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spring-boot-x specification(cn)


  • Manual transaction

    • ManualTransactionManager
  • GeDid: Distributed id generator.

    • RedisIdEngine
    • ZookeeperIdEngine
    • UuidEngine
     public class IdLoaderConfig implements DidLoaderConfigurer {
     	public ZookeeperIdEngineMode zookeeperIdEngineMode() {
     		return ZookeeperIdEngineMode.DATA_ZX_MID;
     	public void configureDidLoader(DidLoader didLoader) {
     		// business abc
     		// business a
     		didLoader.follow("redis", "a");
     		// business b
     		didLoader.follow("redis", "b");
     		// business zk
     		didLoader.follow("zookeeper", "zk");
     		// business uuid
     		didLoader.follow("uuid", "uuid");

    Read More About GeDid

  • Elasticsearch supports

    • the RestHighLevelClientX extension for RestHighLevelClient, simplification for doc operations:saveOrUpdate,deleteById(s),findById(s),search.
    • the ElasticsearchTemplateLite extension for ElasticsearchTemplate
    • base on ElasticsearchTemplate 7.2.0 and dependency jars(rest client & rest high level client)
  • request log:

    :: SpringApplicationX :: for current request report information 
    Client IP  : 
    Request Time  : 2020-07-12T19:24:40.249 
    Controller  : orgg.openingo.x.controller.UserController.(
    URI  : http://localhost:8080/json 
    Handler(Action)  : json
    Method  : GET
    Processing Time  : 0.002s
    Header(s)  : [user-agent:"PostmanRuntime/7.25.0", cache-control:"no-cache", postman-token:"b29a0616-7e31-4150-b022-4bf3680bf771", host:"localhost:8080", accept-encoding:"gzip, deflate, br", connection:"keep-alive", content-length:"21", Content-Type:"application/json;charset=UTF-8"]
    Body  : {"name":"qicz"}
    Response  : {"name":"qicz","age":18}
  • redis template extension, add key naming policy.

  • custom ErrorAttributes, with handler, include exception information:

    add current request handler and exception

        "timestamp": "2020-07-13T05:49:06.071+0000",
        "status": 500,
        "error": "Internal Server Error",
        "exception": "ServiceException",
        "message": "testing exception",
        "path": "/ex",
        "handler": "public java.util.Map org.openingo.x.controller.UserController.ex()",
        "openingo.error": {
            "ex": "ServiceException: testing exception",
            "em": "testing exception",
            "error": "Internal Server Error",
            "ec": "ERROR_CODE"
  • SpringApplicationX more extensions

  • RoutingDataSource (dynamic dataSource)

    • support Hikaricp & Alibaba Druid

    • how?

      @Bean(initMethod = "init", destroyMethod = "close")
      public DruidDataSource defaultDataSource(){
          return new DruidDataSource();
      public RoutingDataSource routingDataSource(DruidDataSource dataSource) {
          return new RoutingDataSource(new DruidDataSourceProvider(dataSource));
       * DataSourceService
       * @author Qicz
      public class DataSourceService implements IDataSourceService {
          RoutingDataSource routingDataSource;
          DruidDataSource dataSource;
          public void switchDataSource(String name) throws SQLException {
              try {
              } finally {
          public void add(String name) {
              DruidDataSourceProvider druidDataSourceProvider = new DruidDataSourceProvider(dataSource.getUrl(), dataSource.getUsername(), dataSource.getPassword());
              routingDataSource.addDataSource(name, druidDataSourceProvider);

      RoutingDataSourceHolder.getCurrentUsingDataSourceKey will get and remove current using.

  • validate groups[TODO]

  • others [TODO]

How to use?

  • Dependency:

  • Add @EnableExtension in your main application class:

  • Configuration:

        enable: true
            allowed-header: "*"
            enable: true
            allowed-all: true
            enable: true
            enable: true
  • RespData.Config

     * Config
     * @author Qicz
    public class Config {
        public Config() {
            RespData.Config.SC_KEY = "ec";
            RespData.Config.SM_KEY = "em";
            RespData.Config.FAILURE_SC = 111;
            //RespData.Config.SM_ONLY = true; // set "true" just output message
            RespData.Config.FRIENDLY_FAILURE_MESSAGE = null;//"friendly message";// set to "null" will using exception's message
    • controller

      public RespData ex1(){
          throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("IndexOutOfBoundsException message");
      public RespData ex2() throws IOException {
          ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
          objectMapper.readValue("[{asd}]", Map.class);
          return RespData.success();
    • /ex1output

          "em": "IndexOutOfBoundsException message",
          "ec": 123
    • /ex1output with friendly message, RespData.Config.FRIENDLY_FAILURE_MESSAGE = "friendly message";

          "em": "friendly message",
          "ec": 123
      • log.error information

        2020-07-13 23:56:00.572 ERROR 35387 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.s.b.w.s.error.DefaultErrorAttributesX  : 
        :: SpringApplicationX :: for current request report information 
        2020-07-13 23:56:00.587 ERROR 35387 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet]    : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception [Request processing failed; nested exception is java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: IndexOutOfBoundsException message] with root cause
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: IndexOutOfBoundsException message
        	at orgg.openingo.x.controller.UserController.ex1( ~[classes/:na]
    • /ex2output

          "em": "Cannot deserialize instance of `java.util.LinkedHashMap` out of START_ARRAY token\n at [Source: (String)\"[{asd}]\"; line: 1, column: 1]",
          "ec": 345
    • /ex2output with friendly message, RespData.Config.FRIENDLY_FAILURE_MESSAGE = "friendly message";

          "em": "friendly message",
          "ec": 345
      • log.error information

        2020-07-14 00:11:15.424 ERROR 35599 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.s.b.w.s.error.DefaultErrorAttributesX  : 
        :: SpringApplicationX :: for current request report information 
        2020-07-14 00:11:15.436 ERROR 35599 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/].[dispatcherServlet]    : Servlet.service() for servlet [dispatcherServlet] in context with path [] threw exception
        com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.util.LinkedHashMap` out of START_ARRAY token
         at [Source: (String)"[{asd}]"; line: 1, column: 1]
        	at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException.from( ~[jackson-databind-]
  • Custom exception error code in your business:

     * BusinessErrorAttributes
     * @author Qicz
    public class BusinessErrorAttributes extends DefaultServiceErrorAttributes {
         * Decorate exception error code, custom for your business logic.
         * <code>
         * <pre>
         * public Object decorateExceptionCode(Exception exception) {
         *    if (exception instanceof IndexOutOfBoundsException) {
         *      return 123;
         *    }
         *   return super.decorateExceptionCode(exception);
         * }
         * </pre>
         * </code>
         * @param exception the exception that got thrown during handler execution
        public Object decorateExceptionCode(Exception exception) {
            if (exception instanceof IndexOutOfBoundsException) {
                return 123;
            return super.decorateExceptionCode(exception);
  • Demo