Swagger: https://taskm.herokuapp.com/swagger-ui/index.html
This project is a Spring Boot web application that provides APIs for managing various resources: Labels, Statuses, Tasks, and Users. It is implemented Spring Security 6 with JWT authentication, ensuring robust security standards and Argon2 for password encoding and uses a stack of advanced technologies such as Liquibase, Testcontainers, PostgreSQL, and MapStruct for efficient and reliable database management and object mapping.
The project uses various dependencies managed by Gradle. Key dependencies include:
- Spring Boot and its various starters (web, data JPA, actuator, security)
- Spring Security Crypto Argon2
- Bouncy Castle for Java cryptography
- JSON Web Tokens (JJWT)
- PostgreSQL and H2 Database drivers
- Liquibase for database migration
- SpringDoc OpenAPI for API documentation
- Hibernate Validator for bean validation
- MapStruct for object mapping
- Lombok for reducing boilerplate code
- Testcontainers for integration testing
- Rollbar error tracking
The application exposes the following RESTful APIs:
- GET /labels: List all labels
- GET /labels/{id}: Get a label by ID
- POST /labels: Create a new label
- PUT /labels/{id}: Update a label by ID
- DELETE /labels/{id}: Delete a label by ID
- GET /statuses: List all statuses
- GET /statuses/{id}: Get a status by ID
- POST /statuses: Create a new status
- PUT /statuses/{id}: Update a status by ID
- DELETE /statuses/{id}: Delete a status by ID
- GET /tasks: List all tasks
- GET /tasks/{id}: Get a task by ID
- POST /tasks: Create a new task
- PUT /tasks/{id}: Update a task by ID
- DELETE /tasks/{id}: Delete a task by ID
- GET /users: List all users
- GET /users/{id}: Get a user by ID
- POST /users: Create a new user
- PUT /users/{id}: Update a user by ID
- DELETE /users/{id}: Delete a user by ID