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File metadata and controls

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Reading Sequence Files in Biopython

Dealing with assorted sequence file formats is one of the strengths of Biopython. The primary module we'll be using is Bio.SeqIO, which is short for sequence input/output (following the naming convention set by BioPerl's SeqIO module).

For these examples we're going to use files for the famous bacteria Esherichia coli K12 (from the NCBI FTP server), and some potato genes from the PGSC - see the sample data instructions in the introduction for how to download these files.

Built-in Help

Python code should be documented. You can (and should) write special comment strings called docstrings at the start of your own modules, classes and functions which are used by Python as the built-in help text. Let's look at some of the built-in Biopython documentation.

We'll run the interactive Python prompt from within the command line terminal (but you could use a Python GUI, or IPython, if you prefer - depending on what you are used to working with).

Load Biopython's SeqIO module with the import command, and have a look at the built in help:

$ python2.7
Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov  7 2012, 23:34:47)
[GCC 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> help(SeqIO)

You'll see the SeqIO help text built into Biopython - the latest version of which should also be online. Pressing space will show the next page of help text, the up and down cursor arrows scroll, and q will quit the help and return to the Python prompt.

Rather than showing the help for the entire SeqIO module, you can ask for the help on a particular object or function. Let's start with SeqIO.parse - and from now on the triple greater-than-sign prompt (>>>) will be used to indicate something you would type into Python:

>>> help(SeqIO.parse)

This gives some examples, and we'll start with something very similar.

Counting Records

We'll start by looking at the protein sequence in the FASTA amino acid file, NC_000913.faa. First take a quick peek using some command line tools like head to look at the start of the file:

$ head NC_000913.faa
>gi|16127995|ref|NP_414542.1| thr operon leader peptide [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]
>gi|16127996|ref|NP_414543.1| fused aspartokinase I and homoserine dehydrogenase I [Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655]

We can use grep to count the number of proteins by using the regular expression pattern ^>. The caret is a special symbol meaning look at the start of a line, so this means look for lines starting with a greater than sign (which is how individual FASTA format sequences are marked):

$ grep -c "^>" NC_000913.faa

Now let's count the records with Biopython using the SeqIO.parse function:

$ python
Python 2.7.3 (default, Nov  7 2012, 23:34:47)
[GCC 4.4.6 20120305 (Red Hat 4.4.6-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> filename = "NC_000913.faa"
>>> count = 0
>>> for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta"):
...     count = count + 1
>>> print("There were " + str(count) + " records in file " + filename)
There were 4141 records in file NC_000913.faa

Running more than few commands like this at the Python prompt gets complicated, especially with indentation like this for loop. It is tough if you make a mistake and need to edit lines to rerun them (even with the up-arrow trick). It is also fiddly to copy and paste without the >>> prompt and ... line continuation characters.

Instead, using your favourite editor (e.g. nano or gedit) create a plain text file (in the same directory as the E. coli files) named

$ nano

Edit your new file to contain the following:

from Bio import SeqIO
filename = "NC_000913.faa"
count = 0
for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta"):
    count = count + 1
print("There were " + str(count) + " records in file " + filename)

This time it should be easy to copy & paste in one go. We can now run this:

$ python
There were 4141 records in file NC_000913.faa

Exercise: Modify this to count the number of records in the other FASTA files, both from E. coli K12 and the potato genome (PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta).

Advanced Exercise: Using sys.argv get the filename as a command line argument, so that you can run it like this:

$ python NC_000913.ffn
There were 4321 records in file NC_000913.ffn

Looking at the records

In the above example, we used a for loop to count the records in a FASTA file, but didn't actually look at the information in the records. The SeqIO.parse function was creating SeqRecord objects. Biopython's SeqRecord objects are a container holding the sequence, and any annotation about it - most importantly the identifier.

For FASTA files, the record identifier is taken to be the first word on the > line - anything after a space is not part of the identifier.

This simple example prints out the record identifers and their lengths:

from Bio import SeqIO
filename = "NC_000913.faa"
for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta"):
    print("Record " + + ", length " + str(len(record.seq)))

Notice that given a SeqRecord object we access the identifer as and the sequence object as record.seq. As a shortcut, len(record) gives the sequence length, len(record.seq).

If you save that as and run it you'll get over four thousand lines of output:

$ python
Record gi|16127995|ref|NP_414542.1|, length 21
Record gi|16127996|ref|NP_414543.1|, length 820
Record gi|16127997|ref|NP_414544.1|, length 310
Record gi|16127998|ref|NP_414545.1|, length 428
Record gi|16132219|ref|NP_418819.1|, length 46
Record gi|16132220|ref|NP_418820.1|, length 228

The output shown here is truncated!

Exercise: Count how many sequences are less than 100 amino acids long.

Exercise: Create a modified script based on the above examples which counts the number of records and calculates the total length of all the sequences (i.e. 21 + 820 + 310 + 428 + ... + 46 + 228), giving:

$ python
4141 records, total length 1311442

Advanced Exercise: Plot a histogram of the sequence length distribution (tip - see the Biopython Tutorial & Cookbook).

