operator was registered for at blockNumber
  • Operator[][]: For each of the quorums mentioned above, this is a list of the Operators registered for that quorum at blockNumber, containing each Operator's operatorId and stake.

OperatorStateRetriever.getOperatorState (quorumNumbers)

function getOperatorState(
    IRegistryCoordinator registryCoordinator, 
    bytes memory quorumNumbers, 
    uint32 blockNumber
    returns(Operator[][] memory)

Traverses history in the RegistryCoordinator, IndexRegistry, and StakeRegistry to retrieve information on the Operator set registered for each quorum in quorumNumbers at blockNumber. Returns:

  • Operator[][]: For each quorum in quorumNumbers, this is a list of the Operators registered for that quorum at blockNumber, containing each Operator's operatorId and stake.


function getCheckSignaturesIndices(
    IRegistryCoordinator registryCoordinator,
    uint32 referenceBlockNumber, 
    bytes calldata quorumNumbers, 
    bytes32[] calldata nonSignerOperatorIds
    returns (CheckSignaturesIndices memory)

struct CheckSignaturesIndices {
    uint32[] nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices;
    uint32[] quorumApkIndices;
    uint32[] totalStakeIndices;  
    uint32[][] nonSignerStakeIndices; // nonSignerStakeIndices[quorumNumberIndex][nonSignerIndex]

Traverses histories in the RegistryCoordinator, IndexRegistry, StakeRegistry, and BLSApkRegistry to retrieve information on one or more quorums' Operator sets and nonsigning Operators at a given referenceBlockNumber.

The return values are all "indices," because of the linear historical state each registry keeps. Offchain code calls this method to compute indices into historical state, which later is leveraged for cheap lookups in BLSSignatureChecker.checkSignatures (rather than traversing over the history during an onchain operation).

For each quorum, this returns:

  • uint32[] nonSignerQuorumBitmapIndices: The indices in RegistryCoordinator._operatorBitmapHistory where each nonsigner's registered quorum bitmap can be found at referenceBlockNumber. Length is equal to the number of nonsigners included in nonSignerOperatorIds
  • uint32[] quorumApkIndices: The indices in BLSApkRegistry.apkHistory where the quorum's apk can be found at referenceBlockNumber. Length is equal to the number of quorums in quorumNumbers.
  • uint32[] totalStakeIndices: The indices in StakeRegistry._totalStakeHistory where each quorum's total stake can be found at referenceBlockNumber. Length is equal to the number of quorums in quorumNumbers.
  • uint32[][] nonSignerStakeIndices: For each quorum, a list of the indices of each nonsigner's StakeRegistry.operatorStakeHistory entry at referenceBlockNumber. Length is equal to the number of quorums in quorumNumbers, and each sub-list is equal in length to the number of nonsigners in nonSignerOperatorIds registered for that quorum at referenceBlockNumber

System Configuration


function setStaleStakesForbidden(
    bool value

This method allows the RegistryCoordinator Owner to update staleStakesForbidden in the BLSSignatureChecker. If stale stakes are forbidden, BLSSignatureChecker.checkSignatures will perform an additional check when querying each quorum's apk, Operator stakes, and total stakes.

This additional check requires that each quorum was updated within a certain block window of the referenceBlockNumber passed into BLSSignatureChecker.checkSignatures.


  • Sets staleStakesForbidden to value


  • Caller MUST be the RegistryCoordinator Owner