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Sébastien Corbin SebCorbin

@rgoodsFR Nantes, France

Christopher Covington covracer
How to best freely give, having freely received Jesus as savior?

North Carolina, USA

Brian Kohan bckohan

NASA/JPL Los Angeles, CA

Matías Agustín Méndez matagus
#django #python #rust

Chicago, IL

Oleg Kleshchunov LowerDeez
Python/Django developer.

Kyiv, Ukraine

Bruno Mariano brunoomariano
Desenvolvedor Backend

@sejasenfio Recife, Brazil

Anže Pečar anze3db
I write code and surf waves 🏄‍♂️
Paolo Melchiorre pauloxnet
🐍@psf fellow 🦄DSF member 🧑‍💻@python @django dev 🧡@DjangoGirls coach 🚀@djangonaut-space navigator 🇮🇹PyConItalia organizer 🐬@PythonPescara founder

Pescara (Italy)

Hello, my name is Aryan Niknezhad and I am a software engineer with data science knowledge

Hyponet Iran

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Mustafa BULUT mustafabulut34
#backend #python #django

@WeWantEdTR, @akinon ISTANBUL

Caelean Barnes caelean
Co-founder at Gauge (YC S24). Previously founding Eng. at Standard Metrics, Noble AI, Carta, Roku, UCLA Internet Research Lab

Gauge California

Shaun Norman shaunorman
I've been a web developer most of my life so my main languages are Python and PHP. C on the other hand I just started learning so please bear with me :)

Perth, Australia

Loran Yousef loranYousef
Python full Stack Developer

Germany - Dortmund

Anthony McClosky amcclosky

@almostproductive Austin, TX

Uzzal Hossain uzza1hossain
🐍 Python/Django Developer | Open Source Lover | Tech Enthusiast.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Visesh Rajendraprasad viseshrp
Full-stack engineer by day, but I work mostly with Python and question everything else. Self-hoster by night with a tiny Raspberry Pi datacenter.

@ansys Durham, NC

W. David Winslow wdwinslow
I.T. Infrastructure and Security Engineering nerd who loves to learn. Currently working hard to take my Python and PowerShell skills to the next level.


Hendrek Rodrigues KingPack
Software Engineer Python


Bruno Rocha rochacbruno
Principal Software Engineer at @RedHatOfficial. #Python #Rust . Working on: @ansible @python @dynaconf @codeshow Marmite

@redhatofficial Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Flávio Juvenal fjsj
Partner at @vintasoftware

@vintasoftware Recife, PE, Brazil

Patrick Forringer destos

9Bcorp Tulsa OK

Avi aviabrams
A wise man's heart inclines him to the right, but a fool's heart to the left. Ecclesiastes 10:1


Shane Chin shanechin

Columbia University New York, New York

Julien Chaumont julienc91
Full stack developer

Paris, France

Lucas Gruber LucasGrugru
Software developer at @hyvilo #Python #Django #Craft

@Hyvilo Besancon

Jack Linke jacklinke
Managing Director for @watervize and @OmenApps I speak, code, and mentor about Django, Python, htmx, and GIS Husband, Public Speaker, ND, Veteran

@watervize Virginia Beach, VA

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


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