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Soler, A. Pesce, L. Uieda and M.E. Gimenez]{%%% +\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \author[S.R. Soler, A. Pesce, M.E. Gimenez, and L. Uieda]{\DIFaddend + \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Santiado }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Santiago }\DIFaddend R. Soler$^{1,2}$, Agustina Pesce$^{1,2}$, + \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Leonardo Uieda$^3$ and + }\DIFdelend Mario E. Gimenez$^{1,2}$\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, and Leonardo Uieda$^3$ }\DIFaddend \\ + $^1$CONICET, Argentina.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend e-mail: santiago.r.soler@gmail.com\\ + $^2$Instituto Geofísico Sismológico Volponi, Universidad Nacional de + San Juan, Argentina\\ + $^3$Department of Earth Sciences, SOEST, University of Hawai‘i at + M\={a}noa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA +} + + +\maketitle + +\begin{summary} +We present a new methodology to compute the gravitational fields generated by +tesseroids (spherical prisms) whose density varies \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{continuously }\DIFdelend with depth according to +an arbitrary \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{continuous }\DIFaddend function. +It approximates the gravitational fields through the Gauss-Legendre Quadrature along +with two discretization algorithms that automatically control its accuracy by adaptively +dividing the tesseroid into smaller ones. +The first one is a preexisting \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{two dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive discretization algorithm that +reduces the errors due to the distance between the tesseroid and the computation point. +The second is a new density-based discretization algorithm that +decreases the errors introduced by the variation of the density function with depth. +The amount of divisions made by each algorithm is indirectly controlled +by two parameters: the distance-size ratio and the delta ratio. +We have obtained analytical solutions for a spherical shell with radially variable +density and compared them to the results of the numerical model for linear\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and +exponential}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, +exponential, and sinusoidal }\DIFaddend density functions. +These comparisons allowed us to obtain \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{optimum }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{optimal }\DIFaddend values for the distance-size and +delta ratios that yield an accuracy of 0.1\% of the analytical solutions. +The resulting optimal values of distance-size ratio for the gravitational potential \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, its gradient , and Marussi tensor }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{and +its gradient }\DIFaddend are 1 \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{and 2.5}\DIFaddend , \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{2 and 8, }\DIFdelend respectively. +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{A }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{The density-based discretization algorithm produces no discretizations in the linear +density case, but a }\DIFaddend delta ratio of \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{0.2 }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{0.1 }\DIFaddend is needed for the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{computation of the gravitational potential and its gradient components, while a value of 0.01 must be used for the Marussi tensor +components}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{exponential and the +sinusoidal density functions. +These values can be extrapolated to cover most common use cases. +However, the distance-size and delta ratios can be configured by the user to increase +the accuracy of the results at the expense of computational speed}\DIFaddend . +Lastly, we apply this new methodology to model the Neuqu\'en Basin, a foreland basin in +Argentina with a maximum depth of over 5000\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend m, using an exponential density function. +\end{summary} + +\begin{keywords} +Numerical modelling, Numerical approximations and analysis, Gravity anomalies +and Earth structure, Satellite gravity +\end{keywords} + + +\section{Introduction} + +The lithosphere's density variation with depth has been studied for close to a +century. +Over this time period, +several density-depth relations have been proposed for different rock types +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep[e.g.,][]{Maxant1980, Rao1986, Rao1993, Rao1994}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep[e.g.][]{Maxant1980, Rao1986, Rao1993, Rao1994}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFaddend . +Furthermore, depth-variable densities have been used in forward and +inverse gravity modelling, mostly applied to sedimentary basins +\citep{Cordell1973, Rao1986, Cowie1990, Rao1993, Rao1994, Zhang2001, +Welford2010}. +These forward gravity models have been developed for two or three dimensional +bodies in Cartesian coordinates, which limits the applications to local scales. +The advent of satellite gravimetry has provided gravity field +measurements with global coverage, enabling modelling and interpretation on regional and +global scales. +Hence, designing forward modelling methods that reproduce the gravity anomalies for +such scales is of high importance. + +To take into account the curvature of the Earth, many global forward modelling methods +are defined in geocentric spherical coordinates. +A common approach is to discretize the Earth into tesseroids \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{(spherical prisms)}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Anderson1976}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +, +i.e.~spherical prisms}\DIFaddend , which are defined by pairs of latitude, longitude, and radial +boundaries (\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{see }\DIFdelend Fig.~\ref{fig:tesseroid}). +The gravitational fields generated by \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{an arbitrary +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{a +}\DIFaddend tesseroid on any external point are given by volume +integrals that must be numerically approximated. +The literature offers two main approaches: one involves Taylor series expansion +\citep{Heck2007, Grombein2013} while the other makes use of Gauss-Legendre +Quadrature (GLQ) +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Asgharzadeh2007, Wild-Pfeiffer2008, Li2011, Uieda2016}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Asgharzadeh2007, Wild-Pfeiffer2008, Li2011, Uieda2016, Lin2018}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFaddend . +The Taylor series expansion is not well suited to develop an algorithm for +a density varying with depth according to an arbitrary \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{continuous }\DIFaddend function. +Different series expansion terms would have to obtained for each density function +desired. +Conversely, an arbitrary \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{continuous }\DIFaddend density function can be included in the GLQ without +any change to the integration method. +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Thus, we will focus only on GLQ-based methods henceforth. +}\DIFaddend + +\begin{figure} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{figures/tesseroid-uieda.pdf} +\caption{ + A tesseroid (spherical prism) in a geocentric spherical coordinate system, with a + computation point $P$ and its local north oriented Cartesian coordinate system. + After \citet{Uieda2015}. +} +\label{fig:tesseroid} +\end{figure} + +The main challenge of the GLQ integration is \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{the }\DIFaddend loss of accuracy \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{that occurs }\DIFaddend when the +computation point \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{gets closer to }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{approaches }\DIFaddend the tesseroid \citep{Ku1977}. +\citet{Uieda2016} built on the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{three dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive discretization algorithm of +\citet{Li2011} to automatically obtain integration results with 0.1\% accuracy. +The algorithm \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{consist in recursively splitting }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{recursively divides }\DIFaddend the tesseroid into smaller ones when a +threshold is exceeded, +namely when the normalized distance to the computation point is greater than a +``distance-size ratio'' \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{parameter }\DIFaddend ($D$). +\citet{Uieda2016} have also obtained standard values of $D$ +for the gravitational potential, \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{acceleration, and gradient }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{its gradient and Marussi }\DIFaddend tensor components +by comparing the numerical \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{model }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{integration results }\DIFaddend with the fields generated by a spherical +shell. + +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Two recent publications present alternative approaches for calculating the gravitational +fields of homogeneous tesseroids and incorporate methodologies for tesseroids with +variable densities in depth. +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Fukushima2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +analytically integrates the volumetric integral for the +gravitational potential in the radial direction, obtaining a surface integral, which is +then numerically solved by conditionally splitting the tesseroid and applying the double +exponential quadrature rule. +The gradient of the potential and the Marussi tensor components are computed by finite +differences. +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Fukushima2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +also generalized their method to tesseroids with a radial +polynomial density function of arbitrary degree. +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +compared the different integration and discretization methodologies for +homogeneous tesseroids. +From this analysis they developed a combined method: +for computation points near the tesseroid, they use a GLQ integration with an adaptive +discretization based on \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Uieda2016} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +but only applied to the horizontal dimensions. +If the computation point is farther than a certain truncation distance, +a second order Taylor series approximation is applied instead along with the regular +subdivision developed by \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Grombein2013}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +. +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +also introduced a variation of their combined method to compute the +gravitational fields generated by tesseroids with a linearly varying density in the +radial dimension. +} + +\DIFadd{Both the \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +and the \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Fukushima2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +studies limit the radial density +variation to polynomial functions. +While most continuous and smooth functions can be approximated by piecewise linear +functions, the choice of a discretization interval is neither straight forward nor +automatic. +Furthermore, it is well known that the use of high-degree polynomials to approximate a +highly variable function produces unstable results when extrapolating beyond the data +domain. +These shortcomings could make piecewise linear or high-degree polynomial density +functions unwieldy for non-linear gravity inversions \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep[e.g.][]{Uieda2017} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +if the +density function in depth is highly variable. +} + +\DIFaddend We present a new algorithm for computing the gravitational \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{fields generated by any +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{potential and its gradient +generated by a }\DIFaddend tesseroid with an arbitrary continuous density function on \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{any }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{an }\DIFaddend external +point. +It is based on the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{GLQ approximation and }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{three dimensional GLQ integration, a two dimensional version of }\DIFaddend the +adaptive discretization of \citet{Uieda2016} \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, which we extend to include }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{(following \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +), +and }\DIFaddend a new density-based \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{discretization step. +In order to }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{radial discretization algorithm. +To }\DIFaddend ensure the accuracy of the numerical approximation\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{we have +determined }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, we empirically determine +}\DIFaddend optimal values for the controlling parameters by comparing the numerical \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{approximation }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{results }\DIFaddend with +analytical solutions for spherical shells. +Finally, we \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{applied }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{apply }\DIFaddend the methodology to model the Neuqu\'en basin, Argentina, using +tesseroids with \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{an }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{linear and }\DIFaddend exponentially increasing density with depth. + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\section{Methodology} + +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Consider a tesseroid in a geocentric spherical coordinate system defined by +pairs of geocentric latitudinal ($\phi_1$, $\phi_2$), longitudinal ($\lambda_1$, +$\lambda_2$), and radial ($r_1$, $r_2$) boundaries. +}\DIFaddend We define an external computation point $P(r, \phi, \lambda)$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{in a geocentric spherical +coordinate system at a }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{located at }\DIFaddend radius $r$, +geocentric latitude $\phi$, and longitude $\lambda$\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{where the gravitational fields are going to be calculated. +The first and second }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{. +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Grombein2013} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +provide efficient formulations for the volume integrals of the +gravitational potential and its first- and second-order derivatives of a tesseroid with +homogeneous density. +The }\DIFaddend derivatives of the gravitational potential are taken with +respect to the local north-oriented Cartesian coordinate system \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{of }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{with origin at }\DIFaddend $P$ +(Fig.