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226 lines (185 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

226 lines (185 loc) · 10.4 KB

Crossref Metadata API JSON Format


Version Release Date Comments
v1 11th July 2016 First documented version
v2 26th July 2017 Add abstract, authenticated-orcid, fix contributor fields
v3 15th May 2018 Add peer review fields


Field Type Required Description
publisher String Yes Name of work's publisher
title Array of String Yes Work titles, including translated titles
original-title Array of String No Work titles in the work's original publication language
short-title Array of String No Short or abbreviated work titles
abstract XML String No Abstract as a JSON string or a JATS XML snippet encoded into a JSON string
reference-count Number Yes Deprecated Same as references-count
references-count Number Yes Count of outbound references deposited with Crossref
is-referenced-by-count Number Yes Count of inbound references deposited with Crossref
source String Yes Currently always Crossref
prefix String Yes DOI prefix identifier of the form
DOI String Yes DOI of the work
URL URL Yes URL form of the work's DOI
member String Yes Member identifier of the form
type String Yes Enumeration, one of the type ids from
created Date Yes Date on which the DOI was first registered
deposited Date Yes Date on which the work metadata was most recently updated
indexed Date Yes Date on which the work metadata was most recently indexed. Re-indexing does not imply a metadata change, see deposited for the most recent metadata change date
issued Partial Date Yes Earliest of published-print and published-online
posted Partial Date No Date on which posted content was made available online
accepted Partial Date No Date on which a work was accepted, after being submitted, during a submission process
subtitle Array of String No Work subtitles, including original language and translated
container-title Array of String No Full titles of the containing work (usually a book or journal)
short-container-title Array of String No Abbreviated titles of the containing work
group-title String No Group title for posted content
issue String No Issue number of an article's journal
volume String No Volume number of an article's journal
page String No Pages numbers of an article within its journal
article-number String No
published-print Partial Date No Date on which the work was published in print
published-online Partial Date No Date on which the work was published online
subject Array of String No Subject category names, a controlled vocabulary from Sci-Val. Available for most journal articles
ISSN Array of String No
issn-type Array of ISSN with Type No List of ISSNs with ISSN type information
ISBN Array of String No
archive Array of String No
license Array of License No
funder Array of Funder No
assertion Array of Assertion No
author Array of Contributor No
editor Array of Contributor No
chair Array of Contributor No
translator Array of Contributor No
update-to Array of Update No
update-policy URL No Link to an update policy covering Crossmark updates for this work
link Array of Resource Link No URLs to full-text locations
clinical-trial-number Array of Clinical Trial Number No
alternative-id String No Other identifiers for the work provided by the depositing member
reference Array of Reference No List of references made by the work
content-domain Content Domain No Information on domains that support Crossmark for this work
relation Relations No Relations to other works
review Review No Peer review metadata

Work Nested Types


Field Type Required Description
name String Yes Funding body primary name
DOI String No Optional Open Funder Registry DOI uniquely identifing the funding body
award Array of String No Award number(s) for awards given by the funding body
doi-asserted-by String No Either crossref or publisher

Clinical Trial Number

Field Type Required Description
clinical-trial-number String Yes Identifier of the clinical trial
registry String Yes DOI of the clinical trial regsitry that assigned the trial number
type String No One of preResults, results or postResults


Field Type Required Description
family String Yes
given String No
ORCID URL No URL-form of an ORCID identifier
authenticated-orcid Boolean No If true, record owner asserts that the ORCID user completed ORCID OAuth authentication
affiliation Array of Affiliation No


Field Type Required Description
name String Yes


Field Type Required Description
date-parts Array of Number Yes Contains an ordered array of year, month, day of month. Note that the field contains a nested array, e.g. [ [ 2006, 5, 19 ] ] to conform to citeproc JSON dates
timestamp Number Yes Seconds since UNIX epoch
date-time String Yes ISO 8601 date time

Partial Date

Field Type Required Description
date-parts Array of Number Yes Contains an ordered array of year, month, day of month. Only year is required. Note that the field contains a nested array, e.g. [ [ 2006, 5, 19 ] ] to conform to citeproc JSON dates


Field Type Required Description
updated Partial Date Yes Date on which the update was published
DOI String Yes DOI of the updated work
type String Yes The type of update, for example retraction or correction
label String No A display-friendly label for the update type


Field Type Required Description
name String Yes
value String Yes
explanation URL No
label String No
order Number No
group Assertion Group No

Assertion Group

Field Type Required Description
name String Yes
label String No


Field Type Required Description
content-version String Yes Either vor (version of record,) am (accepted manuscript,) tdm (text and data mining) or unspecified
delay-in-days Number Yes Number of days between the publication date of the work and the start date of this license
start Partial Date Yes Date on which this license begins to take effect
URL URL Yes Link to a web page describing this license

Resource Link

Field Type Required Description
intended-application String Yes Either text-mining, similarity-checking or unspecified
content-version String Yes Either vor (version of record,) am (accepted manuscript) or unspecified
URL URL Yes Direct link to a full-text download location
content-type String No Content type (or MIME type) of the full-text object


Field Type Required Description
key String Yes
DOI String No
doi-asserted-by String No One of crossref or publisher
issue String No
first-page String No
volume String No
edition String No
component String No
standard-designator String No
standards-body String No
author String No
year String No
unstructured String No
journal-title String No
article-title String No
series-title String No
volume-title String No
ISSN String No
issn-type String No One of pissn or eissn
ISBN String No
isbn-type String No

ISSN with Type

Field Type Required Description
value String Yes
type String Yes One of eissn, pissn or lissn

Content Domain

Field Type Required Description
domain Array of String Yes
crossmark-restriction Boolean Yes


A hashmap containing relation name, Relation pairs.


Field Type Required Description
id-type String Yes
id String Yes
asserted-by String Yes One of subject or object


Field Type Required Description
running-number String No
revision-round String No
stage String No One of pre-publication or post-publication
recommendation String No One of major-revision or minor-revision or reject or reject-with-resubmit or accept
type String No One of referee-report or editor-report or author-comment or community-comment or aggregate
competing-interest-statement String No
language String No