#MQTT Connector - Additional Instructions
##Download EGit v1.3 In the Integration Toolkit, select Help > Install New Software, and enter the URL http://download.eclipse.org/egit/updates-1.3 in the Work with field. Select Eclipse Git Team Provider, click Next, and select only Eclipse EGit from the list of options. Note, the Mylyn option must not be selected.
##Clone the Git repositories and import the projects - detailed instructions In the Integration Toolkit, import the Git repositories and set up IIB:
- In the Git Repository Exploring perspective, click Clone a Git repository.
- Clone the Eclipse Paho project by setting the git repository URI to https://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/paho/org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.java.git
- Select the master branch.
- In the Git Repositories view, expand the Tags section, and right-click the v0.1 tagged branch of the Eclipse Paho project to check it out.
- Import the Eclipse Paho project into your workspace (in the Git Repositories view, under org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.java, right-click Working Directory and select Import Projects).
- In the Git Repositories view, click the Clone a Git Repository icon on the toolbar at the top right of the window.
- Clone and import the projects:
Set the git repository URI to https://github.com/ot4i/mqtt-client-connector.git
Click Next, and select the master branch.
Click Next, and set a local destination.
Select the option Import all existing projects after clone finishes, and click Finish.
##Copyright and license Copyright 2013 IBM Corp. under the Eclipse Public license.