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A developer environment for pulp based off of the Pulp OCI Images

Getting started

  1. Install the oci-env python client.
cd oci_env

# if pip3 isn't available, try pip. Python 3 is required for oci-env.
pip3 install -e client
  1. Install podman or docker compose

  2. Set up your directory with the following structure:

    ├── oci_env
    ├── pulp-openapi-generator
    ├── pulp_ansible
    ├── pulp_container
    ├── pulpcore
    └── any_other_python_sources

    The OCI env project should be in the same directory as any pulp plugins you wish to run.

    Note, the /src/ folder in the container is the parent folder containing the oci_env and all plugin checkouts on the container host.

  3. Define your compose.env file.

    cp compose.env.example compose.env

    A minimal compose.env will look something like this:

    # this is set to podman by default.

    In this example, ../pulpcore and ../pulp_ansible will be installed from source. Other settings include:

    • COMPOSE_PROFILE: this is used to define environments with extra services running. This could be used to launch a UI, set up an authentication provider service or configure an object store. Example COMPOSE_PROFILE=ha:galaxy_ng/ui. This will use the the ha profile from oci_env/profiles/ and the ui profile from galaxy_ng/profiles/
    • PULP_<SETTING_NAME>: set any value for your environment. Example: PULP_GALAXY_REQUIRE_CONTENT_APPROVAL=False
  4. Run the environment

    # build the images
    oci-env compose build
    # start the service
    oci-env compose up 

    The oci-env compose command accepts all the same arguments as podman-compose or docker-compose

    By default the API will be served from http://localhost:5001/pulp/api/v3/. You can login with admin/password by default. E.g.: http --auth admin:password get http://localhost:5001/pulp/api/v3/status/ The api will reload anytime changes are made to any of the DEV_SOURCE_PATH projects.

    oci-env compose accepts all of the arguments that docker and podman compose take. You can also launch the environment in the background with oci-env compose up -d and access the logs with oci-env compose logs -f if you don't want to run it in the foreground.

    In case you have problems with setup in macOS, check these troubleshooting tips.

  5. Teardown

    To shut down the containers run oci-env compose down. Data in your system will be preserved when you restart the containers.

    To delete the database run oci-env compose down --volumes. This will shut down the containers and delete all the container data in your system.

The oci-env CLI

This CLI has all the functionality required to run the OCI Env developer environment. See oci-env --help for a list of supported commands.

oci-env can either be run in the oci_env/ root dir, or it can be executed from anywhere by setting the OCI_ENV_PATH environment variable. The path supplied to OCI_ENV_PATH is expected to be the oci_env/ project root dir.

Resetting the DB

The DB can be reset and migrations rerun with the oci-env db reset command. Alternatively, you could run the following:

oci-env compose down --volumes  # Shut down the containers and delete all the container data on your system
oci-env compose up

Multiple environments

oci-env supports running multiple environments simultaneously. To do this, simply create a new .env file such as:

# custom.env


# These three values must be different from the api port, docs port and project name for any other
# instances of the environment that are running to avoid conflicts.

# If you want to use a different directory for your git checkouts you can set this
# SRC_DIR=/path/to/my/git/checkouts

Once the file is defined run oci-env -e custom.env compose up to launch the new environment. The path to custom.env can be an absolute path or relative to your PWD. If you have OCI_ENV_PATH defined you can create a directory for your custom definitions and run oci-env from there without having to specify an absolute path.


├── oci_env
└── oci_env_configs
    ├── custom.env
    └── test.env
export OCI_ENV_PATH="~/oci_env"

cd oci_env_configs
oci-env -e custom.env compose up

Running Tests


# Install the lint requirements and run the linter for a specific plugin

oci-env test -i -p PLUGIN_NAME lint

# Run the linter without installing lint dependencies.
oci-env test -p PLUGIN_NAME lint


Before functional tests can be run, you must clone into the parent directory.