~\ref{fig:tesseroid}). +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Grombein2013} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +provide efficient formulations for the volume integrals of the +gravitational potential and its first and second derivatives of a tesseroid with +homogeneous density. +}\DIFdelend Here, we will assume that the tesseroid has a density varying with $r$ according to an +arbitrary \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{continuous }\DIFaddend function $\rho(r)$. +Thus, the integrals for the gravitational \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{fields }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{potential and its first-order derivatives }\DIFaddend are +slightly modified to + +\begin{equation} + V(r,\phi,\lambda) = G + \int\limits_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} + \int\limits_{\phi_1}^{\phi_2} + \int\limits_{r_1}^{r_2} + \frac{\rho(r')}{\ell} \kappa \, dr' d\phi' d\lambda', +\label{eq:tesseroid-pot} +\end{equation} + +\DIFdelbegin \begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{g_{\alpha}(r,\phi,\lambda) = G + \int\limits_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} + \int\limits_{\phi_1}^{\phi_2} + \int\limits_{r_1}^{r_2} + \rho(r') \frac{\Delta_\alpha}{\ell^3} + \kappa \, dr' d\phi' d\lambda', +%DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:tesseroid-grav}%%% +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend \noindent and + +\begin{equation} + g\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{_{\alpha\beta}}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{_{\alpha}}\DIFaddend (r,\phi,\lambda) = G + \int\limits_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} + \int\limits_{\phi_1}^{\phi_2} + \int\limits_{r_1}^{r_2} + \rho(r') \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{I_{\alpha\beta} \, }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\frac{\Delta_\alpha}{\ell^3} + }\DIFaddend \kappa \, dr' d\phi' d\lambda', +\DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:tesseroid-tensor} +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \label{eq:tesseroid-grav} +\DIFaddend \end{equation} + +\noindent in which \DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{I_{\alpha\beta} = + \left( + \frac{3\Delta_{\alpha} \Delta_{\beta}}{\ell^5} - + \frac{\delta_{\alpha\beta}}{\ell^3} + \right) , + %DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:tesseroid-tensor-kernel}%%% +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < \noindent %%% +\DIFdel{$\alpha, \beta \in \{x, y, z\}$, +$\delta_{\alpha\beta}$ is Kronecker's delta, +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$\alpha \in \{x, y, z\}$, +}\DIFaddend $G = 6.674\times10^{-11}\, \text{m$^3$kg$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$}$ is the gravitational constant +and + +\begin{equation} + \Delta_x = r'[\cos\phi\sin\phi' - \sin\phi\cos\phi' + \cos(\lambda' - \lambda)], +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} + \Delta_y = r' \cos \phi' \sin(\lambda' - \lambda), +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} + \Delta_z = r' \cos \psi - r, +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} + \kappa = {r'}^2 \cos \phi', +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} + \ell = \sqrt{{r'}^2 + r^2 - 2 r r' \cos \psi}, +\label{eq:ell} +\end{equation} +\begin{equation} + \cos\psi = \sin\phi\sin\phi' + \cos\phi\cos\phi' + \cos(\lambda' - \lambda). +\label{eq:cospsi} +\end{equation} + + +\subsection{Gauss-Legendre Quadrature integration} + +Applying a $N$th order GLQ, we can approximate each integral in +equations\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\ref{eq:tesseroid-pot}, \ref{eq:tesseroid-grav} and\ref{eq:tesseroid-tensor} }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~\ref{eq:tesseroid-pot} and~\ref{eq:tesseroid-grav} }\DIFaddend by a weighted sum of the +integration kernel evaluated on the roots of an $N$th order Legendre polynomial +\citep[p.~390]{Hildebrand1987}. +Unlike the homogeneous density case, the radial density function $\rho(r)$ must also be +included in the integration and evaluated on the Legendre polynomial roots +(i.e.\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend quadrature nodes). + +\DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < \iftwocol{ +%DIFDELCMD < \begin{displaymath} +%DIFDELCMD < \begin{split} +%DIFDELCMD < \iiint\limits_\Omega \rho(r') f(r', \phi', \lambda') +%DIFDELCMD < d\Omega \approx& \\ +%DIFDELCMD < A +%DIFDELCMD < \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N^r} +%DIFDELCMD < \sum\limits_{j=1}^{N^\phi} +%DIFDELCMD < \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N^\lambda} +%DIFDELCMD < & W_i^r W_j^\phi W_k^\lambda \rho(r_i) f(r_i, \phi_j, \lambda_k), +%DIFDELCMD < \end{split} +%DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:glq-var-dens} +%DIFDELCMD < \end{displaymath} +%DIFDELCMD < }{ +%DIFDELCMD < \begin{displaymath} +%DIFDELCMD < \iiint\limits_\Omega \rho(r') f(r', \phi', \lambda') d\Omega \approx +%DIFDELCMD < A +%DIFDELCMD < \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N^r} +%DIFDELCMD < \sum\limits_{j=1}^{N^\phi} +%DIFDELCMD < \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N^\lambda} +%DIFDELCMD < W_i^r W_j^\phi W_k^\lambda \rho(r_i) f(r_i, \phi_j, \lambda_k), +%DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:glq-var-dens} +%DIFDELCMD < \end{displaymath} +%DIFDELCMD < } +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \iftwocol{ +\begin{equation} + \begin{split} + \int\limits_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} + \int\limits_{\phi_1}^{\phi_2} + \int\limits_{r_1}^{r_2} + \rho(r') f(r', \phi', \lambda') + dr' d\phi' d\lambda' \approx& \\ + A + \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N^r} + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{N^\phi} + \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N^\lambda} + W_i^r W_j^\phi W_k^\lambda + &\rho(r_i) f(r_i, \phi_j, \lambda_k), + \end{split} +\label{eq:glq-var-dens} +\end{equation} +}{ +\begin{equation} + \int\limits_{\lambda_1}^{\lambda_2} + \int\limits_{\phi_1}^{\phi_2} + \int\limits_{r_1}^{r_2} + \rho(r') f(r', \phi', \lambda') + dr' d\phi' d\lambda' \approx + A + \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N^r} + \sum\limits_{j=1}^{N^\phi} + \sum\limits_{k=1}^{N^\lambda} + W_i^r W_j^\phi W_k^\lambda \rho(r_i) f(r_i, \phi_j, \lambda_k), +\label{eq:glq-var-dens} +\end{equation} +} +\DIFaddend + +\noindent where + +\begin{equation} + A = \frac{(\lambda_2 - \lambda_1)(\phi_2 - \phi_1)(r_2 - r_1)}{8}, +\end{equation} + +\noindent \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$f(r', \phi', \lambda')$ is an integral kernel for a homogeneous tesseroid +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Grombein2013}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +, +}\DIFaddend $(r_i, \phi_j, \lambda_k)$ are the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{coordinates of the }\DIFaddend quadrature nodes, +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$N^r$, $N^\phi$, $M^\lambda$ are the quadrature orders }\DIFaddend and $W_i^r$\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, $W_j^\phi$, +$W_k^\lambda$ }\DIFaddend are the quadrature weights \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{in the radial, latitudinal, and longitudinal +directions, respectively. +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet[p.~391]{Hildebrand1987} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +provides the formulas for calculating the GLQ weights and +pre-computed values of the Legendre polynomial roots for low orders. +See \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Uieda2016} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +for a more detailed description using a similar notation to the +one used here. +It is worth noting that a GLQ is equivalent to approximating the tesseroid by $N^r +\times N^\phi \times N^\lambda$ point masses located on the quadrature nodes +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Ku1977, Asgharzadeh2007}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +. +}\DIFaddend + + +\subsection{\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Two Dimensional }\DIFaddend Adaptive Discretization} + +\citet{Ku1977} noticed that the GLQ integration +becomes less accurate when the computation point is closer to the +mass element. +One way to prevent this from happening would be to increase the GLQ order. +Doing so would uniformly increase the number of point masses inside the +tesseroid volume. +However, an increase in the point mass concentration is only required close to the +computation point \citep{Uieda2016}. +Alternatively, \citet{Li2011} proposed an adaptive +discretization algorithm which keeps the GLQ order fixed and divides the +tesseroid based on a ratio between the distance to the computation +point and its dimensions. +This algorithm produces a more efficient computation because an increased concentration +of point masses is produced where it is needed more. +\citet{Uieda2016} developed a modified version of this algorithm \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, which we will use +here}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{along with an efficient +computational implementation. +Both algorithms perform tesseroid subdivisions in the latitudinal, +longitudinal and radial directions, thus we can define them as three-dimensional +adaptive discretization algorithms. +On the other hand, \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +proposed a two dimensional discretization algorithm +that subdivides the tesseroid only on the latitudinal and longitudinal directions. +Removing a dimension from the discretization makes the computation more efficient by +reducing the number of tesseroids in the model, while +retaining an acceptable accuracy \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Lin2018}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +. +} + +\DIFadd{Here we will follow \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +and use a two dimensional version of the adaptive +discretization of \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Uieda2016}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFaddend . +What follows is a summary of the algorithm and the reader is referred to +\citet{Uieda2016} for a detailed description. + +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{The following algorithm computes the gravitational fields at a given point at $(r, \phi, +\lambda)$ due to a tesseroid with its geometric centre at $(r_t, \phi_t, \lambda_t)$ and +dimensions $L_r$, $L_\phi$, and $L_\lambda$ given by +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{L_\lambda = r_2 \arccos(\sin^2\phi_t + + \cos^2\phi_t\cos(\lambda_2 - \lambda_1)), + %DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:sizelon}%%% +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{L_\phi = r_2 \arccos(\sin\phi_2\sin\phi_1 + \cos\phi_2\cos\phi_1), +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdel{and +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{L_r = r_2 - r_1. + %DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:sizer}%%% +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend \textit{Step 1}: Check that the tesseroid satisfies the following inequality for each +dimension \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{$L_i$ }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$L_i\ (i \in \{\lambda, \phi\})$ }\DIFaddend of the tesseroid: + +\begin{equation} + \frac{d}{L_i} \geq D, + \label{eq:condition} +\end{equation} + +\noindent +in which $D$ is a positive scalar called the distance-size ratio\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, }\DIFaddend $d$ is the distance +between the computation point and the geometric centre of the tesseroid + +\begin{equation} + d = \left[ + r^2 + r_t^2 - 2 r r_t \cos\psi_t + \right]^{\frac{1}{2}} , + \label{eq:distance} +\end{equation} + +\begin{equation} + \cos\psi_t = + \sin\phi\sin\phi_t + \cos\phi\cos\phi_t\cos(\lambda - \lambda_t). +\end{equation} + +\DIFaddbegin \begin{equation} + \DIFadd{r_t = \frac{r_2 + r_1}{2}, \quad + \phi_t = \frac{\phi_2 + \phi_1}{2}, \quad + \lambda_t = \frac{\lambda_2 + \lambda_1}{2}. +}\end{equation} + +\noindent +\DIFadd{and the dimensions of the tesseroid are defined as +} + +\begin{equation} + \DIFadd{L_\lambda = r_2 \arccos(\sin^2\phi_t + + \cos^2\phi_t\cos(\lambda_2 - \lambda_1)), + \label{eq:sizelon} +}\end{equation} + +\noindent \DIFadd{and +} + +\begin{equation} + \DIFadd{L_\phi = r_2 \arccos(\sin\phi_2\sin\phi_1 + \cos\phi_2\cos\phi_1). +}\end{equation} + +\DIFaddend \textit{Step 2}: +If none of the dimensions of the tesseroid fail inequality\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:condition}, then +compute the gravitational effect of the tesseroid using a second-order GLQ +(Eq.