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楼兰碎叶 loulansuiye
Michael Williams de la Bastida MIWdlB
Quantum Technologies PhD Student

UCL London, England

Debajyati Dey Debajyati
CSE student, Linux Enthusiast

West Bengal, India

Dhaval Gajera dhavalgajera
Debugging makes me Happy.
Jacob c4ff3in3
Coffee, Cloud and Data Tools.

Ann Arbor, MI

Abdhilahi R. Wabwire AbdhilahiRWabwire
Software Developer

Hyaena Technologies

Nguyen Van Dung Vanperdung
I love Embedded :)


Nabil Elqatib n-eq
I often punch keys on my keyboard and some magic happens.
Victorien Elvinger Conaclos
@biomejs lead maintainer. Formerly @INRIA R&D engineer and PhD. Software engineer using TypeScript & Rust 🦀. Researcher in distributed systems 🕸️, CRDTs.


lafer lafer-m
love our world


setbern setbern

SetOcean Miami, Florida

Laurent Valdes valdo404
Don't fear the coding architect ! Paris, France

Ruslan Sovinskyy rsov
I write code n stuff

Sydney, Australia

Walter Bonetti IniterWorker
Senior Embedded Software Developer

RMDS Innovation Inc. Quebec, Quebec

Josh Goard JGoard
Embedded Software Engineer
Rajiv Mura RajivMura
A self-taught enthusiast with a passion for technology, currently learning data science and leveraging my web development skills to explore new possibilities.

Bordumsa (Arunachal Pradesh)

Ray Suliteanu raysuliteanu
Software developer, blogger, traveler, Buddhist, student, teacher, nomad (digital or otherwise).

@KidoniSoftware Seattle, WA, USA

Richard Osterloh rosterloh

Richard Osterloh Engineering Ltd United Kingdom

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

ALC alc999
Power and Energy


dà fǎ shī wofy-92
show me the codes

大周 西岐

Carlda carlda86
At present, I an a small white, trying to fill mine in~