├── (...)
├── oci_env
└── pulp-openapi-generator
# Generate the pulp client. This will build clients for all plugins in DEV_SOURCE_PATH. -i will also install the client in the container.
oci-env generate-client -i

# Install the functional test requirements and run the tests
oci-env test -i -p PLUGIN_NAME functional

# Run the tests without installing dependencies.
oci-env test -p PLUGIN_NAME functional

Bindings for specific plugins can be regenerated with oci-env generate-client PLUGIN_NAME.

Use --language parameter to specify the programming language the bindings should be generated for (default: python), e.g. oci-env generate-client -l ruby PLUGIN_NAME.

Debugging functional tests

  1. Add "epdb" to the functest_requirements.txt file in your pulp_ansible checkout path.
  2. Inside any functional test, add import epdb;
  3. Re-run oci-env test -i functional and oci-env test -p pulp_ansible functional --capture=no commands again.

Using PyCharm remote debug server

  1. Start the debugger server in PyCharm. When using podman, the hostname should be set to host.containers.internal hostname. Docker users should use host.docker.internal hostname.
  2. Add a break point to your Pythong code:
import pydevd_pycharm
pydevd_pycharm.settrace('host.containers.internal', port=3013, stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True)`
  1. Restart all services you need to pick up the code change by running s6-svc -r /var/run/service/<service_name>
  2. Perform the action that should trigger the code to run.

Please note that host.containers.internal points to the wrong interface in podman < 4.1. When using podman < 4.1, you need modify /etc/hosts inside the container running Pulp with the IP address for the publicly facing network interface on the host.

Building docs

Install the docs building utility from

Then, run make docs and make servedocs. You can install the utility and run these commands outside of oci-env.

The docs are served on the URL logged by the make servedocs step.


# Install the unit test dependencies for a plugin and run it.
oci-env test -i -p PLUGIN_NAME unit

# Run the unit tests for a plugin without installing test dependencies.
oci-env test -p PLUGIN_NAME unit


Custom Profiles

You can create custom profiles for your instance of oci_env by creating adding _local to the end of the profile name. These profiles will be ignored by git. Example oci_env/profiles/my_custom_profile_local/.

Writing New Profiles

OCI env has a pluggable profile system. Profiles can be defined in oci_env/profiles/ or in any pulp plugin at <PLUGIN_NAME>/profiles/.

To generate a new profile template run:

# Generate a new profile in oci_env
oci-env profile init my_profile

# Generate a new profile in a plugin repo
oci-env profile init -p PLUGIN_NAME my_profile

# List available profiles
oci-env profile ls

# Display the for a profile
oci-env profile docs my_profile

Each profile goes in it's own directory and can include:

  • compose.yaml: This is a docker compose file that can define new services or modify the base pulp service.
  • pulp_config.env: Environment file that defines any settings that the profile needs to run.
  • Script that gets run when the environment loads. Can be used to initialize data and set up tests. Must be a bash script.
  • profile_reqirements.txt: A list of other profiles that are required to be set in COMPOSE_PROFILE for this profile to function.
  • profile_default_config.env: A list of default variables to use if not specified by the user.
  • Readme file describing what the profile is for and how to use it.


These variables can be used in pulp_config.env and compose.yaml:

  • API_HOST: hostname where pulp expects to run (default: localhost).
  • API_PORT: port that pulp expects to run on. This port will also get exposed on the pulp container (default: 5001).
  • API_PROTOCOL: can be http or https (default: http).
  • NGINX_SSL_PORT: the port on which Nginx listens to https traffic (default: 443). API_PROTOCOL needs to be https.
  • NGINX_PORT: the port on which Nginx listens to http traffic. Note: the functional tests won't work correctly if this is different from API_PORT. (default: 5001, or the value of API_PORT).
  • DEV_SOURCE_PATH: colon separated list of python dependencies to include from source.
  • COMPOSE_PROFILE: colon separated list of profiles.
  • DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME: username for the super user (default: admin).
  • DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD: password for the super user (default: password).
  • COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME: the project name passed to podman-compose. Use this when running multiple environments to keep containers and volumes separate (default: oci_env).
  • SRC_DIR: path to load source code from. Set this if you want to use a different set of git checkouts with your environment (default: oci_env/../)

Variables are templated using pythons "{VAR}".template(VAR="my_var") function, so they must be referenced as {VARIABLE_NAME} in environment and compose files.

