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Daniel Obara DanielObara
Software Engineer

@PicPay Brazil

Maria Eduarda Novak Ramiro dudexramiro
Data Engineer at PicPay Bank and Information of Systems student 💻

PicPay Curitiba - Paraná, Brasil

Junior iamjunioru
"when everything is wrong and confused, delete everything and start over from scratch."

compassuol Brazil

Adão Pedro adaopedro
Fulltime learner

A Pedro Developers, Lda Luanda, Angola

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Lucas Generozo lucasgenerozo
sempre aprendendo 👍


Jonathan Rodrigues jonathanarodr

@picpay São Paulo, Brasil

Gabriel Soares Gabrielsoac
BS in Software Engineering and Software Engineer Junior

Unafiber Planaltina Brasília-DF

Ricardo Masao Shigeoka ricardo-masao
Senior Front-end developer graduated in Digital Design. Based in São Paulo, Brazil.

Olos São Paulo

Fabio Nicolau fabiotnt
Founder and Creative Technologist at @bananagroove Connecting dots to make great teams and projects

Banana Groove Studios Brazil - São Paulo

Fernando Luiz Avanzo FernandoAvanzo
Desenvolvedor Fullstack, Clojure, Kotlin, Python, Java, JS

Open To Work Curitiba

Marcelo Dias marcelohmdias
Frontend developer at Trustly Inc.

@TrustlyInc Serra, ES, Brazil

Gustavson M. de Barros gustavsonbarros
Machine Learning enthusiast |Learning to apply algorithms in practical projects |Exploring data and seeking innovative solutions |Always seeking new challenges.
Vagner Alves Vagner-Alves
Student at Federal Institute of Tecnology IFPE - brazil.

Recife PE

Marcelo Correa de Toledo Maia Marcelo-C-T-Maia
Analista de BMC Control-M | OCC | N2-Malha Batch


Bruno Gomes BrunoSGomes
Full Stack Developer

Grupo Safira São Paulo

Mário Coxe Mario-Coxe
I'm Full-Stack

Angola, Luanda

Peaga Peaga001
BackEnd Developer

For People Softwares Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil