Tools for authoring shaders using Kotlin's typesafe builders.
The OPENRNDR shader language is a Kotlin specific language.
A simple OPENRNDR program that uses a shade style looks like this:
fun main() = application {
program {
extend {
drawer.shadeStyle = shadeStyle {
fragmentTransform = """float d = cos(va_texCoord0.x) * 0.5 + 0.5;
x_fill = vec4(vec3(d), 1.0);"""
}, 200.0)
That is, a short piece of GLSL code is assigned to fragmentTransform
. Using text for shader code has some downsides: no syntax checks at compile time, no completion in the
editor, and hidden variables.
provides a range of extensions to ShadeStyle
for authoring shade styles using a type-safe builder, or DSL. A shade style written using said extensions looks like this:
fun main() = application {
program {
extend {
drawer.shadeStyle = shadeStyle {
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
val va_texCoord0 by varyingIn<Vector2>()
val d by value13D(Vector3(va_texCoord0, p_time)*10.0).yzw * 0.5 + Vector3(0.5)
x_fill = Vector4(d, 1.0)
parameter("time", seconds * 0.1)
}, 200.0)
The shader language supports the creation of local functions (in contrast to GLSL), however it comes with the limitation of having no support for closures. However, values that are passed in using shader uniforms or vertex attributes can be accessed from within the function scope.
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
val va_texCoord0 by varyingIn<Vector2>()
val f by function<Double, Double> { x ->
x * x + cos(p_time)
val d by f(va_texCoord0.x)
x_fill = Vector4(d, d, d, 1.0)
Note that ORSL currently allows one to construct a function that accesses its parent scope. This will, however,result in a shader that cannot be compiled, since the underlying shader language (GLSL) does not support closures. To demonstrate a shader that incorrectly accesses values outside of its local scope:
val va_texCoord0 by varyingIng<Vector2>()
val notInScope by 2.0
val f by function<Double, Double> { x ->
x * x + cos(p_time) + notInScope
One can use ordinary Kotlin functions as a sort of macro processor.
fragmentTransform {
fun makeFunction(expensive:Boolean) = function<Double, Double> { x ->
var y by Variable(0.0)
// this is a statically evaluated conditional
if (expensive) {
y = sqrt(x)
x * x + cos(y)
val fExpensive by makeFunction(true)
val fCheap by makeFunction(false)
val d by fExpensive(va_texCoord0.x)
x_fill = Vector4(d, d, d, 1.0)
There's a work-around for the lacking closure support in the form of global variables.
var mutableGlobal by global<Double>()
var mutableGlobalWithInitialValue by global(5.0)
val immutableGlobal by global(6.0)
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
val va_texCoord0 by varyingIn<Vector2>()
var someGlobal by global<Double>()
val f by function<Double, Double> { x ->
someGlobal = x
x * x + cos(p_time) + sin(someGlobal)
val d by f(va_texCoord0.x)
x_fill = Vector4(d, d, d, 1.0)
A common Kotlin pattern is run {}
which is used to create anonymous blocks of code with its own local scope. orx-shader-generator
supports run {}
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
val va_texCoord0 by parameter<Vector2>()
val d by run {
val t by va_texCoord0.x + va_texCoord0.y
t + 3.0
x_fill = Vector4(d, d, d, 1.0)
Note that there are two types of for loops that can be used:
- statically evaluated for loops
- dynamically evaluated for loops
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
val va_texCoord0 by varyingIn<Vector2>()
var sum by variable(0.0)
// create a dynamic for loop
var i by variable(0)
i.for_(0 until 20) {
sum += i
val d = cos(sum) * 0.5 + 0.5
x_fill = Vector4(d, d, d, 1.0)
var j by variable(0)
j.for_(0 until 20) {
var i by variable(0)
i.for_(0 until 20) {
sum += i * j
If expressions result in a value.
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
x_fill = if_(p_time lt 2.0) {
Vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).symbol
}.elseIf(p_time lt 4.0) {
Vector4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0).symbol
} else_ {
Vector4(0.9, 0.4, 0.7, 1.0).symbol
Kotlin operator | ORSL operator |
< |
lt |
<= |
lte |
== |
eq |
!= |
neq |
>= |
gte |
> |
gt |
statements only result in side effects.
fragmentTransform {
val p_time by parameter<Double>()
x_fill = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
doIf(p_time lt 2.0) {
x_fill = Vector4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).symbol