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API Static Documentation

In this section we document how we decided to recreate static documentation for our APIs. The components that we use are Swagger, OpenAPI and Redoc.

Runtime documentation with Swagger

First of all, each project exposes a Swagger endpoint at <baseUrl>/swagger-ui/index.html. This is done by adding the following dependency to its pom:


OpenAPI 3.0 descriptor

Swagger exposes also a JSON definition of the APIs at <baseUrl>/v3/api-docs. Since we need it in order to generate Redoc static HTML page, we added an execution in the pom in order to generate a json file in the target folder when code is builded. This is done modifying spring-boot-maven-plugin and adding springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin as follows:

		<apiDocsUrl>{baseUrl}/v3/api-docs</apiDocsUrl> <!-- baseUrl example: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/pp/registry -->

Redoc static HTML page

The final step is to generate the static HTML page with Redoc. We do it with a script, located in the scripts' folder, called at build time with the following plugin added to the pom:


The script does two simple things:

  1. Generates the static HTML page with the following command:
redocly build-docs ./target/openapi.json --output redoc-static.html --theme.openapi.hideHostname
  1. Moves the generated page into the target folder:
mv ./redoc-static.html ./target


In order to generate the HTML page redocly/cli command should be available on the machine performing the build. It can be installed through npm with the following command:

sudo npm i -g @redocly/cli@latest


To install NPM, if missing, use the following command:

sudo apt install npm

Profiles and Doc generation

In order to avoid to create the documentation at each maven command, the <build> attribute parts relative to that task is moved in a <profile> attribute of the pom. This lead to the possibility of generating the documentation only when needed, specifing the profile in the desired maven command.

	<!-- rest of the pom -->
		<!-- ... --->
				<!-- Plugins for doc generation -->

Now, to generate the doc for the desired module, the command will be:

mvn clean verify -DskipTests -Pgenerate-doc

After the execution, in the target directory of the module will reside a redoc-static.html file containing the API doc.

Single projects and full projects documentation

The behaviour explained above works for every single module, so, considering odm-platform as the current working directory, every module exposing API allow to generate the documentation as follows:

cd <module-path>
mvn clean verify -DskipTests -Pgenerate-doc

In addition to this, a script in the root directory allow to generate the documentation for each module and aggregate them in a new redocly-docs directory on the root level (i.e., that is odm-platform).


After the generation, it's also possible to upload the static files to an AWS S3 Bucket with the script upload-redoc-static-html-to-s3 on the root level. This script require:

  • AWS CLI installed
  • 2 parameters:
    • first one, the version of the doc to upload (e.g., 1.0.0)
    • second one, the name of the AWS S3 Bucket
  • 3 environment variables:
    • AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (default value for the official ODM S3 Bucket: eu-central-1)

An example of execution could be:

./ 1.0.0 odmdocbucket

In addition to the S3 options, it could also be possible to upload the static files to the default GitHub repository for the API documentation with the script upload-redoc-static-html-to-github on the root level. This script require:

  • Git
  • SSH Key for editing odminitiative repositories
  • 1 parameter: the version of the pushed documentation (e.g., 1.0.0)

An example of execution could be:

./ 1.0.0

The latter option is also the default one in CICD pipelines.