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:glq-var-dens}). +Add the computed effect to a running total. + +\textit{Step 3}: +If \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{any dimension fails inequality\ref{eq:condition}}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{inequality~\ref{eq:condition} does not hold for one of the dimensions +(longitudinal or latitudinal)}\DIFaddend , split the tesseroid in half along \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{the offending dimensions}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{that dimension}\DIFaddend . +Repeat steps 1-3 for all smaller tesseroids until none are left \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{that violate +inequality~\ref{eq:condition}}\DIFaddend . + +\textit{Final step}: +By the end of the algorithm, \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{a second-order GLQ will have been applied to each smaller +tesseroid and }\DIFaddend the running total \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{gathered in step 2 }\DIFaddend will be the gravitational effect of +the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{original }\DIFaddend tesseroid. + +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Notice that the }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{The }\DIFaddend distance-size ratio $D$ determines how many times the tesseroids will be divided. +Therefore, it effectively regulates both the accuracy of the algorithm and its +computation time. +An optimal value for $D$ cannot be directly calculated from the desired accuracy level. +Instead, it is empirically determined by comparing the numerical results with the +analytical solution for a spherical shell. +\citet{Uieda2016} used a shell with homogeneous density to determine optimal values of +$D$. +Here, we will repeat the numerical experiment using analytical expressions for shells +with density varying according to \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{exponential and linear }\DIFdelend functions of $r$. +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{This experiment will also test whether the same values of $D$ determined by +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Uieda2016} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +can be used for the two dimensional adaptive discretization. +}\DIFaddend + + +\subsection{Density-based Discretization Algorithm} + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth] + {figures/density-based-discretization-algorithm.pdf} +\caption{ + Example application of the density-based discretization algorithm to a non-linear + density function. + (a)\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{the }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~The }\DIFaddendFL normalised density function $\rho_n(r')$ (blue), current boundaries of the + tesseroid (orange dots), and the linear density function $\rho_l(r')$ (orange line). + The dashed red line represents the maximum density difference $\Delta \rho (r')$ at + which the tesseroid would be divided (assuming that the + inequality\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL \ref{eq:delta-density} is not satisfied). + (b)\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{second }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~Second }\DIFaddendFL iteration of the algorithm with a new linear density function and maximum + density difference. The tesseroid would be divided at the depth indicated by the + dashed red line. + (c)\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{third }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~Third }\DIFaddendFL iteration of the algorithm. + (d)\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{final }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~Final }\DIFaddendFL output of the density-based discretization, assuming that all four new + tesseroids satisfy inequality\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL \ref{eq:delta-density}. +} +\label{fig:density-discretization-algorithm} +\end{figure*} + +The numerical integration of an arbitrary \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{continuous }\DIFaddend density function introduces a new +type of problem: the integration error from using only a few \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{nodes to discretize the }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{quadrature nodes to account +for the variation of the }\DIFaddend density function. +The \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{three dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive discretization may help to reduce this kind of error \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{by +adding more point masses in the radial direction}\DIFaddend . +However, it does not take into account the density function \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{itself when dividing the +tesseroid }\DIFaddend and hence it is not well suited to fully perform this task. + +We have developed a complementary discretization algorithm \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{in the redial direction }\DIFaddend that +takes into account the variations of the density function. +This density-based discretization \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{happens }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{is applied }\DIFaddend prior to the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{two dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive +discretization described in the previous section. +In short, the algorithm divides the tesseroid along the radial dimension at the +depths at which the \emph{maximum density variations} take place. + +Consider an \emph{original} tesseroid with \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{a }\DIFaddend density given by the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{continuous }\DIFaddend function +$\rho(r')$. +Before the density-based discretization starts, +we normalise the density function to the range $[0, 1]$ as follows + +\begin{equation} + \rho_n(r') = + \frac{\rho(r') - \rho_\text{min}}{\rho_\text{max} - \rho_\text{min}}, +\end{equation} + +\noindent in which $\rho_\text{min}$ and $\rho_\text{max}$ are the minimum and maximum +density values inside the tesseroid boundaries. +We emphasize that this normalised density function will not be modified throughout the +algorithm. +In case the density function is constant, both maximum and minimum densities will be +equal and the density-based discretization algorithm will not be applied. + +The algorithm is comprised of the following steps +(Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:density-discretization-algorithm}): + +\textit{Step 1}: +Define a linear function $\rho_l(r')$ that assumes the same values as the normalised +density \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{function }\DIFaddend $\rho_n(r')$ at the boundaries of the tesseroid ($r_1$ and $r_2$): + +\begin{equation} + \rho_l(r') = + \frac{ \rho_n(r_2) - \rho_n(r_1) }{ r_2 - r_1 } (r' - r_1) + \rho_n(r_1), + \label{eq:density-reference-line} +\end{equation} + +\textit{Step 2}: +Evaluate the normalized and linear density functions on a range of $N$ radii between +$r_1$ and $r_2$. +We have opted for $N = 101$ but the specific value of $N$ is not critical to the +algorithm. + +\textit{Step 3}: +Compute the absolute difference between the values of the linear and normalised density +functions: + +\begin{equation} + \Delta \rho (r') = | \rho_n(r') - \rho_l(r') |. + \label{eq:density-abs-diff} +\end{equation} + +\textit{Step 4}: +If the following inequality holds, the tesseroid will not be divided: + +\begin{equation} + \text{max}\{ \Delta \rho(r') \} \frac{L_r}{L_r^\text{orig}} \le \delta, + \label{eq:delta-density} +\end{equation} + +\noindent +in which $L_r$ is the radial dimension of the tesseroid being considered for division, +\DIFaddbegin + +\begin{equation} + \DIFadd{L_r = r_2 - r_1, +}\end{equation} + +\noindent \DIFaddend $L_r^\text{orig}$ is the radial dimension of the original tesseroid, and +$\delta$ is a positive constant henceforth called the \textit{delta ratio}. + +\textit{Step 5}: +If inequality\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:delta-density} is not satisfied, then the tesseroid is split in +two parts at the radius $r_\text{max}$ at which the maximum absolute difference +(Eq.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:density-abs-diff}) takes place. +\DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\textit{\DIFdel{Step 6}}%DIFAUXCMD +\DIFdel{: +Repeat steps 1-6 }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Repeat steps 1-5 }\DIFaddend for each smaller tesseroid produced in \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{step 5. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{this step. +}\DIFaddend + +\DIFaddbegin \textit{\DIFadd{Final step}}\DIFadd{: +}\DIFaddend Once all smaller tesseroids satisfy \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Eq.}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{inequality.~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:delta-density}, each one is +subjected to the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{two dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive discretization algorithm described earlier to +calculate their gravitational effects. + +On the first iteration, the ratio $L_r/L_r^\text{orig} = 1$ because the tesseroid being +divided is the original one. +For \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{future }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{further }\DIFaddend iterations, the ratio will be progressively smaller than one as the +tesseroids get smaller. +This is intended to limit the number of divisions to the ones that will +significantly reduce the numerical error: +dividing a large tesseroid with a small $\text{max}\{ \Delta \rho(r') \}$ would +improve the integration accuracy more than dividing a small tesseroid with a +higher $\text{max}\{ \Delta \rho(r') \}$. +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{We also do not divide tesseroids with $L_r < 1$ mm because any integration errors would +be negligible due to the small mass of the tesseroid.. +}\DIFdelend + +The higher $\delta$ is, the fewer divisions will be made, and vice-versa. +Thus, it controls how many times the tesseroids will be divided based on the density +function and, indirectly, determines the accuracy and computation time of +numerical integration. +This raises the need to determine a maximum value of $\delta$ that +ensures an acceptable accuracy while minimising the computation time. + + +\DIFaddbegin \subsection{\DIFadd{Algorithm summary}} + +\DIFadd{In summary, given a tesseroid with density varying in depth according to an arbitrary +continuous function, we propose the following steps to numerically compute its +gravitational fields on an external point: +} + +\textit{\DIFadd{Step 1:}} +\DIFadd{Apply the density-based discretization algorithm to discretize the tesseroid in the +radial dimension, producing a set of tesseroids with the same longitudinal and +latitudinal dimensions as the original one but with different radial boundaries. +} + +\textit{\DIFadd{Step 2:}} +\DIFadd{Apply the two dimensional adaptive discretization algorithm for each tesseroid obtained +in the previous step. +If needed, the algorithm will divide each tesseroid in the latitudinal and longitudinal +direction, generating a set of smaller tesseroids. +} + +\textit{\DIFadd{Step 3:}} +\DIFadd{Apply a second-order GLQ to numerically compute the gravitational fields +(Eq.~\ref{eq:glq-var-dens}) generated by each tesseroid obtained in the +previous step. +The numerical integration includes the density function and can be applied +without modification to any continuous function. +The sum of these results is the gravitational field of the original tesseroid. +} + + +\DIFaddend \subsection{Software implementation} + +We have implemented the algorithms described in the previous sections in the Python +programming language. +The software is based on the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{pre-existing code for the homogeneous density tesseroid +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Uieda2016}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +, more specifically the implementation in the Python library }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Python implementation of \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Uieda2016} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +that is included +in the }\DIFaddend Fatiando a Terra \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{library }\DIFaddend v0.5 \citep{Uieda2013}. +The more time consuming parts of the algorithm are written in the Cython language to +achieve higher performance. +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{We leverage the dynamic nature of the Python language to allow user-defined radial +density functions as inputs to the software. +Thus, our code can evaluate linear, exponential, polynomial, sinusoidal, cubic splines, +or any other continuous density function without modification. +}\DIFaddend This new code is freely available under the BSD 3-clause open-source license. +It can be \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{freely }\DIFaddend downloaded from the online repository +\href{https://github.com/pinga-lab/tesseroid-variable-density}{github.com/pinga-lab/tesseroid-variable-density}. + + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\section{Determination of the distance-size and delta ratios} + +The distance-size ratio $D$ of the adaptive discretization and the delta ratio $\delta$ +of the density-based discretization determine how many times each tesseroid will be +divided and thus indirectly control the numerical error of the integration. +Optimal values for $D$ and $\delta$ must be determined in order to ensure both +acceptable numerical accuracy and computation efficiency for the algorithm. + +\citet{Uieda2016} compared the numerical integration of homogeneous density tesseroids +with the analytical solution of a spherical shell \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Mikuska2006,Grombein2013} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Mikuska2006, Grombein2013} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFaddend in +order to obtain default values for the distance-size ratio $D$. +We will follow this idea but for our needs the spherical shell must +have the same density function of radius as our tesseroid model. +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Analytical solutions for a variable density spherical shell are not present in the literature and so they must be obtained first}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +show the analytical solution of the gravitational potential generated by +a spherical shell with linear density in the radial coordinate}\DIFaddend . +We derive \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{the expressions }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{an expression }\DIFaddend for the gravitational \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{fields of spherical shells with +linear +and exponentialdensity functions of radius in Appendix\ref{sec:shell}}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{potential of a spherical shell with +an arbitrary density function in depth (Eq.