Due to the need to upload large files the following tuning parameters must be applied.
Patch the storagecluster for this example the name of the storage cluster is ocs-external-storagecluster
oc patch -n openshift-storage storagecluster ocs-external-storagecluster \\n --type merge \\n --patch '{"spec": {"resources": {"noobaa-core": {"limits": {"cpu": "3","memory": "4Gi"},"requests": {"cpu": "3","memory": "4Gi"}},"noobaa-db": {"limits": {"cpu": "3","memory": "4Gi"},"requests": {"cpu": "3","memory": "4Gi"}},"noobaa-endpoint": {"limits": {"cpu": "3","memory": "4Gi"},"requests": {"cpu": "3","memory": "4Gi"}}}}}'
Also patch the backingstore
oc patch BackingStore object-backing-store --type='merge' -p '{\n "spec": {\n "pvPool": {\n "resources": {\n "limits": {\n "cpu": "1000m",\n "memory": "4000Mi"\n },\n "requests": {\n "cpu": "500m",\n "memory": "500Mi"\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}'
This should cause the relevant Noobaa pod to be restarted with the new requests and limits to be defined.