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Car anplus24
New with a vision for code 👁
Giulia Gabriela ~ Baniwa
Vi veri veniversum vivus vici DesenvolvedorA / 日本語の学生

Brasília, DF

Ovidiu punkt

Copenhagen, Denmark

Damien Flutre DamiennFl
I am a Computer Science student at Washington State University and currently working as a Software Developer. Also a big Halo fan (huge even)

Pullman, WA

Navneet Desai navneetdesai
Software Engineer

Seattle, Washington

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Nikita Tomchik Cdayz
Software Engineer
sc0v0ne sc0v0ne
AI/ML Engineer and Tech Writer
이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Leo Rafa rafaleao9923
Full stack developer


Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Jesse Dorsey jessedorsey

@JustDanger | @odditynook Various

Cass Fridkin caass

@TraceMachina Denver

nadine farah nfarah86
@nativelink @apachehudi contributor

@tracemachina Seattle Washington

Sally McGrath SallyMcGrath
Director at @CodeYourFuture

@CodeYourFuture Yorkshire

Steve Chu schutau

Stealth Los Altos

Zach Birenbaum zbirenbaum
Veteran of the editor wars

Trace Machina San Francisco, CA

Aaron Siddhartha Mondal aaronmondal
Toolchain Enjoyer

Frankfurt, Germany

龚之皓 zhihao-gong

@TuSimple Shanghai

DivvyBloc divvybloc
Product manager focused on shipping features that delight and empower users

DivvyBloc USA

Marcus Eagan MarcusSorealheis
Co-Founder @TraceMachina Advising @weaviate @apache Solr Committer and contributor to lots of open source projects.

Trace Machina

Blake Hatch blakehatch

@TraceMachina New York

Steed steedmicro
Mainly spend time working on Blockchain / Defi / NFT projects, playing basketball and climbing mountains.
Curious irl. Particularly excited by tools for creation, collaboration, and automation