- ❄️ nixvim && community!
- ❄️ siph
- ❄️ elythh
- ❄️ gwg313
- ❄️ MikaelFangel
- ❄️ solid-sinusoid
Codium: with ability to connect project context to your account.
Hardtime: For forcing you to learn vim, and get hint of better ways.
Precognition: For vim suggestions.
Glow: To toggle markdown preview.
LazyGit: For easy git management.
Linting, formatting, syntax highlighting, etc...for most languages.
Keep context for deeply nested code.
A Nix version of Neovim.
Nixvim input is locked to prevent breaking changes.
These commands are also used with spacebar menu list.
Just to list to make you aware of them.
:h holy-grail # see everything vim can do
:Telescope keymaps # search set keymaps
You can run this directly from the command line with:
nix run gitlab:megacron/megavim
You can also plug this into a flake to include it into a system configuration.
Make sure that neovim is UNINSTALLED!! Otherwise megavim cannot set itself as default!
# flake.nix need commitHash in order to guarantee proper build so be sure to paste in latest commit
inputs = {
# without commitHashLatest megavim would build from flake source instead of its own
megavim.url = "gitlab:megacron/megavim?rev=commitHashLatest";
# configuration.nix
{ inputs, system, ... }:
# NixOS
environment.systemPackages = [ inputs.megavim.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ];
# home-manager
home.packages = [ inputs.megavim.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ];
This input can then be used as an overlay to replace the default neovim.
This means that we DO install neovim, then overlay it.
{ megavim, ... }:
overlays = (final: prev: {
neovim = megavim.packages.${prev.system}.default;
devShells.default = nixpkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = [ megavim.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ];
You can find more information on building your own flake