In this section we document how we decided to recreate static documentation for our APIs. The components that we use are Swagger, OpenAPI and Redoc.
First of all, each project exposes a Swagger endpoint at <baseUrl>/swagger-ui/index.html
This is done by adding the following dependency to its pom:
Swagger exposes also a JSON definition of the APIs at <baseUrl>/v3/api-docs
Since we need it in order to generate Redoc static HTML page, we added an execution in the pom in order to generate a json file in the target folder when code is builded.
This is done modifying spring-boot-maven-plugin and adding springdoc-openapi-maven-plugin as follows:
<apiDocsUrl>{baseUrl}/v3/api-docs</apiDocsUrl> <!-- baseUrl example: http://localhost:8001/api/v1/pp/registry -->
The final step is to generate the static HTML page with Redoc. We do it with a script, located in the scripts' folder, called at build time with the following plugin added to the pom:
The script does two simple things:
- Generates the static HTML page with the following command:
redocly build-docs ./target/openapi.json --output redoc-static.html --theme.openapi.hideHostname
- Moves the generated page into the target folder:
mv ./redoc-static.html ./target
In order to generate the HTML page redocly/cli
command should be available on the machine performing the build. It can be installed through npm with the following command:
sudo npm i -g @redocly/cli@latest
To install NPM, if missing, use the following command:
sudo apt install npm
In order to avoid to create the documentation at each maven command, the <build>
attribute parts relative to that task is moved in a <profile>
attribute of the pom
This lead to the possibility of generating the documentation only when needed, specifing the profile in the desired maven command.
<!-- rest of the pom -->
<!-- ... --->
<!-- Plugins for doc generation -->
Now, to generate the doc for the desired module, the command will be:
mvn clean verify -DskipTests -Pgenerate-doc
After the execution, in the target
directory of the module will reside a redoc-static.html
file containing the API doc.
The behaviour explained above works for every single module, so, considering odm-platform
as the current working directory,
every module exposing API allow to generate the documentation as follows:
cd <module-path>
mvn clean verify -DskipTests -Pgenerate-doc
In addition to this, a script in the root directory allow to generate the documentation for each module
and aggregate them in a new redocly-docs
directory on the root
level (i.e., that is odm-platform
After the generation, it's also possible to upload the static files to an AWS S3 Bucket with the script upload-redoc-static-html-to-s3
on the root
This script require:
- AWS CLI installed
- 2 parameters:
- first one, the version of the doc to upload (e.g., 1.0.0)
- second one, the name of the AWS S3 Bucket
- 3 environment variables:
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION (default value for the official ODM S3 Bucket: eu-central-1)
An example of execution could be:
./ 1.0.0 odmdocbucket
In addition to the S3 options, it could also be possible to upload the static files to the default GitHub repository
for the API documentation with the script upload-redoc-static-html-to-github
on the root
This script require:
- Git
- SSH Key for editing
repositories - 1 parameter: the version of the pushed documentation (e.g., 1.0.0)
An example of execution could be:
./ 1.0.0
The latter option is also the default one in CICD pipelines.