319 : Add a configuration setting to change the storage mode for large cache tables (mainly used for code navigation).
Available modes: memory (default, original): use ETS tables compressed memory: use ETS tables with compressed flag turned on. file: use DETS tables saved into temporary files.
Thanks to
- 307 : Update grammar that fix #197
- 315 : Upgrade to latest vscode language client and debugger libraries
306 : Fixes for help in OTP 27 and for go to definition
307 : Re activate 285 (Fine tuning of scanning for project files)
Thanks to
- 299 : implementation of 298
- resolve ${workspaceFolder} if specified in configuration (erlangPath, rebarPath)
- 296 : deactivate lsp lint, due to bad effect and performance on large project
- 291 : Fix exception throw on signature help
- 292 : Add custom rules on linter, to show errors on remote calls (only for calls in files under your workspace)
- 290 : Add rename support via fn-F2
- today, only works on functions
- rename function implies modifications of: spec, imports, exports, call, remote call on all files at once. So undo action can revert at once also
- Revert part of #285, more details here : 287
- a deep analysis is in progress
Thanks to
- 282 : fix goto definition when function is imported via import attribute
- 280 : Otp 27 syntax updates
Thanks to
- 281 : Add implementation of Signature help (https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/languages/typescript#_signature-help)
- known issues
- is not working yet on function calls written on several lines calls
- parameters documentation is not yet implemented
- known issues
- 276 : Add configuration icons in languages sections (using official icons)
- 277 : Add some code snippets
- 278 : Add compatibility from Erlang 22
Thanks to
- 275 : Add support of inlinevalues while debugging
- 273 : find_definitions_in_files/4 avoid circular traversal
Thanks to
- 272 : Go to definition of local functions is improved. Always jump to local function definition regardless of there are multiple source modules with the same name
Thanks to
- 266 : Navigation updates, adding support to multiple source (.erl/.hrl)
Thanks to
- 264 : Fix Go to definition at record name and field
- 265: Fine tuning of scannig for project files. configs 'files.exclude', 'files.watcherExclude' and 'search.exclude' are now used while scanning.
Thanks to
- 262 : Navigation fixes
- References work not only from the first function clause
- Better not to show BIF references at all than show them in single file only
Thanks to
- 261 : inlayhints improvements
- show inlayhints inside remote calls (only form project modules)
- 260 : vscode engine upgrade & improvements
- Upgrade vscode engine to 1.52 : to recompile source extension you should run 'npm install', in order to update your local npm packages
- Add inlayHints implementation in Language Server Protocol (see Readme.md)
- Fix rebar compile parsing result, when rebar produce line and column in output
- 259 : Navigation improvements
- All project source files are parsed after project is opened
- References work within the project not only locally in single file
- References work for variables
- Code Lens show references in the project not only local
- Some fixes in completion of record field names
- Outline shows functions as functions not constructors
Thanks to
- 257 : Reformatting no longer destroys .config and .src files
- 258 : remove deprecated 'workspace.rootpath'
Thanks to
- 255 : Debugging crash with VScode 1.78
- 253 :
- Dialyzer shows status bar messages and add found issues to Problems pane
- Not standard behaviours/parse transforms are now compiled with the correct include paths
Thanks to
- 252 : Fixes and improvements
Thanks to
- 247 : Revert #232, Back to double binary closing pairs.
