The Basic Video Chat with Metal app is a very simple application meant to get a new developer started using the OpenTok MacOS SDK.
In this example the OpenTok iOS SDK was not included as a dependency, you can do it through Swift Package Manager or Cocoapods.
To add a package dependency to your Xcode project, you should select
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter the repository URL:
To use CocoaPods to add the OpenTok library and its dependencies into this sample app
simply open Terminal, navigate to the root directory of the project and run: pod install
- Create a Vonage Video API Account
- Get an APIKey, Session-ID, Token from Vonage video playground
- Add these details to ViewController.m and run the sample
- You can have a two-party video call with the video playground as the second participant.
This sample assumes there are only 2 participants in the call. If more than 1 subscriber joins, the behaviour is unexpected.