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Jules ADONSI julesadonsi
Software engineer and student of life😉. Curious about SOLID, DESIGN, and best practices. I code with @python, @typescript, @nodejs and @php

Software engineer at @wetillix Benin, Cotonou

Renaud AHOUANSOU duaren
Software Engineer | IT Consultant | Cloud & Web enthusiast

@wetillix @10-20TECHNOLOGIES-SARL Cotonou, Benin

Chafik HADJ ABDOU RAZACK ChafikHadjAbdouRazack
Software Engineer use @laravel, @vuejs, @inertiajs, @livewire and @flutter | Available for consultation and contract work.

@wetillix & @SPRED-Team Benin

Ezéchiel Amen AGBLA amilamen
Software Engineer • Angular Developer Expert • Ionic Developer Expert • Google Associate Android Developer

Co-founder at @wetillix France