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An eCAP adapter for Tcl. What is eCAP? - eCAP is a software interface that allows a network application, such as an HTTP proxy or an ICAP server, to outsource content analysis and adaptation to a loadable module.

For each applicable protocol message being processed, an eCAP-enabled host application supplies the message details to the adaptation module and gets back an adapted message, a "not interested" response, or a "block this message now!" instruction. These exchanges often include message bodies.

What is ecap-tcl? - It is an eCAP module that can be loaded into an eCAP host, and directs the messages to Tcl, allowing to write adaptation modules in the Tcl language.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Please note that this software has been tested only with Squid host, and Tcl 8.6. Success under other host applications and Tcl versions may vary. Also, this is beta quality software.


  • Tcl 8.6 - The Tcl language. Tcl 8.6+ may be available as a package in your Linux distribution. ecap-tcl has been tested with ActiveTcl 8.6.4. (Why is Tcl 8.6 required? The C/C++ part of the adapter has no specific requirements on the version. This requirement comes from the library file, which uses TclOO, the dict, try and lassign commands.)

  • libecap 1.0.0 - The eCAP library. ecap-tcl has been tested with version 1.0.0 (it may work with either more recent or earlier versions). ecap-tcl has been based on the adapter sample version 1.0.0. Some Linux distributions may have this library as a package:

    • Fedora 24: dnf install libecap-devel
  • A standard UNIX build chain, autoconf, make, g++. (ecap-tcl is written in C++).


  • Download the ecap-tcl sources:
git clone
cd ecap-tcl
  • If the configure script is missing, generate one:
  • Run the configure script:
bash configure
  • Run make install:
make install

The ecap-tcl adapter will be installed in /usr/local/lib/ as /usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl<version>.

  • Configure Squid - Edit squid configuration file (/etc/squid/squid.conf), and add the following at the end:
# eCAP

# Uncomment the following line to disable cache
# cache deny all

ecap_enable on
loadable_modules /usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl0.2/
ecap_service ecapTcl respmod_precache \
  uri=ecap:// \
  service_init_script=/usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl0.2/sample_scripts/service_init.tcl \
  service_start_script=/usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl0.2/sample_scripts/service_start.tcl \
  service_stop_script=/usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl0.2/sample_scripts/service_stop.tcl \
  service_retire_script=/usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl0.2/sample_scripts/service_retire.tcl \
  threads_number=2 \
  service_thread_init_script=/usr/local/lib/ecap_adapter_tcl0.2/sample_scripts/service_thread_init.tcl \
adaptation_access ecapTcl allow all
# An example of how to limit application only to text/html:
# acl HTMLPages rep_mime_type -i ^text/html
# adaptation_access ecapTcl allow HTMLPages
  • Test the adapter in Squid - Run as root: (-N runs in no daemon mode)
squid -N


ecap-tcl understands the following directives (in squid.conf):

  • service_init_script: expects a path to a Tcl script. It is run in order to initialise the "main" interpreter. The main interpreter will be used for evaluating if threads are disabled (threads_number=0). In all other cases, all processing will occur in a pool of threads.

  • service_start_script: expects a path to a Tcl script. It is run when the host application sends the start message, to signal to the adapter the start of its lifecycle. The script is executed in the main interpreter.

  • service_stop_script: expects a path to a Tcl script. It is run when the host application sends the stop message, to signal to the adapter the stop of its lifecycle. The script is executed in the main interpreter.

  • service_retire_script: expects a path to a Tcl script. It is run when the host application sends the retire message, to signal to the adapter the stop of its lifecycle. The script is executed in the main interpreter.

  • threads_number: expects an integer, denoting the number of threads to use. If different than 0, the adapter will create and use a thread pool for all requests. It will ensure that all requests for a specific Squid request will be executed in the same thread. The main interpreter will not be used if a thread pool is enabled.

  • service_thread_init_script: expects a path to a Tcl script. If a thread pool will be used (threads_number > 0), this script will be used to initialise the interpreter in each thread.

  • service_thread_retire_script: expects a path to a Tcl script. If a thread pool will be used (threads_number > 0), this script will be called before a thread is terminated. (Right now the threads are not terminated and this script will never be called).

The library file: ecap-tcl.tcl

The library file is not automatically loaded when the ecap-tcl adapter is loaded into the host application. It must be explicitely loaded by the Squid configuration (i.e. loaded by one of the scripts specified).