~\ref{eq:shell-pot}), +from which we obtained +expressions for linear, exponential, and sinusoidal density functions +(see Appendix~\ref{sec:shell})}\DIFaddend . + +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{In order to compare the numerical results with the analytical solution we must build +spherical shell models out of tesseroids. +We divide the spherical shell along the latitudinal and longitudinal directions to +obtain a shell model made out of $6 \times 12 = 72$ tesseroids of size +$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$. +In order to asses the density-based discretization in the radial dimension, +we use spherical shell models with different thicknesses (Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}). +The thickness values were chosen to represent a range of applications, from topographic +to lithospheric scale models. +Because the amount of tesseroid divisions in the adaptive discretization will be +proportional to the tesseroid size (Eq.~\ref{eq:condition}), +some of these configurations represent worse-case scenarios. +Most practical applications will use tesseroids smaller than +$30^\circ \times 30^\circ \times 1000\ \text{km}$. +} + +\DIFadd{The differences between the analytical and numerical solutions could be calculated on a +single computation point due to the rotational symmetry of the spherical shell. +However, the numerical results depend on the relative location between the computation +point and the tesseroid \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Ku1977, Asgharzadeh2007, Uieda2016}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +. +We account for this effect by calculating the differences on regular grids and keeping +only the maximum absolute difference. +All calculations are repeated for four different computation grids +(Table~\ref{tab:grids}): +a local grid at the pole, a local grid at the equator, a global grid at zero height +above the shell, and a global grid at a height of 260 km (representing the nominal +height of the GOCE satellite). +These grids span a broad scenario of use cases and ensure an acceptable accuracy on each +one of them. +} + +\DIFaddend We perform comparisons between the analytical solutions for the spherical shell and the +numerical integration results for linear\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and exponential}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, exponential, and sinusoidal }\DIFaddend density +functions. +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{The comparisons are repeated for all combinations of tesseroid models in +Table~\ref{tab:shell-models} and computation grids in Table~\ref{tab:grids}. +}\DIFaddend From these results, we generalize \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{default }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{optimal }\DIFaddend values for $D$ and $\delta$ that ensure a +numerical error lower than 0.1\% of the spherical shell values \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{for most use cases}\DIFaddend . + +\begin{table} +\caption{ + Description of the \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{computation grids }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{tesseroid models }\DIFaddendFL used to \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{build spherical shells and }\DIFaddendFL characterize + the accuracy of the numerical integration. + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{All grids consist }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{The outer radius ($R_2$) }\DIFaddendFL of \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{a set }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{every shell model is equal to the mean Earth radius + (6378.137 km), while the inner radius ($R_1$) is determined by its thickness. + The horizontal dimensions }\DIFaddendFL of \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$10 \times 10$ points}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{the tesseroids and the total number of + tesseroids in the shell model are given in the latitudinal and longitudinal + dimensions, respectively}\DIFaddendFL . +} +\DIFaddbeginFL \label{tab:shell-models} +\begin{tabular}{rccccc} + \DIFaddFL{Thickness }& \DIFaddFL{Tesseroid size }& \DIFaddFL{Number of tesseroids }\\ \hline + \DIFaddFL{0.1 km }& \DIFaddFL{$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ }& \DIFaddFL{$6 \times 12 = 72$ }\\ + \DIFaddFL{1 km }& \DIFaddFL{$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ }& \DIFaddFL{$6 \times 12 = 72$ }\\ + \DIFaddFL{10 km }& \DIFaddFL{$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ }& \DIFaddFL{$6 \times 12 = 72$ }\\ + \DIFaddFL{100 km }& \DIFaddFL{$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ }& \DIFaddFL{$6 \times 12 = 72$ }\\ + \DIFaddFL{1000 km }& \DIFaddFL{$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ }& \DIFaddFL{$6 \times 12 = 72$ }\\ +\end{tabular} +\end{table} + +\begin{table} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Description of the computation grids used to characterize the accuracy of the + numerical integration. + Grid height is defined above the mean Earth radius. +}} +\DIFaddendFL \label{tab:grids} +\begin{tabular}{lccc} + Name & Grid \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{size }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{spacing }\DIFaddendFL & Grid region (degrees) & Grid height (km) + \\ \hline + Pole & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$1^\circ \times 1^\circ$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$0.1^\circ$ }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$0\text{E}/1\text{E}/89\text{N}/90\text{N}$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{0E / 1E / 89N / 90N }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{2 }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{0 }\DIFaddendFL \\ + Equator & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$1^\circ \times 1^\circ$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$0.1^\circ$ }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$0\text{E}/1\text{E}/0\text{N}/1\text{N}$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{0E / 1E / 0N / 1N }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{2 }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{0 }\DIFaddendFL \\ + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{Satellite }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Global }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$1^\circ \times 1^\circ$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$ 10^\circ$ }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$0\text{E}/1\text{E}/89\text{N}/90\text{N}$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{180W / 180E / 90S / 90N }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{260 }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{0 }\DIFaddendFL \\ + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{Big Grid }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Satellite }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$ 10^\circ$ }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$0\text{E}/30\text{E}/60\text{N}/90\text{N}$ }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{180W / 180E / 90S / 90N }\DIFaddendFL & \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{2 }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{260 }\DIFaddendFL \\ +\end{tabular} +\end{table} + + +\subsection{Linear Density} + +A spherical shell with a linear density function given by + +\begin{equation} + \rho(r') = ar' + b, + \label{eq:density-linear} +\end{equation} + +\noindent +has an analytical \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{solution given by Eq.\ref{eq:shell-pot-linear}. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{solutions for the gravitational potential and its vertical derivative +given by Eqs.~\ref{eq:shell-pot-linear} and~\ref{eq:shell-gz}. +The values of the angular and linear coefficients ($a$ and $b$) +can be chosen so that the density assumes the values of $\rho_\text{in} = 3300$~kg/m$^3$ +and $\rho_\text{out} = 2670$~kg/m$^3$ on the inner ($R_\text{in}$) and outer +($R_\text{out}$) radii of the shell, respectively, +}\DIFaddend + +\DIFaddbegin \begin{equation} + \DIFadd{a = \frac{\rho_\text{out} - \rho_\text{in}}{R_\text{out} - R_\text{in}}, +}\end{equation} + +\begin{equation} + \DIFadd{b = \rho_\text{out} - + \frac{\rho_\text{out} - \rho_\text{in}}{R_\text{out} - R_\text{in}} R_\text{out}. +}\end{equation} + + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/linear-density-diffs.pdf} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Differences between the gravitational fields generated by each tesseroid shell model + and the analytical solution as a function of the distance-size ratio $D$. + Each model has a linear density function (Eq.~\ref{eq:density-linear}). + The computations were performed on the four grids described in Table~\ref{tab:grids} + and using the shell models detailed in Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}. + Each line represents the maximum absolute difference between the numerical results + and the analytical solution for a given shell model. + Due to the linearity of the density function, the density-based discretization + algorithm is not applied. + Differences are reported as a percentage of the analytical solutions. + The horizontal dashed black line represents a target difference of 0.1\%. +}} +\label{fig:D-linear} +\end{figure*} + +\DIFaddend The absolute density difference defined on equation\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:density-abs-diff} will +always be zero for the linear density case. +As a result, the inequality\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:delta-density} will always be satisfied and no +divisions will ever be performed \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{during the density-based discretization}\DIFaddend . +Therefore, the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{distance-size ratio $D$ of the }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{two dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive discretization algorithm is the +only mechanism that controls the accuracy of the numerical integration \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{for the linear +density case}\DIFaddend . +For this reason, we will \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{ignore the values of $\delta$ and }\DIFaddend only determine the minimum +value of $D$ needed in order to guarantee an acceptable accuracy\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{while ignoring the value of $\delta$}\DIFdelend . + +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{In order to compare the numerical results with the analytical solution we +must build a spherical shell made of tesseroids. +The outer radius of the shell is equal to the mean Earth radius and we repeat the +calculations for shell thicknesses of 1km and 35km. +We discretize the shell into a single layer of $30^\circ \times 30^\circ$ tesseroids and +compute their gravitational effects on $10 \times 10$ point grids with different +resolutions, heights, and locations on the sphere. +These grids are defined in Table \ref{tab:grids}. +The density of the shell and tesseroid model varies linearly with $r$ +(Eq. \ref{eq:density-linear}) with angular coefficient +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{a = -\frac{3300\text{kg/m$^3$} - 2670\text{kg/m$^3$}}{R - R_1}, +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < \noindent %%% +\DIFdel{and linear coefficient +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{c = \frac{3300\text{kg/m$^3$} - + 2670\text{kg/m$^3$}}{R - R_1} R + + 2670\text{kg/m$^3$}, +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < \noindent +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdel{in which $R$ = 6378.137 km is the mean Earth radius and $R_1$ is the inner radius of the +shell (determined by the thickness). +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < \begin{figure*} +%DIFDELCMD < \centering +%DIFDELCMD < \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/linear-D.pdf} +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +%DIFDELCMD < \caption{% +{%DIFAUXCMD +\DIFdelFL{Differences between the gravitational fields generated by the tesseroid model + and the analytical solution for a thin (left) and a thick (right) spherical shell. + Both models have a linear density function of radius (Eq. \ref{eq:density-linear}). + The computations were performed on the four combinations described in + Table \ref{tab:grids}. + Due to the linearity of the density function, the density-based discretization + algorithm is not applied. + Differences are reported as a percentage of the shell values. + The horizontal dashed black line represents a target difference of 0.1\%. +}} +%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < \label{fig:D-linear} +%DIFDELCMD < \end{figure*} +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdel{We compute the }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{We compute the }\DIFaddend gravitational potential ($V$) \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, the vertical component of the gradient +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{and its vertical derivative }\DIFaddend ($g_z$) \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, and the diagonal components of the Marussi tensor ($g_{xx}$, $g_{yy}$, +$g_{zz}$) for +each }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{for +each shell model in Table~\ref{tab:shell-models} on each computation }\DIFaddend grid in +Table\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\ref{tab:grids}. +Other components }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~\ref{tab:grids}. +The horizontal derivatives of the potential }\DIFaddend are equal to zero outside of the shell \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{due +to the rotational symmetry }\DIFaddend and are thus omitted from the analysis. +The computations are repeated for values of \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{the distance-size ratio }\DIFaddend $D$ ranging from 0.5 +to \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{10 with a step }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{5 in increments }\DIFaddend of 0.5. +We \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{will }\DIFdelend then calculate the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{maximum }\DIFdelend absolute difference between \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{these }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{the numerical }\DIFaddend results and the +analytical \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{solutions derived in Appendix \ref{sec:shell}. +The differences are shown in Fig.