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Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

Benoit Tapia tapiab

@loft-orbital Toulouse

Arnaud Mallen armallen
Image Processing / GNSS Software Engineer

Toulouse, France

Chris Kuethe ckuethe
PGP 0xF5C2BC1187106528 🕵🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍💻🌎🕊️🛰️

Less than 30cm away from where I was a nanosecond ago.

7heaven 7heaven

Alibaba Beijing, China

Callum Connolly 11CConnolly
Software Engineer at Critical Software

Critical Software London

dan ddb0000

vertice8 universe

Yuri Dias Yuri-M-Dias
Aggressive Stargazer


ryand2d ryand2d


Rishav Dhungel risherlock
Masters in Satellite Technology | Applied Mathematics | Control System | Estimation Theory

Würzburg, Germany

Petrus Hyvönen petrushy

SSC - Swedish Space Corporation Sweden

Tokoro tokoro10g
Robotics Software Engineer / Control Engineer

GITAI USA Inc. Los Angeles

Chris ChristopherRabotin
xionbox on Matrix/Element


Marshall Culpepper marshall
open source + startups + science

@loft-orbital Denton, TX

Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


Benedikt Xfox0ne
20 year old coder from Austria. Interested in low-level programming, hardware, computer networking and all domains of IT-security.


Florian Wilhelm fwilhe2
I work for SAP. This is my personal account. Avatar made via chatgpt/dall-e.
Arthur Weinmann arthurweinmann
On a mission to enable everybody to build their ideas
Pol Mesalles polmes
Aerospace engineer and life hacker — I write code to stop 🛰 from 💥

Boulder, CO

Gunvir Singh Ranu gunvirranu
engineer • sometimes I'll set my ptrs to null just to keep my cpu on its toes

University of Toronto Palo Alto, California

Thibault ThibFrgsGmz
Space Software Engineer | Space Enthusiast | Open Source Advocate

Auckland / New Zealand

Robin Petitdemange robinpdm

@loft-orbital Nancy, France

Antoine Paletta apaletta3
Flight Dynamics Engineer @ Loft Orbital

Flight Dynamics Engineer Toulouse, France

Remy Derollez Derollez

Stanford University