In the provided sample scripts, it is loaded by the library/sample_scripts/service_thread_init.tcl script.

What is needed from the library file?

The ecap-tcl adapter, will receive 5 event types from the host application, and will call 5 Tcl commands to process them. These commands and their parameters are:

  • ::ecap-tcl::wantsUrl <url> - This command will be called to decide whether the request with this url is wanted. The command must respond with true or false. In case of an error, or if the command does not exist, true is assumed. No other information beyond the is available.

  • ::ecap-tcl::actionStart <token> - This command will be called to notify that the processing for this token will start. Usually, this command will initialise a state for this token. (token is an identifier for a specific request done on the host application.)

  • ::ecap-tcl::contentAdapt <token> <chunk> - This command will be called to process a piece of the content, from the body of the message retrieved by the host application, in order to fulfil the request). This command is expected to return the modified version of the chunk. This command may accumulate all chunks (i.e. by appending them to a Tcl variable). In such a case, it can return {}, so nothing is returned to the host application.

  • ::ecap-tcl::contentDone <token> <atEnd> - This command will be called after all chunks have been processed with ::ecap-tcl::contentAdapt. The return value of this command will be returned to the host application as content. If chunks have been accumulated, the adapted content can be returned by this command. It will be appended to the content returned by the ::ecap-tcl::contentAdapt calls.

  • ::ecap-tcl::actionStop <token> - This command will be called to signal that processing of the message represented by token has been finished, and allocated resources must be freed.

These are the 5 commands that are expected by the ecap-tcl adapter. During the execution of the last 4 commands, the command ::ecap-tcl::action will be available, which can be used to request/modify/remove headers of the request message.

What else is defined in the library file?

A number of TclOO classes, to facilitate usage. This library section is oriented towards processing textual content, with the main class being ::ecap-tcl::TextProcessor. This class will accumulate all chunks (in the variable content_uncompressed), and in case of compressed content, it will be decompressed first. (The original content as received is always available in the variable content_action.) This class can be sub-classed, to easily adapt content.

An example is class ::ecap-tcl::SampleHTMLProcessor. It is called when the mime type is text/html, and in its content adaptation method (processContent), it adds the X-Ecap header, it prints all message headers (after the addition), it prints the message url, the token, and the first 30 characters of the message body. It returns the unmodified, original message body back.

oo::class create ::ecap-tcl::SampleHTMLProcessor {
  superclass ::ecap-tcl::TextProcessor

  method mime-types {} {
    return {text/html}
  };# mime-types

  method processContent {token mime params} {
    my variable content_uncompressed content_action request_url
    ::ecap-tcl::action header add X-Ecap \
      [::ecap-tcl::action host uri]
    my printHeaders
    puts "URL: \"$request_url\""
    puts "Token: $token, Data:\
        \"[string range [dict get $content_uncompressed $token] 0 30]\"..."
    dict get $content_action $token
  };# processContent

};# class ::ecap-tcl::SampleHTMLProcessor

The script library/sample_scripts/service_thread_init.tcl simply enables it with:

::ecap-tcl::SampleHTMLProcessor create processor

A sample output, when the request to Squid is is:

  Date: "Sun, 11 Dec 2016 14:07:40 GMT"
  Expires: "-1"
  Cache-Control: "private, max-age=0"
  Content-Type: "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-7"
  P3P: "CP="This is not a P3P policy! See for more info.""
  Server: "gws"
  X-XSS-Protection: "1; mode=block"
  X-Frame-Options: "SAMEORIGIN"
  Set-Cookie: "NID=91=QgZYLsGxxNYYq4QLqh1yIoCU-uj22C3tBoNWkFqFuFPru6NlsqJv2i7R0_wDwyAG9opD_SgKu9_8Wg5diTO8Yk33oaMAvfpaNsM1x_1TxSMKX2Mi_BUXYB94Po_UE5DO; expires=Mon, 12-Jun-2017 14:07:40 GMT; path=/;; HttpOnly"
  Accept-Ranges: "none"
  Vary: "Accept-Encoding"
  Transfer-Encoding: "chunked"
  X-Ecap: "ecap://"
URL: "/"
Token: _d0f9267b29560000_, Data: "<!doctype html><html itemscope="...


The current version of ecap-tcl is: 0.2 (beta). This software is of beta quality.


  • Georgios Petasis - Initial work - Home Page

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the BSD License - see the license.terms file for details.