\ref{fig:D-linear} as relative to the spherical shell values. +We omit the differences for $g_{xx}$ and $g_{yy}$ because they are equivalent to the ones obtained for $g_{zz}$}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{solution for the shell. +Fig}\DIFaddend .\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~\ref{fig:D-linear} shows the maximum absolute difference for each shell model and +computation grid as a function of $D$. +The differences are relative to the shell value. +}\DIFaddend Finally, we set the optimal value of $D$ as the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{minimum value at which the corresponding +error of the numerical approximation is lower than }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{smallest value for which the difference +is below }\DIFaddend 0.1\%. + +We observe from Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:D-linear} that the relative errors for the potential and +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{the }\DIFdelend $g_z$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{component }\DIFdelend fall below the 0.1\% threshold at $D=1$ and \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{$D=2$, respectively, for both shell thicknesses. +On the other hand, $g_{zz}$ displays a noticeable +difference between the thin and the thick shell: the first one needs a +value of $D$ equal to 8 while the later only a $D$ of 3. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$D=2.5$, respectively. +Notably, a value of $D=2$ would suffice for $g_z$ in the case of the satellite height +grid. +For all other configurations, these values are consistent and independent of the shell +model thickness or geographic location. +}\DIFaddend + + +\subsection{Exponential Density} + +For an exponential density function, the density-based discretization will be applied +before the adaptive discretization algorithm. +This means that optimal values for both the distance-size ratio $D$ and the delta ratio +$\delta$ \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{(Eq.~\ref{eq:delta-density}) }\DIFaddend must be determined. +We perform an error analysis similar to what was done for the linear density case. +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{However, we only consider the ``Big Grid'' from Table \ref{tab:grids} for the +sake of brevity. +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdel{The spherical shell and tesseroid model }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Now the spherical shell }\DIFaddend will have an exponential density function \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{given +by +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{that assumes the +values of $\rho_\text{out} = 2670$~kg/m$^3$ and $\rho_\text{in} = 3300$~kg/m$^3$ on the +outer and inner surfaces, respectively, defined as follows: +}\DIFaddend + +\begin{equation} + \rho(r') = A e\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{^{-(r' - R)/b} }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{^{- b \frac{r' - R_1}{R_2 - R_1}} }\DIFaddend + C, + \label{eq:density-exp} +\end{equation} + +\noindent where + +\begin{equation} + A = \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{(3300 \text{kg/m}^3 - 2670 \text{kg/m}^3) + }%DIFDELCMD < \left( %%% +\DIFdel{e^{( R - R_1 )/b} - 1 }%DIFDELCMD < \right)%%% +\DIFdel{^{-1}}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\frac{\rho_\text{in} - \rho_\text{out}}{1 - e^{-b}}}\DIFaddend , +\end{equation} + +\begin{equation} + C = \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{2670 \text{kg/m}^3 }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\rho_\text{in} }\DIFaddend - A, +\end{equation} + +\noindent \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{$R$ is the mean Earth radius, $R_1$ is the inner radius of the +shell (determined by the thickness), }\DIFdelend and $b$ is a \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{dimensionless +}\DIFaddend constant that determines the variability of the function\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{: a low }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{. +A higher }\DIFaddend value of $b$ increases the maximum slope of the density function +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{(Fig.~\ref{fig:exp-densities}). +}\DIFaddend + +\DIFaddbegin \begin{figure} +\centering +\iftwocol{ +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/exponential-densities.pdf} +}{ +\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{figures/exponential-densities.pdf} +} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Exponential density functions assigned to the spherical shell models for + $\delta$ ratio determination. + Each density function corresponds to a different value of $b$ on + Eq.~\ref{eq:density-exp}. +}} +\label{fig:exp-densities} +\end{figure} + + +\DIFaddend \subsubsection{$D$-$\delta$ space exploration} + +We aim to find a combination of the $D$ and $\delta$ that produces a numerical error +lower than the 0.1\% threshold while minimizing computation time. +We use a grid search method and compute the numerical error for every ($D$, $\delta$) +pair belonging to a grid on the $D$-$\delta$ space (Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:grid-search}). +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Because this is a time consuming computation, we limit the analysis to a shell of 35 km +thickness and $b = 1\ \text{km}$ (Eq. \ref{eq:density-exp}), which yields a +sharp density variation within the shell. +}\DIFdelend For optimum algorithm performance, we search for the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{($D$, $\delta$) pair that minimizes +the number of tesseroid division while keeping a numerical error under the 0.1\% +threshold. +This requirement translates into the }\DIFaddend smallest possible value of $D$ and the highest +possible value of $\delta$. + +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Because this is a time consuming computation, we limit the analysis to a high value of +$b=30$ (Fig.\ref{fig:exp-densities}) and the global grid defined in +Table~\ref{tab:grids}. +}\DIFaddend We compute the relative difference between the numerical and analytical results +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{for }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{of }\DIFaddend the gravitational potential ($V$) \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, the vertical component of its gradient }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{and its vertical derivative }\DIFaddend ($g_z$) \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, and the $g_{zz}$ component of the Marussi tensor. +The results are shown }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{for all shell +models defined in Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}. +For the sake of brevity, Fig.~\ref{fig:grid-search} shows the maximum difference values +obtained from all shell models. +The dotted lines }\DIFaddend in Fig.\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\ref{fig:grid-search}, in which points }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~\ref{fig:grid-search} represent a contour of 0.1\% relative +error. +Points }\DIFaddend inside the dotted \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{lines are the ones that present a numerical error lower than the 0.1\% }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{are within the acceptable }\DIFaddend threshold. +Also shown in Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:grid-search} are the $D$ values determined for the linear +density function in the previous section ($D_\text{linear}$). +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{The values of $D_\text{linear}$ }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin + +\DIFadd{The smallest values of $D$ that }\DIFaddend are within the 0.1\% threshold \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and are the optimum +values of $D$ for }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{coincide with +$D_\text{linear}$ for both }\DIFaddend $V$ and $g_z$. +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{The results for $g_{zz}$ are in agreement with those obtained for the linear density +function in the case of a thick shell (Fig. +\ref{fig:D-linear}). +Thus, we also choose the conservative value of $D=8$ as the optimum value for $g_{zz}$. +These results indicate that the values of }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{These results indicate that }\DIFaddend $D_\text{linear}$ can be safely extrapolated to \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{non-linear +density cases. +This is not surprising considering that the two dimensional adaptive +discretization and the density-based discretization are independent of each other. +The former divides the tesseroid in }\DIFaddend the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{exponential }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{horizontal dimensions, while the latter only +divides in the radial dimension. +Hence, the optimal value of $\delta$ is likely to be independent of the optimal value of +$D$. +Because the grid search was limited to a specific computation grid and value of $b$, +we perform a more detailed analysis in the following section to determine an optimal +value of $\delta$ for the exponential density }\DIFaddend case. + +\begin{figure} +\centering +\DIFdelbeginFL %DIFDELCMD < \includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth] +%DIFDELCMD < {%%% +\DIFdelFL{figures/grid-search.pdf}%DIFDELCMD < } +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \iftwocol{ +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth] + {figures/grid-search.pdf} +}{ +\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth] + {figures/grid-search.pdf} +} +\DIFaddendFL \caption{ + Numerical error exploration in the $D$-$\delta$ space. + The percentage difference values were obtained from the comparison between the + analytical solution and the numerical approximation of the gravitational fields ($V$ + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{, $g_z$ }\DIFdelendFL and \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$g_{zz}$}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$g_z$}\DIFaddendFL ) generated by a spherical shell with an exponential density function + (Eq.\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL \ref{eq:density-exp}). + These comparisons were carried out on the ``\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{Big Grid}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Global}\DIFaddendFL '' \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{grid }\DIFaddendFL (Table\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL \ref{tab:grids}), + with \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{a }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{the }\DIFaddendFL spherical shell \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{of + 35km of thickness}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{models detailed in Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}}\DIFaddendFL , and \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{an + exponential }\DIFaddendFL density function with \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{$b$ of 1km}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$b = 30$}\DIFaddendFL . + The \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{percentage difference values are obtained as the maximum difference + between every shell model. + The }\DIFaddendFL points inside the dashed line are the ones that present an error lower than + 0.1\%. + \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{The $D$ value obtained for the linear density case for each gravitational field is + also shown ($D_\text{linear}$). + }\DIFaddendFL } +\label{fig:grid-search} +\end{figure} + + +\subsubsection{Delta ratio determination} + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\DIFdelbeginFL %DIFDELCMD < \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/exponential-delta.pdf} +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/exponential-density-diffs.pdf} +\DIFaddendFL \caption{ + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{Numerical error }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Difference between the numerical and analytical solutions as a function of $\delta$ + ratio }\DIFaddendFL for different exponential density functions\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{. + These comparisons were carried out for every shell model + (Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}) }\DIFaddendFL and \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{values }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{computation grid (Table~\ref{tab:grids}) + using a fixed value }\DIFaddendFL of \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{the delta + ratio}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$D$}\DIFaddendFL . + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{The top panels show }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Each curve corresponds to }\DIFaddendFL the \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{exponential density functions }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{maximum difference out of all shell models + }\DIFaddendFL for \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{different values }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{a particular value }\DIFaddendFL of $b$ (Eq.