These files will help you add Language Codes easily to your laravel project.
Project includes Names of the languages and 2 character codes of them. For ex: Language Name: Turkish, Code:tr
Copy 2019_01_01_000000_create_languages_table.php file under your laravel project on migrations folder which can be found on /YOUR_LARAVEL_PROJECT_LOCATION/database/migrations
Copy LanguagesTableSeeder.php file under your laravel project on seeds folder which can be found on /YOUR_LARAVEL_PROJECT_LOCATION/database/seeds
Edit your DatabaseSeeder.php file as show on this project by adding LanguagesTableSeeder::class, line to public function run. (DatabaseSeeder.php can be found on /YOUR_LARAVEL_PROJECT_LOCATION/database/seeds)
After these 3 steps you are done.
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan db:seed --class=LanguagesTableSeeder
Every suggestion is welcomed.