- 237 : Use rebar3 path from Settings
- 227 : Bug fixes on previous 223/225/226 PRs
- 232 : Use single binary closing pair
- 235 : rebar3 upgrade
Thanks to
- 223 : Formating a *.erl file will cause error
- 225 : go to function definition stopped working
- 226 : lsp_handlers.erl:160: function formatting/1 undefined
Thanks to
- 224 : Formatting uses erlfmt, some fixes
- erlfmt used for document formatting
- Debugger hover was not working for S in <<A:S
Thanks to
- 222 : Remove erlang.org help support
Thanks to
- 218 : Bump submodule 'grammar' to the latest version
- 219 : FIX: unused functions of names < 5 chars caused syntax checker crash
Thanks to
- 207 : The debugger supports log breakpoints
Thanks to
- 215 : Fix autocomplete and hover
Thanks to
- 209 : Fix parsing record match spec and go to record
- 210 : Fix can't jump in some cases when func in tuple
- 212 : Add files from _build directory to end of project modules lists Thanks to
- Kornel H
- shuying2244
- Sergei Shuvatov
- #205 : Fix handling of UNC paths on Windows
- #203 : Optimize the jump experience Thanks to
- Chi Lambda
- shuying2244
- #202 : OTP 24 compatibility
Thanks to
- Fix debugger launch
- Fix casing file erlang.plist
- #200 : Use webpack to build extension
- #199 : Add unit tests ossature and navigation unit tests. see DevelopersReadme.md for more details
- Quick fix on unhandled case in goto definition feature
- #189 : Hope goto definition support for record item.
- #146 : Goto definition doesn't work from the export directive.
- #120 : Support goto definition for Macro.
- #191 : Goto definition on include and include_lib
- #193 : Support goto definition, on tuple, and so on..
Thanks to
- #184 : Fix improper list handling on debugger mapping.
Thanks to
- #184 : Spaces Are Not Escaped in the Path to Rebar3. On Windows, we must use double quotes instead of single quotes.
Thanks to
- #182 : Spaces Are Not Escaped in the Path to Rebar3 .
- #178 : Finds exports and macros definitions. Bug fix in Help. Settings texts improved.
- #178 : Dot optional in Debug Console.
Thanks to
Thanks to
- Allow to goto definition in erlang lib
- Use help from new feature from OTP 23 (EEP-48)[https://erlang.org/doc/apps/kernel/eep48_chapter.html]
- Fix #146 : Go to definition doesn't work from the export directive
- Fix #138 : Add support of parse_transform on syntax tree if present in compile attribute
- Fix #140 : breakpoints set in non erlang files are exclude on startup
- Fix #106 : exclude function that endswith "_test" in warnings
- Fix #148 : Add rebar plugins path in includepaths to resolve include_lib
- Migrate to vscode engine 1.46
- Add 'inline' DebuggerMode in config
- Add help.md link in readme.md that provide some tricks about erlang extension configuration.
- Fix #162 : run without debugging failed
- The debuggerAdapter (link between vscode and erlang in debug), can be hosted in two modes (server, external)
- see configuration : erlang.debuggerRunMode
- PR #159 : Adding support for %%region / %%endregion folding
- PR #135 : Supervisor snippet & fix
- PR #141 : Adding *.es file association
- PR #154 : Merging 0.6.0, 0.6.1 from KornelH repo
Improve auto indentation:
- Continue comments if break line in the middle except module documentation
) that always continue - Half-indent guards
- Indent after clause starts, inside tuples, list and parameter lists
- Outdent after clause ends
- Continue comments if break line in the middle except module documentation
Fix syntax highlight:
- Allow comment between '}' and ').' in record definitions
- Allow variables as module or function names in implicit function expressions
- Distinguish function type in type specification and explicit function expression
now can accept workspace relative path -
Respect setting
when looking for the source file of an erlang module. With this setting source files duplicated by build system can be excluded from for example "Go to definition" and other code navigation. -
Use updates from Daniel Finke's vscode_erlang repository:
Remove Erlang binaries and compile Erlang counterpart of the extension on-the-fly at the first usage per Visual Studio Code instance
Fix syntax highlight: comma is not needed in
on the same line as macro name -
and useerlang
output channel only
Thanks to
- PR #129 Fix completion #128 & #129
- PR #123 Fix accidental reassignment of eunitCommand
- PR #125 Fix erlangPath setting for Linux/OSX
- PR #126 Fix includes for linting of test files
Thanks to
- PR #118 Behaviours not from standard library recognised by linter
Thanks to
- PR #117 Debugger comm no longer crashes if tuple is used as a key in a map
Thanks to
- PR #103 Support for .xrl (leex) extension
- PR #113 Add symbol provider. Now outline view is filled with functions, types and records.