\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL \ref{eq:density-exp}). + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{The error computations were performed on the ``Big Grid'' configuration described in + Table \ref{tab:grids}, with fixed values of the distance-size ratio + $D$ obtained for the linear density case ($D=1, 2, 8$ for the + potential, gradient components, and tensor components, respectively). + The difference is }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Differences are }\DIFaddendFL reported as a percentage of the \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{shell values}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{analytical solutions}\DIFaddendFL . + \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{The horizontal dashed black line represents a target difference of 0.1\%. + }\DIFaddendFL } +\label{fig:delta-exponential} +\end{figure*} + +Having chosen values of $D$ equal to \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{the ones obtained for the }\DIFaddend linear density case, we +are free to explore the integration error as a function of $\delta$ in more detail\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and how it varies for +different values of $b$ (Eq. +\ref{eq:density-exp}). +We perform the error calculations for the ``Big Grid'' configuration (Table\ref{tab:grids}) for two spherical shell models with 1km and 35km thickness}\DIFdelend . +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{We will compute the difference between the numerical and analytical results for all +combinations of computation grid (Table~\ref{tab:grids}) and spherical shell model +(Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}), varying $\delta$ from $10^{-3}$ to $10^{1}$. +}\DIFaddend The calculations are repeated for \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{different values of $b$ }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{each $b \in \{1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 100\}$ +(Fig.~\ref{fig:exp-densities}) }\DIFaddend to examine the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{error variation +with the sharpness of the density function}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{accuracy of the method for density +functions of different sharpness}\DIFaddend . +Because larger $\delta$ values result in fewer tesseroid divisions, +our intention is to find the highest value of $\delta$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{whose numerical error is }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{that produces a relative +difference }\DIFaddend bellow the $0.1\%$ threshold. + +Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:delta-exponential} shows the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{density functions and the }\DIFdelend resulting relative +differences \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{($V$, $g_z$, and $g_{zz}$) for different values of $b$ and thickness of the shell and tesseroid model. +The relative difference }\DIFdelend for $V$ and $g_z$ \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{as a function of $\delta$. +For the sake of brevity, each curve corresponds to the maximum difference between all +shell models. +The curves for $b=1$ and $b=2$ are below the 0.1\% threshold for all values of $\delta$ +and do not change for $\delta > 0.8$, indicating that the density +functions are sufficiently smooth and no density discretizations are necessary. +For all other values of $b$, the difference }\DIFaddend falls below the 0.1\% threshold +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{for +$\delta = 0.2$ in both the thick and thin shell cases. +On the other hand, optimal }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{if $\delta = 0.1$. +These results indicate that there is no significant relationship between the +sharpness of the exponential density function and the numerical error. +} + + +\subsection{\DIFadd{Sinusoidal Density}} + +\DIFadd{So far we have tested the density-based discretization algorithm against linear and +exponential density functions. +Nevertheless, this new algorithm is well suited to more complex continuous functions, +for example non-monotonic functions or those with multiple inflection points. +Although such density functions are rarely, if ever, seen in geological structures, +we want to subject our algorithm to such cases in order to show that it can solve more +complex situations than linear and exponential functions. +} + +\DIFadd{We will consider spherical shells with a sinusoidal density function defined as follows: +} + +\begin{equation} + \DIFadd{\rho(r') = A \sin \left( 2 \pi b \frac{r' - R}{R_2 - R_1} \right) + A, + \label{eq:density-sine} +}\end{equation} + +\noindent \DIFadd{in which $A$ is a constant that controls the amplitude and vertical shift of +the sine function, $R$ is the mean Earth radius, and $b$ is a dimensionless constant +that regulates how many periods of the trigonometric function are included inside the +inner and outer radii. +The analytical solutions for $V$ and $g_z$ of a spherical shell with a sinusoidal +density function can be found on Appendix~\ref{sec:shell}. +} + +\DIFadd{We compute the relative difference between the numerical and analytical results for $V$ +and $g_z$ for all combinations of spherical shell models (Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}) +and computation grids (Table~\ref{tab:grids}). +We fixed the distance-size ratio $D$ to the ones obtained for the linear density case +and explored }\DIFaddend values of $\delta$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{for $g_{zz}$ +are $\delta = 0.2$ for }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{ranging from $10^{-4}$ to $1$. +The calculations are repeated for values of $b$ equal to 1, 2, 5 and 10 +(Fig.~\ref{fig:sine-densities}). +For all computations, the value of $A$ is fixed at 1650 kg/m$^3$. +} + +\begin{figure} +\centering +\iftwocol{ +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/sine-densities.pdf} +}{ +\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{figures/sine-densities.pdf} +} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Sinusoidal density functions assigned to the spherical shells in the $\delta$ ratio + determination. + Each density function corresponds to a different value of $b$ on + Eq.~\ref{eq:density-sine}. +}} +\label{fig:sine-densities} +\end{figure} + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/sine-density-diffs.pdf} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Difference between the numerical and analytical solutions as a function of $\delta$ + ratio for different sinusoidal density functions. + These comparisons were carried out for every shell model + (Table~\ref{tab:shell-models}) and computation grid (Table~\ref{tab:grids}) + using a fixed value of $D$. + Each curve corresponds to the maximum difference out of all shell models + for a particular value of $b$ (Eq.~\ref{eq:density-sine}). + Differences are reported as a percentage of the analytical solutions. + The horizontal dashed black line represents a target difference of 0.1\%. + }} +\label{fig:delta-sine} +\end{figure*} + +\DIFadd{Fig.~\ref{fig:delta-sine} shows the relative differences between the analytical +and }\DIFaddend the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{thin shell and $\delta = 0.01$ for the thick shell}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{numerical solutions for sinusoidal density case}\DIFaddend . +Once again, \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{we opt for the conservative }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{each curve corresponds to the maximum difference between all shell models. +For all values of $b$ except for $b=10$, +the differences fall below the 0.1\% threshold for $\delta = 0.1$. +In the case of $b=10$, a lower }\DIFaddend value of $\delta = 0.01$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and sacrifice +performance for the sake of accuracy}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{is required to achieve 0.1\% +difference. +We note that, even for the case of $b=10$, the differences for $\delta = 0.1$ are below +1\%}\DIFaddend . + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\DIFaddbegin \section{\DIFadd{Algorithm performance}} + +\DIFadd{Because the density-based discretization algorithm introduces more divisions along the +radial dimension, it is reasonable that the computation time for variable densities will +be higher than the homogeneous density case. +Directly comparing the computation time of both cases cannot be done in a meaningful +way because it is highly dependent on the implementation of the algorithm, +the choice of programming language, and the particular density function used. +In order to obtain an indicator of the increase in the computation time, +we chose the number of tesseroid divisions in the density-based discretization as a +proxy measure. +} + +\DIFadd{We analyse exponential density functions (Eq.~\ref{eq:density-exp}) with values of $b$ +equal to 1, 2, 5, 10, 30 and 100, and sinusoidal density functions +(Eq.~\ref{eq:density-sine}) with values of $b$ equal to 1, 2, 5, and 10. +We then apply the density-based discretization algorithm on each function and record the +number divisions carried out. +Figs.~\ref{fig:number-of-tesseroids}a and~\ref{fig:number-of-tesseroids}b show the +exponential and sinusoidal density functions and the resulting discretization points as +orange dots. +} + +\DIFadd{For the exponential density functions, the algorithm performs a single division +independently of the value of $b$. +Therefore, the computation time would likely be at least twice that of the homogeneous +density case (assuming equal implementations). +On the other hand, Fig.~\ref{fig:number-of-tesseroids}c shows an almost linear relation +between the number of divisions in the sinusoidal density case and the value of $b$. +Thus, the computation time is likely to be dependent on the number of wavelengths +of the sinusoidal function that are contained within the tesseroid. +} + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/number-of-tesseroids.pdf} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Number of divisions performed by the density-based discretization algorithm + (with $\delta = 0.1$) in case of + (a)~exponential density functions with the same values of $b$ shown in + Fig.~\ref{fig:exp-densities}, + (b)~sinusoidal density functions with the same values of $b$ shown in + Fig.~\ref{fig:sine-densities}. + On both figures, the locations of the tesseroid divisions are are marked with orange + dots. + (c) shows the number of discretized tesseroids for the sinusoidal density functions + as a function of $b$. +}} +\label{fig:number-of-tesseroids} +\end{figure*} + + +%DIF > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\DIFaddend \section{Application to the Neuqu\'en Basin} + +We applied the new algorithms and optimal values of $D$ and $\delta$ determined +previously to calculate the gravitational effects of the Neuqu\'en Basin\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{: +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, +}\DIFaddend a sedimentary basin located to the east of the Andes, between 32$^\circ$S and +40$^\circ$S latitude (Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:neuquen-basin}a). +The basin includes continental and marine siliciclastics, carbonates, and evaporites +accumulated over the Jurassic and the Cretaceous constituting a stratigraphic record up +to 5000m of depth \citep{Howell2005}. + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/neuquen-basin.pdf} +\caption{ + Gravitational effects of the \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{Nequ\'en }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{Neuqu\'en }\DIFaddendFL sedimentary basin modelled + using tesseroids with an exponential density function of depth. + (a)\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL Topography of the Neuqu\'en Basin (in km) and its location in South America, + (b)\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL thickness of the sedimentary basin \citep[in meters;][]{Heine2007}, + (c)\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{the exponential density function used to model the basin + (depth in km and density in kg/m$^3$), + (d)-(l) computed }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~resulting }\DIFaddendFL gravitational \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{fields: }\DIFdelendFL potential $V$\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{, + }\DIFaddendFL (\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{in J/kg}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{d}\DIFaddendFL )\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{, }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~resulting vertical component of the }\DIFaddendFL gradient \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{components $g_x$, $g_y$ and $g_z$ }\DIFdelendFL (\DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{in