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MattGyver MatthieuScarset
Do or do not. There is not try.
Marcus Rohden marcusrohden
Mobile Software Engineer

Tribe App Brisbane, Australia

Mikkel Larsen mikkelhl
Software Engineer


NguyenDan-mk1 dan-mk1
Culi code, vừa code vừa báo
Roman Kuba codebryo
Always learning! -- VP Engineering @ | Previous @codesandbox @GitLab @cloudbees @codeship Austria

Gerbrand Ryno Rossouw KingGoku910
My name is Ryno and I'm a South-African citizen. I am an IT specialist with a background in System Administration, Project Management and Web Development.

Goldtel Industries 21 Victor Smith Crescent. Rooi Rivier Rif. George, Western Cape. South-Africa.

Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Daniele Ambrosino danieleambrosino
Senior Software Engineer && Cybersecurity Enthusiast

@jet-hr Milan

tcarson cpiprint
Developer from the Windy City.

CPIprint Chicago

Alex Chiu chiubaca
Bringing ideas to life with code ✨


Jha Kanhaiya mekanhaji
A Dev located in Gujrat, India.


Vanillaiice vanillaiice
just putting stuff together

chapchap automatisation

Wojciech Grzebieniowski g12i
Code and stuff

Modash Kraków, Poland

Nikhil ni-ms
Just another github user
enriquecarbo enrique-carbo
Doctor. Specialist in General Medicine and Dermatology. Medical Informatics and Software Development. R&D.


Jan Lauber janlauber
Founder of Natron Tech (Switzerland) and probably learning to contribute to your CNCF project.

@natrontech Bern, Switzerland

Elier Herrera ElierHG

Milam's Markets Miami

Mouamle MouamleH
Making my way through life with code. Why waste 10 minutes on trivial tasks when i can spend 10 hours trying to automate them.

ISC Baghdad, Iraq

Pau Serrat Gutiérrez pauserratgutierrez

@codesnippetspro Catalunya, Spain

Hélder Correia helderrscorreia
Programming FTW

Goldylocks Viana do Castelo

Eduardo Lago laguillo

Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia

Farhan Ar Rafi farhanarrafi
Doing PhD in CSE @ UNT | Former Engineer [ Android | iOS | Web ]

University of North Texas Denton, TX

Alexsandro duddy57
Hello, I'm Alexsandro, a frontend developer with a passion for crafting simple and clean interfaces to solve problems effectively


10x developer ddjerqq
if there's anything I love more than writing code, it's deleting code.

Blazorise Stack, Heap

Allan K. Koech allankoechke
Software Engineer | Biomedical Engineer. Skilled at C/C++ | Python | Qt | QML | Embedded Linux | React Native and more!


Game Developer. Programmer.
Karan Patel KaranPatelDev
“Every programmer is an author.” “Code never lies, comments sometimes do.”

Student Vadodara, Gujarat, India

Serif COLAKEL serifcolakel
👨‍💻 Software Engineer

Ankara, Turkey

Jesper Ordrup jesperordrup
I make web solutions for customers using sveltekit, umbraco. And brains (mine and yours).


Harold KeimaSenpai
Soy Youtuber creador de videos de juegos y tengo mi canal en telegram