- name of the plugin: Public file uploader plugin
- author: Felix Gründer
- current version:
- tested on OJS version: 2.4.6
- github link: https://github.com/ojsde/publicFileUploader.git
- community plugin: no
- date: 25.5.2016
In addition to the Files Browser where the journal manager can store files, this plugin provides the possibility to upload and manage files being publicly accessible (in contrast to the Files Browser, where the user has to be logged in to access the files). This feature has been implemented as a plugin for the TinyMCE editor, which comprises a corresponding icon (provided that the current user has at least the role proof reader)
- Download and unzip the archive https://github.com/ojsde/publicFileUploader/archive/ojs_stable_2_4_6.zip
- copy the directory lib/pkp/lib/tinyMCE/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/publicfileuploader into the directory lib/pkp/lib/tinyMCE/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins of your OJS installation
- copy the directory pages/publicfiles into the directory pages
- replace the following 3 files in the directory plugins/generic: a) customBlockManager/CustomBlockEditForm.inc.php b) staticPages/StaticPagesEditForm.inc.php c) tinyMCE/TinyMCEPlugin.inc.php by the corresponding files in the directory plugins/generic of the zip folder
reading access to OJS tables: 0
writing access to OJS tables: 0
new tables: 0
recurring server access: yes
writing/reading files to/from [files_dir]/publicuploads/[journalID]
OJS classes used (php): 5
classes.handler.Handler plugins.generic.tinymce.TinyMCEPlugin lib.pkp.classes.file.FileManager plugins.generic.customBlockManager.CustomBlockEditForm plugins.generic.staticPages.StaticPagesSettingsForm
necessary plugins: 1
TinyMCE Plugin
optional plugins: 0
use of external software: no
file upload: yes
directory: [files_dir]/publicuploads/[journalID]
- number of files: 18
config.inc.php, section [files]
public_files_max_size (default: 20MB)
- plugin category: generic
does using the plugin require special (background)-knowledge?: no
access restrictions: yes
in order to manage files with this plugin, the user has to be logged in with a role other than subscription manager, reader and author