Profiles can use variables outside of this list as well. They are just required to be defined in the user's compose.env file or in the profile's (or its parents) profile_default_config.env file.

Example pulp_config.env:



Profile structure in the galaxy_ng plugin

└── ui
    ├── compose.yaml
    └── pulp_config.env

compose.yaml: This defines a UI service that builds the container found at ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH and configures the UI to proxy requests to the pulp API server.

version: "3.7"

      context: "{ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH}"
      - "8002:8002"
      - "{ANSIBLE_HUB_UI_PATH}:/hub/app/"
      # Forces npm to ignore the node_modules in the volume and look
      # for it in ../node_modules instead, while still being able to write .cache
      - "/hub/app/node_modules"
      - pulp
      - "API_PROXY_HOST=pulp"
      - "API_PROXY_PORT=80"
      - "DEPLOYMENT_MODE=standalone"

pulp_config.env: The UI expects the galaxy apis to be served from /api/automation-hub/ and for the app to be launched in standalone mode. The environment file provided with the profile ensures that the API is configured correctly to consume the new service.






To activate this profile set COMPOSE_PROFILE=galaxy_ng/ui. Running this will launch the UI container along with pulp.

dnewswan-mac:oci_env dnewswan$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                    NAMES
2cc06f79bc87   oci_env_ui                    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 seconds ago   Up 1 second>8002/tcp   oci_env_ui_1
e1c3ae797018   localhost/oci_env/pulp:base   "/init"                  6 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds>80/tcp     oci_env_pulp_1

Multiple profiles can be selected with COMPOSE_PROFILE=galaxy_ng/ui:profile2:profile3. The last profile loaded gets priority on environment variables. Each compose.yaml is added additively, and subsquent profles can modify the services from previous profiles.

How it Works

At it's core, the oci-env command launches a predictable set of containers with a CLI interface to communicate with them. Thes containers are launched by taking advantage of a feature in docker and podman compose that allow multiple compose.yaml files to be selected via the -f flag. The command that oci-env runs can be viewed with the -v flag:

oci-env -v compose up
Running command in container: docker-compose -p oci_env -f /Users/dnewswan/code/hub/oci_env/.compiled/oci_env/base_compose.yaml -f /Users/dnewswan/code/hub/oci_env/.compiled/oci_env/galaxy_ui_compose.yaml up

Since not all compose runtimes support variable interpolation, oci-env handles that by itself. The compose.yaml files provided by all of the plugins are gathered up and the variables defined in your compose.env file are substituted using python's str.format() command and placed in the .compiled/<COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME>/ directory. This directory contains all the information for the running instance of your dev enviornment:

(venv) dnewswan-mac:oci_env dnewswan$ tree .compiled/
├── ci
│  ├── base_compose.yaml
│  ├── combined.env
│  └──
└── oci_env
    ├── base_compose.yaml
    ├── combined.env
    ├── galaxy_ui_compose.yaml

.compiled/ contains all your compose files (with the correct variable substitutions) as well as an script that launches each profile's script and a combined.env file which combines all the pulp_config.env files into one and performs variable substitution. The combined.env file is then loaded into the pulp container as an environment variable, and is run once the container has initialized.

Once all of the information here is compiled, oci-env launches the container runtime and mounts the following directories:

  • oci_env is mounted into /opt/oci_env/. This creates a predictable location to launch scripts provided by oci_env (such as /opt/oci_env/base/container_scripts/
  • your source code directory is mountent into /opt/src/. This provies a predictable location to find plugin source code (such as /src/pulpcore/).