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Pushkar Tipre PushkarTipre
TE AI&DS || Flutter, Dart, Computer Hardware, Unity3D, Gaming


Aniket Gaudgaul AniketGaudgaul
A recent Computer Engineering Graduate from Pune University An AI/ML Enthusiast, passionate about coding and learning new technologies.

Pune, Mahrashtra, India

Chinmayee Gade Chinmayeegade
Google DSC Lead @dscpvgcoet Implemeting software technologies to ease and enhance lives.

@dscpvgcoet India

Sahil Dahekar SahilDahekar
Full-Stack MERN Developer specialized in Frontend Development

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Siddhesh Bhupendra Kuakde SiddheshKukade
Software Developer at @walmartlabs | @google Summer of Code'22 '23 @PalisadoesFoundation | Multi-Cloud Certified | JavaScript

Walmart Bengaluru, India