Thanks to
- PR #99 Format Document fixes
Thanks to
Thanks to
Thanks to
- PR #87 Add Dialyzer support
- PR #88 Fix linter include paths when the recommended Erlang structure is used.
Thanks to
- PR #86 Fix #84 and #85
- PR #78 Linter use defines from rebar.config
- PR #79 Fix Codelens when AutoSave is on
- PR #80
- PR #81 Improvement : LSP Error handling
- PR #83 filename:basedir() is not exist in OTP 18.0
Thanks to
- PR #77 Now Visual Studio Code communicate directly with Erlang over JSON-RPC
Thanks to
- PR #73
- Project root used instead of rebar.config location
- Include paths based on rebar.config location
- Records autocompletion
- Autocompletion for fields
- Variables autocompletion
Thanks to
- PR #71
- Autocomplete for exported functions
- includePaths may be relative to the project root
Thanks to
- PR #66 LSP works without Auto Save
- PR #67 New setting includePaths added
- PR #68 Fix CodeLens when Auto Save is off
Thanks to
Thanks to
- PR #62
- Navigation works for records and fields
- Navigation works for records in included files
- PR #63 Settings cleanup
Thanks to
- PR #58 Goto definition on module, hover info on BIF
- PR #59
- Navigation works in all directories. Linter can find include files
- Thanks to Wojtek Surowka
- PR #60 Update to the latest vscode LSP
- PR #61
Thanks to
- PR #53 Hover shows clause heads for project functions
- PR #54 Start Without Debugging no longer starts debugger
Thanks to
- PR #52 Hover sample
Thanks to
- PR #47 LSP Improvements (navigation and lint)
Thanks to
Thanks to
- PR #46
- LSP fixes
- README update
Thanks to Wojtek Surowka
Thanks to Wojtek Surowka
- PR #42
- Step Out support
- Pause support
- Call stack shows function names with arity
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Thanks to Wojtek Surowka
Thanks to Wojtek Surowka
- 0.1.9 Linter fix : (disable epp warnings)
- 0.1.8 First preview of Validation/Format document
- Today, you should activate 'Auto save' in the 'File' menu of VSCode. Due that only the filename of document is send to the Erlang LSP server (LSP: Language Server Protocol)
- Technical traces can be activated by configuration (set "erlang.LanguageServerProtocol.verbose" : "true" in your settings file)
- Console quiet by default (https://github.com/wojteksurowka) -> PR #29
- Start Without Debugging support (https://github.com/wojteksurowka) -> PR #28
- 0.1.7 Fix missing file
- 0.1.6 Fixes for process management during debugging (wojteksurowka -> PR #25,#26,#27)
- Correct file opened from stack without release) structure
- Fix for processes monitoring
- Do not output waiting status to console
- 0.1.5 debug experience improvements, bug fixes, clear code (Andrew Sumskoy -> PR #23)
- variable view tree support for list, map, tuple
- watch expression support
- erlang rewrite json serialization and cleanup
- bug fix: with remove last breakpoint
- bug fix: runtime set breakpoint in different module
- bug fix: on break event vscode show file in _build/default/lib//src/ not in apps/*/src
- 0.1.4
- Fix args json escape format, add variable type basic support (#22)
- 0.1.3
- user can provide configuration settings to the build command (#19)
- 0.1.2
- fix rebar3 #4
- 0.1.1
- fix debugger integration #15
- 0.1.0
- debugger integration
- 0.0.9
- fix shortcuts (ctrl-shift-B, ctrl-shift-T)
- 0.0.8
- Add debugger adapter
- 0.0.7
- Fix assertXXXX expected/value for vscode.diagnostic
- 0.0.6
- Fix 'rebar' spawning on windows
- 0.0.5
- Add eunit run command without rebar (use an erlang shell)