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Hang Kin Nam (Ronald) namnhk
Medical Doctor, Interested in Clinical Research, espeacially the ones in the cross sections to data science. MSc Data Science in Health and Social Care (2027)

National Health Services England United Kingdom

Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Uma uma696
Diving deep to improve my coding skills to open for many opportunities
~ FunkeGoodVibe

United Kingdom

Salim Bakirci SalimBakirci
Technical Consultant at RFL NHS Trust


Alex Davidson adavidson1995
Medical Doctor | AI for Health PhD student at Imperial College London

Imperial College London London

Golden Osabuohien Ghodean
Biomedical science| Clinical Research | Health informatics | Data Analytics
Jasneet Singh jasneet12
Python Developer | Data Analytics | Data Science | Data Visualization

London, United kingdom

Daniel Dwyer-Westwood danielwestwoodABUHB
Aspiring data geek with intrest in Health Care and Public Health.


Gbolahan Olanipekun Olanipekungbolahan
Passionate about transforming data into actionable insights, I bring a wealth of experience in data analysis,machine learning, generative AI.

United Kingdom

Farhad Allian f-allian
Research Data Engineer @ The University of Sheffield | PhD in Applied Mathematics

The University of Sheffield Sheffield


Sauntering in the Milky Way Galaxy

Sammi Rosser Bergam0t
Trainer on the HSMA Programme || MSc Health Data Science || Python, R, SQL, Javascript || Streamlit, Django, React

University of Exeter Devon

Brian Sullivan VisionResearchBlog
Epidemiologist at Hertfordshire County Council. Background in public health data science, experimental psychology and vision science.

Hertfordshire County Council

Tyrel Jonathan Menezes TyrelM10
Python Developer with a Masters in Artificial Intelligence from University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Amy Heather amyheather
Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Exeter

University of Exeter

Dr Dan Wright danwrisar

East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust United Kingdom

Andrew Houston andrewhouston113
Research Data Scientist at Barts Health NHS Trust and PhD Student at Loughborough University.


Kazeem Odunlami ayomide2021
Data analyst learning and contributing my analytical skills to help people and companies gain valuable insights from data and support data-driven decisions.

iO-sphere United Kingdom

James Plant jctp
Data scientist from Liverpool. Faffs about with Linux and MCUs. Puts the results online to public outcry and the pelting of fruit.

United Kingdom

Akshata AkshataAhire
Data Scientist

London, UK

Fem Alonge nifemi-alonge

National Grid London