1.0.4 (2023-03-13)
- fix resend of messages from message broker when error is encountered (7b5cc5b)
1.0.3 (2023-03-10)
- remove code instrumentation when generating jar file (418cb26)
- share connection pool between all database instances, close pool at system shutdown (fdc33bc)
1.0.2 (2023-02-26)
- fix message broker reply messages (f67666f)
1.0.1 (2023-02-17)
- refactor and fix implementation of message broker actor (1ef083a)
- add application.properties for testing (2870a78)
- add module for equals operator without cooperative equality (44f7d64)
- add refined type for encrypted password (2585e4e)
- add refined type for encrypted password (c30f675)
- Add scalafmt and scalafixAll (337f19e)
- Administration creation test (f28efb4)
- fix dependencies conflict (bc6197f)
- fix deregister method name in Repository (ae498bc)
- fix equals and hashcode methods in entities implementation (6de5471)
- fix error in architecture translation (6ee979f)
- fix for scalafmt and scalafix (2a9557a)
- fix formatting for scalafmt and scalafix (a41f5ac)
- fix formatting for scalafmt and scalafix (96901f6)
- fix PasswordAlgorithm service so as its check method returns a Validated and not a Boolean (46cfe11)
- include changes from encrypted-password branch onto this (e1a6915)
- make application accept parameters from command line for configuration path instead of default location (10d7bdc)
- move test classes to correct packages, rename events package to domainevents (58ab59f)
- move used RepositoryError methods in to Repository (e4a4253)
- remove test configuration file from excluded files from git (1f2bfdd)
- removed .properties from gitignore (6406ef1)
- removed INSERT administration in user.sql in root level (454f53f)
- resolve merge conflicts (dc537c1)
- resolve version conflict (3158b16)
- scalafix formatting (05c0912)
- scalafmt formatting (7cca693)
- store manager repository test (101944f)
- update Administration RepositoryTest methods (6f21028)
- update customer Repository constructor for accepting directly a Config instance (6d05741)
- update store manager ops with generics (6634b97)
- update username building rule, add more tests (1e3142c)
- add === (f078e78)
- add actor for communicating with message broker (f3faf19)
- add Administration (ea01879)
- add Administration (975c5e5)
- add administration repositor (575a83f)
- add AdministrationServerActor and administration routes (b40afb8)
- add Customer entity (2e0d488)
- add customer repository (4bf6a99)
- add customer routes (ef8d37a)
- add CustomerServerActor for handling customer requests (e38f2b6)
- add CustomerUnregistered domain event (d9a330f)
- add Email value object (2e5f472)
- add EncryptedPassword value object and PasswordAlgorithm service (0453ff2)
- add findByUsername test (71c95cb)
- add findByUsername to store manager repo (8f2a143)
- add findPassword test (90ac6f6)
- add NameComponent value object (9e75238)
- add PlainPassword value object (9b97c5a)
- add PostgreSQL container for testing (dbd5248)
- add registration method to store manager repo (25c1a5e)
- add root actor and main class (eaefe30)
- add schemas for administration, store managers, customers (d22953a)
- add store manager operations (875e468)
- add store manager repository trait (769e69d)
- add Store value object (ad94dc7)
- add StoreManager entity (7c63930)
- add StoreManagerServer actor and store manager routes (620d10a)
- add unregister method (99c8b90)
- add updatePassword and findPassword to store manager repository, refactor tests (e9c3218)
- add updateStore method (71dda38)
- add user datatype and typeclass with its operations (ca87acb)
- add Username value object (0cb93cb)
- make PasswordAlgorithm a given, add Repository trait, update tests for default password algorithm and mocked user (89f0eae)
1.0.0-beta.10 (2023-02-07)
- make application accept parameters from command line for configuration path instead of default location (10d7bdc)
1.0.0-beta.9 (2023-02-01)
- move test classes to correct packages, rename events package to domainevents (58ab59f)
- add AdministrationServerActor and administration routes (b40afb8)
- add StoreManagerServer actor and store manager routes (620d10a)
1.0.0-beta.8 (2023-01-30)
- fix equals and hashcode methods in entities implementation (6de5471)
1.0.0-beta.7 (2023-01-29)
- fix deregister method name in Repository (ae498bc)
- fix PasswordAlgorithm service so as its check method returns a Validated and not a Boolean (46cfe11)
- remove test configuration file from excluded files from git (1f2bfdd)
- update customer Repository constructor for accepting directly a Config instance (6d05741)
- add actor for communicating with message broker (f3faf19)
- add customer routes (ef8d37a)
- add CustomerServerActor for handling customer requests (e38f2b6)
- add root actor and main class (eaefe30)
1.0.0-beta.6 (2023-01-23)
- Add scalafmt and scalafixAll (337f19e)
- Administration creation test (f28efb4)
- move used RepositoryError methods in to Repository (e4a4253)
- removed .properties from gitignore (6406ef1)
- removed INSERT administration in user.sql in root level (454f53f)
- resolve merge conflicts (dc537c1)
- resolve version conflict (3158b16)
- update Administration RepositoryTest methods (6f21028)
- add Administration (ea01879)
- add Administration (975c5e5)
- add administration repositor (575a83f)
- add findByUsername test (71c95cb)
- add findPassword test (90ac6f6)
- add PostgreSQL container for testing (dbd5248)
1.0.0-beta.5 (2023-01-22)
- add application.properties for testing (2870a78)
- scalafix formatting (05c0912)
- scalafmt formatting (7cca693)
- store manager repository test (101944f)
- update store manager ops with generics (6634b97)
- add === (f078e78)
- add findByUsername to store manager repo (8f2a143)
- add registration method to store manager repo (25c1a5e)
- add store manager operations (875e468)
- add store manager repository trait (769e69d)
- add Store value object (ad94dc7)
- add StoreManager entity (7c63930)
- add unregister method (99c8b90)
- add updatePassword and findPassword to store manager repository, refactor tests (e9c3218)
- add updateStore method (71dda38)
1.0.0-beta.4 (2023-01-19)
- add module for equals operator without cooperative equality (44f7d64)
- add refined type for encrypted password (2585e4e)
- fix error in architecture translation (6ee979f)
- fix for scalafmt and scalafix (2a9557a)
- fix formatting for scalafmt and scalafix (a41f5ac)
- include changes from encrypted-password branch onto this (e1a6915)
- add Customer entity (2e0d488)
- add customer repository (4bf6a99)
- add CustomerUnregistered domain event (d9a330f)
- add Email value object (2e5f472)
- add NameComponent value object (9e75238)
1.0.0-beta.3 (2023-01-18)
- add refined type for encrypted password (c30f675)
- fix formatting for scalafmt and scalafix (96901f6)
1.0.0-beta.2 (2022-12-18)
- add schemas for administration, store managers, customers (d22953a)
- update username building rule, add more tests (1e3142c)
- add EncryptedPassword value object and PasswordAlgorithm service (0453ff2)
- add PlainPassword value object (9b97c5a)
- add user datatype and typeclass with its operations (ca87acb)
- add Username value object (0cb93cb)
- make PasswordAlgorithm a given, add Repository trait, update tests for default password algorithm and mocked user (89f0eae)