- Archlinux
- i3-gaps
- libinput-gestures
- vimium(chromium extension)
- neovim
- emacs
- tmux
- fish
- termite
- vscode
- polybar
- caps2esc
keybinding | map | explanation |
swipe up 3 | xdotool key super+f | fullscreen |
swipe down 3 | xdotool key super+e | layout toggle split |
swipe left 4 | xdotool key super+bracketleft | workspace_prev |
swipe right 4 | xdotool key super+bracketright | workspace_next |
swipe left 3 | xdotool key Alt_L+Left | |
swipe right 3 | xdotool key Alt_L+Right | |
pinch out 2 | xdotool key ctrl+KP_Add | |
pinch in 2 | xdotool key ctrl+KP_Subtract | |
keybinding | map | explanation |
$mod+Shift+h | move left | |
$mod+Shift+j | move down | |
$mod+Shift+k | move up | |
$mod+Shift+l | move right | |
$mod+s | layout stacking | |
$mod+t | layout tabbed | |
$mod+e | layout toggle split | |
$mod+q | kill | kill focused window |
$mod+w | exec rofi -show window | show windows |
$mod+d | exec rofi -show drun | rofi show desktop |
$mod+h | focus left | |
$mod+j | focus down | |
$mod+k | focus up | |
$mod+l | focus right | |
$mod+b | split toggle | |
I use C-T to open new tab and C-w to kill tab.
keybinding | map | explanation |
C-c | (C-[)/ESC | exit |
t | Vomnibar.activateTabSelection | select opened tab |
Some personal perferences with spacemacs like keybindings.