Looking at the sequence

The record identifiers are very important, but more important still is the sequence itself. In the SeqRecord objects the identifiers are stored as standard Python strings (e.g. .id). For the sequence, Biopython uses a string-like Seq object, accessed as .seq.

In many ways the Seq objects act like Python strings, you can print them, take their length using the len(...) function, and slice them with square brackets to get a sub-sequence or a single letter.

Exercise: Using SeqIO.parse(...) in a for loop, for each record print out the identifier, the first 10 letters of each sequences, and the last 10 letters. e.g.:

$ python
gi|16127995|ref|NP_414542.1| MKRISTTITT...ITITTGNGAG
gi|16127996|ref|NP_414543.1| MRVLKFGGTS...LRTLSWKLGV
gi|16127997|ref|NP_414544.1| MVKVYAPASS...DTAGARVLEN
gi|16132219|ref|NP_418819.1| MTKVRNCVLD...AVILTILTAT
gi|16132220|ref|NP_418820.1| MRITIILVAP...LHDIEKNITK

Checking proteins start with methionine

In the next example we'll check all the protein sequences start with a methionine (represented as the letter "M" in the standard IUPAC single letter amino acid code), and count how many records fail this. Let's create a script called

from Bio import SeqIO
filename = "NC_000913.faa"
bad = 0
for record in SeqIO.parse(filename, "fasta"):
    if not record.seq.startswith("M"):
        bad = bad + 1
        print( + " starts " + record.seq[0])
print("Found " + str(bad) + " records in " + filename + " which did not start with M")

If you run that, you should find this E. coli protein set all had leading methionines:

$ python
Found 0 records in NC_000913.faa which did not start with M

Good - no strange proteins. This genome has been completely sequenced and a lot of work has been done on the annotation, so it is a 'Gold Standard'. Now try this on the potato protein file PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta:

$ python
PGSC0003DMP400032467 starts T
PGSC0003DMP400011427 starts Q
PGSC0003DMP400068739 starts E
PGSC0003DMP400011481 starts Y
Found 208 records in PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta which did not start with M

Excercise: Modify this script to print out the description of the problem records, not just the identifier. Tip: Try reading the documentation, e.g. Biopython's wiki page on the SeqRecord.

Discussion: What did you notice about these record descriptions? Can you think of any reasons why there could be so many genes/proteins with a problem at the start?

Checking stop characters

In the standard one letter IUPAC amino acid codes for proteins, "*" is used for a stop codon. For many analyses tools having a "*" in the protein sequence can cause an error. There are two main reasons why you might see a "*" in a protein sequence.

First, it might be there from translation up to and including the closing stop codon for the gene. In this case, you might want to remove it.

Second, it could be there from a problematic/broken annotation where there is an in-frame stop codon. In this case, you might want to fix the annotation, remove the whole sequence, or perhaps cheat and replace the "*" with an "X" for an unknown amino acid.

We'll talk about writing out sequence files soon, but first let's check the example protein FASTA files for any "*" symbols in the sequence. For this you can use several of the standard Python string operations which also apply to Seq objects, e.g.:

>>> my_string.startswith("M")
>>> my_string.endswith("*")
>>> len(my_string)
>>> my_string.count("M")
>>> my_string.count("*")

Exercise: Write a python script to check NC_000913.faa to count the number of sequences with a "*" in them (anywhere), and the number where the sequence ends with a "*". Then try it on PGSC_DM_v3.4_pep_representative.fasta as well. e.g.:

$ python
Checking NC_000913.faa for terminal stop codons
0 records with * in them
0 with * at the end

Discussion: What did you notice about the "*" stop characters in these FASTA files? What should we do to 'fix' the problems?

Single Records

One of the example FASTA files for E. coli K12 is a single long sequence for the entire (circular) genome, file NC_000913.fna. We can still use a for loop and SeqIO.parse(...) but it can feel awkward. Instead, for the special case where the sequence file contains one and only one record, you can use

>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> record ="NC_000913.fna", "fasta")
>>> print( + " length " + str(len(record)))
gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| length 4641652

Exercise: Try using on one of the protein files. What happens?

Different File Formats

So far we've only been using FASTA format files, which is why when we've called SeqIO.parse(...) or the second argument has been "fasta". The Biopython SeqIO module supports quite a few other important sequence file formats (see the table on the SeqIO wiki page).

If you work with finished genomes, you'll often see nicely annotated files in the EMBL or GenBank format. Let's try this with the E. coli K12 GenBank file, NC_000913.gbk, based on the previous example:

>>> from Bio import SeqIO
>>> fasta_record ="NC_000913.fna", "fasta")
>>> print( + " length " + str(len(fasta_record)))
gi|556503834|ref|NC_000913.3| length 4641652
>>> genbank_record ="NC_000913.gbk", "genbank")
>>> print( + " length " + str(len(genbank_record)))
NC_000913.3 length 4641652

All we needed to change was the file format argument to the function - and we could load a GenBank file instead. You'll notice the GenBank version was given a shorter identifier, and took longer to load. The reason is that there is a lot more information present - most importantly lots of features (where each gene is and so on). We'll return to this in a later section, working with sequence features.

Writing Sequence Files in Biopython

We move on to writing sequence files in the next section.