mGal}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{$g_z$}\DIFaddendFL ), + \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{and Marussi tensor components + (in Eötvös), }\DIFdelendFL calculated at \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{50km }\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{10km }\DIFaddendFL of height over the \DIFdelbeginFL \DIFdelFL{ellipsoid}\DIFdelendFL \DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{mean Earth radius}\DIFaddendFL . +} +\label{fig:neuquen-basin} +\end{figure*} + +\DIFaddbegin \begin{figure} +\centering +\iftwocol{ +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/neuquen-basin-densities.pdf} +}{ +\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{figures/neuquen-basin-densities.pdf} +} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Linear and exponential densities used to compute the gravitational fields generated + by a tesseroid model of the Neuqu\'en sedimentary basin. + The height is defined above the mean Earth radius, and its axis is spanned between + the deepest and the highest point of the basin. +}} +\label{fig:neuquen-basin-densities} +\end{figure} + + +\begin{figure*} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{figures/neuquen-basin-diffs.pdf} +\caption{ + \DIFaddFL{Differences between the gravitational fields generated by the tesseroid model of the + Neuqu\'en basin with an exponential density contrast and with a homogeneous and + linear density variation. + \mbox{(a)-(b)}~Differences on $V$ and $g_z$ between the exponential density model + and the homogeneous density one, + \mbox{(c)-(f)}~differences on $V$ and $g_z$ between the exponential density model + and the linear density one, calculated at 10km of height over the mean Earth radius. +}} +\label{fig:neuquen-basin-diffs} +\end{figure*} + +\DIFaddend The thickness of the sediment pack was digitized from \citet{Heine2007} on a regular +grid with a resolution of 0.05$^\circ$ on both longitude and latitude directions +(Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:neuquen-basin}b). +We created a tesseroid model of the sediment pack by placing a +$0.05^\circ \times 0.05^\circ$ tesseroid on each node of the grid. +The top of each tesseroid was fixed at \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{0 m depth }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{the median of the topography of the basin +(845~m above mean Earth radius) }\DIFaddend and the bottom at corresponding thickness of the basin. + +We must also define a density function for the tesseroid model. +\citet{Sigismondi2012} measured a minimum and maximum density contrast for +the Neuqu\'en basin of -412kg/m$^3$ and -275kg/m$^3$, respectively. +We have chosen an exponential density variation (Eq.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:density-exp}) that assumes +the minimum value on the top surface and the maximum at \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{5858m }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{5014m }\DIFaddend depth (the thickest part +of the basin), with a value of $b$ equal to \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{2km}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{3. +This density variation is in the order of magnitude of the ones used by +\mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Cowie1990} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +and \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Cordell1973}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +}\DIFaddend . +This density function can be seen on Fig.\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\ref{fig:neuquen-basin}c}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~\ref{fig:neuquen-basin-densities}}\DIFaddend . + +Finally, we computed the gravitational potential $V$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, gradient components $g_x$, +$g_y$ and }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{and the vertical component of the +gradient (}\DIFaddend $g_z$\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, and the Marussi tensor components $g_{xx}$, $g_{xy}$, +$g_{xz}$, $g_{yy}$, and $g_{zz}$ }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{) }\DIFaddend on a computation grid of $159\times163$ nodes ($0.05^\circ$ spacing on +both longitude and latitude) at a \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{50km }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{10 km }\DIFaddend height over the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{reference ellipsoid}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{mean Earth radius}\DIFaddend . +The resulting fields can be seen in Fig.\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{\ref{fig:neuquen-basin}d-l. +We have excluded the other components of +the Marussi tensor from the Fig. +\ref{fig:neuquen-basin}, although they can be found in the online repository. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~\ref{fig:neuquen-basin}c-d. +} + +\DIFadd{We computed the differences between the results for the exponential density function and +those generated by the same model but now with a constant density (the mean of +-412kg/m$^3$ and -275kg/m$^3$). +We also computed the differences between the exponential density and a linear density +that assumes these two values on the highest and the deepest point of the basin +(Fig.~\ref{fig:neuquen-basin-densities}). +Fig.~\ref{fig:neuquen-basin-diffs}a-b and Fig.~\ref{fig:neuquen-basin-diffs}c-d show the +differences with the constant and the linear density, respectively. +The maximum absolute difference in the computed $g_z$ is approximately 8 mGal for the +homogeneous case and approximately 6 mGal for the linear density case. +Both are well above the accuracy of most available data products. +}\DIFaddend + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\DIFaddbegin \section{\DIFadd{Discussion}} + +\DIFadd{By including the density function into the GLQ integration, the method described here +can be applied without modification to tesseroids with density following any continuous +function of radius. +A density-based discretization algorithm divides the tesseroid in the radial dimension +to ensure accurate integration of the density function. +This algorithm is independent of the GLQ integration and could potentially be used to +determine an optimal discretization when approximating a density function by piecewise +linear \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Lin2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +or piecewise polynomial \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citep{Fukushima2018} }\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +functions. +} + +\DIFadd{Our numerical experiments show that the two dimensional adaptive discretization is +enough to achieve 0.1\% accuracy with a second-order GLQ in the case of a linear density +function (Fig.~\ref{fig:D-linear}). +Values of the distance-size ratio determined here for the gravitational potential +($D=1$) and its vertical derivative ($D=2.5$) are compatible with \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Uieda2016}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +. +These results also show that there is no significant relationship between the accuracy +of the method and the thickness of the tesseroid model. +} + +\DIFadd{The $D$-$\delta$ space exploration for the exponential density function +(Fig.~\ref{fig:grid-search}) showed that values of $D$ determined for the linear density +case are equally applicable to the exponential density case. +Furthermore, the difference with respect to the analytical solution only falls below +0.1\% for values of $\delta$ lower than 0.1. +It follows that the density-based discretization is required to achieve the desired +accuracy level for non-linear density functions. +} + +\DIFadd{More detailed error analyses showed that $\delta = 0.1$ is sufficient to guarantee an +accuracy of 0.1\% for all exponential density functions tested +(Fig.~\ref{fig:delta-exponential}) +and most of the sinusoidal functions tested (Fig.~\ref{fig:delta-sine}). +The exception is the case of a sinusoidal function with $b = 10$ +(Eq.~\ref{eq:density-sine}), for which $\delta = 0.01$ is required to achieve 0.1\% +accuracy. +Nevertheless, using $\delta = 0.1$ in this case would still produce results with an +error of less than 1\%. +} + +\DIFadd{While the algorithms proposed here can be applied to any continuous density function, +the optimal values for $D$ and $\delta$ are empirically determined only for linear, +exponential, and sinusoidal density functions. +Thus, we can only say with certainty that these values will produce results with 0.1\% +accuracy for these functions. +However, all of our numerical tests include worse-case scenarios (zero computation +heights, large tesseroids, highly variable density functions, etc). +For this reason, these optimal values of $D$ and $\delta$ can plausibly be +extrapolated to any realistic continuous density function. +Notwithstanding, we encourage users of the algorithms and software to perform similar +tests in order evaluate the accuracy when using density functions more complex than the +ones tested here. +} + +\DIFadd{The algorithm performance analysis shows that the computation time using variable +densities is likely to be at least two times larger than the homogeneous density case. +It is also likely to increase proportionally to the number of inflection points of the +density function. +As is the case for most numerical methods, there is a trade-off between computation time +and accuracy. +Nevertheless, density profiles will have few inflection points for most geophysical +applications. +Therefore, the computation time would be in the same order of +magnitude as the one for the homogeneous density in most real world applications. +} + +%DIF > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\DIFaddend \section{Conclusions} + +We have developed a new methodology to compute the gravitational \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{fields +generated by }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{potential and its +gradient for }\DIFaddend a tesseroid with a density given by a continuous function of \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{depth}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{radius}\DIFaddend . +It numerically solves the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{integrals that define the gravitational potential, +its gradient, and the Marussi tensor components through the }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{volume integrals through }\DIFaddend Gauss-Legendre Quadrature (GLQ) \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{by +including the density function in the numerical integration. +By implementing the algorithm in the dynamic Python programming language, users can +define their own density function to supply to the software. +This allows the use of any arbitrary continuous function without modification to the +method or software. +}\DIFaddend The accuracy of the numerical integration is automatically controlled by \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{an }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{a two +dimensional }\DIFaddend adaptive discretization algorithm and a new density-based discretization +algorithm. +The former divides the tesseroid in half if the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{ratio }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{ratios }\DIFaddend of the distance to the +computation point and the \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{latitudinal or the longitudinal }\DIFaddend size of the tesseroid \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{is lower }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{are +smaller }\DIFaddend than a predefined distance-size ratio $D$. +This algorithm minimises the integration error when the computation point is close to +the tesseroid. +Nevertheless, the adaptive discretization alone is not sufficient to guarantee the +accuracy of the method in case of tesseroids with \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{variable density . +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{non-linear density functions. +}\DIFaddend To overcome this challenge, \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{we have developed a }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{the }\DIFaddend density-based discretization algorithm +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{that }\DIFdelend divides the tesseroid \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{along the radial dimension }\DIFaddend on the points at which the maximum +variations of the density function take place. +The \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{density-based discretization is performed before adaptive discretization as a type +of pre-processing step. +The number of }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{number of radial }\DIFaddend divisions performed, and thus the accuracy of the computation, is +controlled by the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{delta ratio }\DIFdelend $\delta$ \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{parameter}\DIFaddend . +This new algorithm is intended to minimise the error due to the inability of +the GLQ to produce precise approximations of density functions with sharp variations. + +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{Because there is no direct relation between the values assigned to }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{We empirically determined optimal values for }\DIFaddend $D$ and $\delta$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and +the error of the computation , we empirically determined the optimum values for these +parameters}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{by comparing the numerical +results with analytical solutions. +Our analysis included a range of tesseroid models and computation grids as well as +common density functions}\DIFaddend . +These values minimize the computational load while maintaining the numerical error below +0.1\% of an analytical solution. +The density functions used to establish the \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{optimum }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{optimal }\DIFaddend values were a linear\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and an +exponential}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{, an +exponential, and a sinusoidal }\DIFaddend function. +The linear function represents the smoothest variation of density and does not require +density-based discretization at all. +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{We analysed the error for exponential functions ranging from smooth to sharp variations +in depth to test the accuracy of the density-based discretization. +}\DIFdelend Through this analysis, we have obtained optimal values for the distance-size ratio \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$D$ +}\DIFaddend of 1 \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, 2 and 8 }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{and 2.5 }\DIFaddend for the potential \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{, }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{an }\DIFaddend its gradient, \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and the Marussi tensor components, +respectively. +These values are in agreement with previous results for a homogeneous density tesseroid. +The optimum }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{respectively. +We analysed the error for exponential functions ranging from smooth to sharp and +sinusoidal function of different wavelengths to test the accuracy of the density-based +discretization. +Values of }\DIFaddend $\delta$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{values are 0.2 for the potential and its gradient components, while +a $\delta = 0.01$ must be used for the Marussi tensor components }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{equal to 0.1 are sufficient to guarantee a 0.1\% accuracy for most +realist cases tested. +These results could be extrapolated to other continuous density functions that are +sufficiently smooth, as is the case for most common geophysical applications. +Smaller values of $\delta$ can used for more highly variable density functions to +increase the accuracy of the integration accordingly. +} + +\DIFadd{Some computational performance is sacrificed }\DIFaddend in order to \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{ensure a +0.1\% precision. +A wide range of exponential functions were used to infer these results and they are +conservative estimates, chosen to prioritize accuracy over speed of computations. +Therefore, they can be safely generalized to other common depth-density relations, like +quadratic functions, without loss of accuracy. +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{obtain an accurate and general +purpose method. +The density-based discretization adds to the computation time by increasing +the number of GLQ integrations. +Likewise, allowing users to supply custom density functions incurs an overhead cost +because of the added function evaluations. +It is also impossible to optimize the source code and formulas without knowledge of the +specific density function. +Nonetheless, the density-based discretization is independent of the adaptive +discretization and GLQ integration. +It can be viewed as a type of pre-processing step that can be combined with other more +specialized integration methods. +}\DIFaddend + +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{An application to modelling the Neuqu\'en Basin, Argentina, demonstrates that the +effects of sediment compaction cannot be ignored. +When compared to an exponential density function, a homogeneous density with depth would +result in an error of up to -8 mGal, while a linear density function would result in up +to -6 mGal error. +Accurate and robust forward modelling is a key component to any gravity inversion +method. +Errors of this magnitude could result in significant overestimation of sedimentary +basin thickness, for example. +} + + + +\DIFaddend %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\section{Acknowledgments} + +We are indebted to the developers and maintainers of the open-source software without +which this work would not have been possible. + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +\bibliographystyle{gji} +\bibliography{references} + +\appendix + +\section{Analytical Solutions for Spherical Shell} +\label{sec:shell} + +\begin{figure} +\centering +\includegraphics[width=0.5\linewidth]{figures/spherical-shell.pdf} +\caption{ + Spherical shell with inner and outer radii $R_1$ and $R_2$, respectively. + The computation point $Q$ is located on the $z$ axis at a distance $r$ from + the origin of the coordinates system. + For our purposes we will assume that $Q$ is outside of the shell, + i.e.\DIFaddbeginFL \DIFaddFL{~}\DIFaddendFL $r > R_2$. +} +\label{fig:spherical-shell} +\end{figure} + +Consider a spherical shell with inner radius $R_1$ and outer radius $R_2$, +whose density is a function $\rho(r')$ of the radial coordinate +(Fig.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{fig:spherical-shell}). +The gravitational potential generated by the shell on an arbitrary external +point $Q$ can be written as follows: + +\begin{equation} + V_\text{sh}(\phi, \lambda, r) = G + \int\limits_0^{2\pi} + \int\limits_{-\frac{\pi}{2}}^\frac{\pi}{2} + \int\limits_{R_1}^{R_2} + \frac{\rho(r')}{\ell} {r'}^2 \cos\phi' \, + dr' d\phi' d\lambda', +\end{equation} + +\noindent where $\ell$ is defined in equation\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:ell}. + +For $Q$ located along the $z$ axis (i.e., $\phi=90^\circ$) at a distance $r$ from the +origin, equation\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:ell} simplifies to: + +\begin{equation} + \ell = \sqrt{r'^2 + r^2 - 2 r r' \sin\phi'}. +\end{equation} + +\noindent +Because of the rotational symmetry along the $z$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{axe}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{axis}\DIFaddend , the integration in $\lambda'$ is +straightforward: + +\begin{equation} + V_\text{sh}(r) = 2\pi G + \int\limits_{-\frac{\pi}{2}}^\frac{\pi}{2} + \int\limits_{R_1}^{R_2} + \frac{\rho(r') {r'}^2 \cos\phi'}{\sqrt{r'^2 + r^2 - 2 r r' \sin\phi'}} + \, dr' d\phi', +\end{equation} + +\noindent +while the integration in $\phi'$ can be performed independently of the density function. +Making use of SymPy \citep{sympy2017}, a Python library for symbolic mathematics, we +obtained the following expression for the potential: + +\iftwocol{ +\begin{equation} + \begin{split} + V_\text{sh}(r) = 2\pi G + \int\limits_{R_1}^{R_2} + \Big[ & \sqrt{r^2 + r'^2 + 2rr'} - \\ + & \sqrt{r^2 + r'^2 - 2rr'} + \Big] \frac{r'\rho(r')}{r} \, dr'. + \end{split} +\label{eq:shell-pot-sqrts} +\end{equation} +}{ +\begin{equation} + V_\text{sh}(r) = 2\pi G + \int\limits_{R_1}^{R_2} + \Big[ \sqrt{r^2 + r'^2 + 2rr'} - + \sqrt{r^2 + r'^2 - 2rr'} + \Big] \frac{r'\rho(r')}{r} \, dr'. +\label{eq:shell-pot-sqrts} +\end{equation} +} + +Because the computation point $Q$ is outside of the shell, $r > r'$ and the square roots +in equation\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:shell-pot-sqrts} simplify to + +\begin{equation} + \sqrt{r^2 + r'^2 + 2rr'} = |r + r'| = r + r', +\end{equation} + +\begin{equation} + \sqrt{r^2 + r'^2 - 2rr'} = |r - r'| = r - r', +\end{equation} + +\noindent which leads to the following expression for the potential: + +\begin{equation} + V_\text{sh}(r) = \frac{4\pi G}{r} + \int\limits_{R_1}^{R_2} {r'}^2 \rho(r') \, dr'. +\label{eq:shell-pot} +\end{equation} + +The gradient \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and the Marussi tensor }\DIFdelend of potentials that +depends solely on $r$ have only \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{a few }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{one }\DIFaddend non zero components: the vertical +component of the gradient ($g_z$)\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{and the diagonal components of the +tensor ($g_{xx}$, $g_{yy}$, $g_{zz}$)}\DIFdelend . +Following \citet{Grombein2013}: + +\begin{equation} + g_z(r) = \frac{V_\text{sh}(r)}{r}, +\DIFaddbegin \label{eq:shell-gz} +\DIFaddend \end{equation} + +\DIFdelbegin \begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{g_{xx}(r) = g_{yy}(r) = -\frac{V_\text{sh}(r)}{r^2} +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\begin{displaymath} + \DIFdel{g_{zz}(r) = \frac{2V_\text{sh}(r)}{r^2}. +}\end{displaymath}%DIFAUXCMD +%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend From Eq.\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{~}\DIFaddend \ref{eq:shell-pot} we can obtain expressions \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{for }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{of the }\DIFaddend gravitational potential for +different density functions. +\DIFaddbegin + +\subsection{\DIFadd{Linear density}} + +\DIFaddend For a linear density function + +\begin{equation} + \rho(r') = ar' + b\ , +\end{equation} + +\noindent +the gravitational potential at any external point is + +\begin{equation} + V_\text{sh}^\text{lin}(r) = \pi G \left[ + a \frac{R_2^4 - R_1^4}{r} + + b \,\frac{4}{3} \frac{R_2^3 - R_1^3}{r} \right]. + \label{eq:shell-pot-linear} +\end{equation} + +\noindent The first term on this equation reproduces the potential generated +by a spherical shell with variable density $\rho(r') = ar'$, while the second +term constitutes the potential generated by a spherical shell with homogeneous +density $\rho = b$ \citep{Mikuska2006,Grombein2013}. +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{Eq~\ref{eq:shell-pot-linear} is in agreement with the one obtained by \mbox{%DIFAUXCMD +\citet{Lin2018}}\hspace{0pt}%DIFAUXCMD +. +}\DIFaddend + +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{An }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \subsection{\DIFadd{Exponential density}} + +\DIFadd{For an }\DIFaddend exponential density function +\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{that assumes the values of $\rho_\text{out}$ and +$\rho_\text{in}$ on the shell's outer and inner surfaces, respectively, can be defined +as follows: +}\DIFdelend + +\begin{equation} + \rho(r') = A e\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{^{-(r' - R)/b} + C}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{^{- k (r' - R)}}\DIFaddend , +\end{equation} + +\noindent +where \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{$A$, $k$ and $R$ are constants, the gravitational potential on any external point +is +}\DIFaddend + +\begin{equation} + \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{A = (\rho_\text{in} - \rho_\text{out}) + }%DIFDELCMD < \left( %%% +\DIFdel{e^{( R_2 - R_1 )/b} - 1 }%DIFDELCMD < \right)%%% +\DIFdel{^{-1}, +}\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \begin{split} + V_\text{exp}(r) = \frac{4\pi G}{r} \frac{A}{k^3} \Big[ + & \left( R_1^2 k^2 + 2 R_1 k + 2 \right) e^{- k (R_1 - R)} - \\ + & \left( R_2^2 k^2 + 2 R_2 k + 2 \right) e^{- k (R_2 - R)} + \Big]. + \end{split} +\DIFaddend \end{equation} + + +\DIFaddbegin \subsection{\DIFadd{Sinusoidal density}} + +\DIFadd{For an sinusoidal density function +} + +\DIFaddend \begin{equation} + \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{C = }\DIFdelend \rho\DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{_\text{out} - }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{(r') = }\DIFaddend A \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{\sin ( k (r' - R))}\DIFaddend , +\end{equation} + +\noindent +\DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{where $A$, $k$ and }\DIFaddend $R$ \DIFdelbegin \DIFdel{is the mean Earth radius, and $b$ is a constant +that determines the variability of the function: a low value of $b$ +increases the maximum slope of the density function. +}%DIFDELCMD < + +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdel{The analytical solution of the gravitational potential generated by a +spherical shell with a density function }\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \DIFadd{are constants, the gravitational potential on any external point +}\DIFaddend is + +\begin{equation} + \DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < \begin{split} +%DIFDELCMD < V_\text{sh}^\text{exp}(r) = \frac{4\pi G}{r} +%DIFDELCMD < Ab +%DIFDELCMD < \Big[ +%DIFDELCMD < & (R_1^2 + 2R_1 b + 2b^2)e^{-\frac{R_1 - R}{b}} - \\ +%DIFDELCMD < & (R_2^2 + 2R_2 b + 2b^2)e^{-\frac{R_2 - R}{b}} +%DIFDELCMD < \Big] + \\ +%DIFDELCMD < & \frac{4 \pi G}{3 r} C (R_2^3 - R_1^3). +%DIFDELCMD < \end{split}%%% +\DIFdelend \DIFaddbegin \begin{split} + V_\text{sine}(r) = \frac{4\pi G}{r} \frac{A}{k^3} \Big[ + & (2 - k^2 R_2^2) \cos(k(R_2 - R)) + 2 k R_2 \sin(k(R_2 - R)) - \\ + & (2 - k^2 R_1^2) \cos(k(R_1 - R)) - 2 k R_1 \sin(k(R_1 - R)) + \Big] + \end{split}\DIFaddend +\DIFdelbegin %DIFDELCMD < \label{eq:shell-pot-exp} +%DIFDELCMD < %%% +\DIFdelend \end{equation} + +\end{document} + diff --git a/manuscript/manuscript.tex b/manuscript/manuscript.tex index b4d7d73..37a1495 100644 --- a/manuscript/manuscript.tex +++ b/manuscript/manuscript.tex @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ \section{Methodology} \kappa \, dr' d\phi' d\lambda', \label{eq:tesseroid-grav} \end{equation} -\\ + \noindent in which $\alpha \in \{x, y, z\}$, $G = 6.674\times10^{-11}\, \text{m$^3$kg$^{-1}$s$^{-1}$}$ is the gravitational constant and @@ -290,13 +290,13 @@ \subsection{Gauss-Legendre Quadrature integration} \label{eq:glq-var-dens} \end{equation} } -\\ + \noindent where \begin{equation} A = \frac{(\lambda_2 - \lambda_1)(\phi_2 - \phi_1)(r_2 - r_1)}{8}, \end{equation} -\\ + \noindent $f(r', \phi', \lambda')$ is an integral kernel for a homogeneous tesseroid \citep{Grombein2013}, $(r_i, \phi_j, \lambda_k)$ are the coordinates of the quadrature nodes, @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ \subsection{Two Dimensional Adaptive Discretization} \phi_t = \frac{\phi_2 + \phi_1}{2}, \quad \lambda_t = \frac{\lambda_2 + \lambda_1}{2}. \end{equation} -\\ + \noindent and the dimensions of the tesseroid are defined as @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ \subsection{Two Dimensional Adaptive Discretization} \cos^2\phi_t\cos(\lambda_2 - \lambda_1)), \label{eq:sizelon} \end{equation} -\\ + \noindent and \begin{equation}