NewFontContents -- Create a FontContents image for a font. (V34)
fontContentsHeader = NewFontContents(fontsLock,fontName)
D0 A0 A1
struct FontContentsHeader *NewFontContents( BPTR, char * );
Links: FontContentsHeader
This function creates a new array of FontContents entries that describe all the fonts associated with the fontName, specifically, all those in the font directory whose name is that of the font sans the ".font" suffix.
fontsLock - a DOS lock on the FONTS: directory (or other directory where the font contents file and associated font directory resides). fontName - the font name, with the ".font" suffix, which is also the name of the font contents file.
RESULT fontContentsHeader - a struct FontContentsHeader pointer.
EXCEPTIONS This command was first made available as of version 34.
D0 is zero if the fontName is does not have a ".font" suffix, if the fontName is too long, if a DOS error occurred, or if memory could not be allocated for the fontContentsHeader.
DisposeFontContents to free the structure acquired here.