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fe-calculation / 1.5.1

fe-calculation 1.5.1

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @openimis/fe-calculation@1.5.1
Install via package.json:
"@openimis/fe-calculation": "1.5.1"

About this version

openIMIS Frontend Calculation module

This repository holds the files of the openIMIS Frontend Calculation reference module. It is dedicated to be deployed as a module of openimis-fe_js.

License: AGPL v3

Main Menu Contributions


Other Contributions

  • contract.ContractDetails.calculation: display parameters required by multiple calculations for an object
  • policyHolder.PolicyHolderInsuree.calculation: display parameters required by multiple calculations for an object
  • contributionPlan.ContributionPlan.calculation: display parameters required by multiple calculations for an object
  • contributionPlan.ContributionPlan.calculationRule: enable calculation rule selection in Contribution Plan

Available Contribution Points


Published Components


Dispatched Redux Actions

  • CALCULATION_LINKEDCLASSLIST_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching linked classes to be used for fetching calculation parameters
  • CALCULATION_CALCULATIONPARAMSLIST_{REQ|RESP|ERR}, fetching calculation parameters

Other Modules Listened Redux Actions


Other Modules Redux State Bindings

  • state.core.user, to access user info (rights,...)

Configurations Options




  • fe-calculation-1.5.1.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 0
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