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249 lines (186 loc) · 6.96 KB

File metadata and controls

249 lines (186 loc) · 6.96 KB

JavaScript Coding Standards


  • No line should exceed 90 characters.
    • this is to make blame views, multiple tab editors, merging and side-by-side app and code debugging easier
    • to avoid running long, set descriptive variables, add returns on functions with lots of params, chained function calls like jquery should be returned with indents after each function call
    • any templates that allow for mixing javascript with html, javascript code should be avoided as much as possible
    • When you read you're code again 6 months later you should understand what and why the code is doing something.
    • never use eval.
    • always use strict equals === and strict not equals !===.
    • use || to set defaults. Set defaults as close to the top of the function as possible.


  • there should be no magic numbers
x = force * 0.9;

earthGravity = 0.9;
x = force * earthGravity;
  • all var declarations inside a function get hoisted to the top of the function when the code is processed. Declare any key properties at the top of the function.
  • constants should BE_LIKE_THIS
  • any jQuery cached selectors should start with a dollar sign.
  • don't create variables inside of a loop.
var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
  arr.filter( function( j ) { return j < 5; } );

var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
highThanFive = function( j ) { return j < 5; };
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
  arr.filter( highThanFive );
// WHY? calling function or var inside a loop will allocate space 
// in the heap and create a new instance each time through the loop. 
// So in the example instead of creating just one function it will 
// check 7 functions that need to be marked for garbage collection 
// as soon as the loop is complete. This is a waste of memory and 
// resources and has been impacts on old computers and mobile devices 
// where there's not much to go around.
  • don't pollute the global namespace. Always use var in front of a variable that is declared for the first time. Not doing so will make it global.
  • name variables with something descriptive and don't abbreviate.
  • always favor descriptive variable names over adding more comments in the code. Inline comments means you're code isn't understandable enough by itself or you're doing something fairly complex.


  • Favor the Module pattern for creating complex objects.
  • NEVER put instructions in a return statement. This includes returning Object with public methods. This makes for harder debugging and makes code less readable.
  • don't try to be too smart or do fancy tricks; it just causes confusion. Write code others can understand.
function calculateForce( previousX, x ) 
  return mass * Math.abs(previousX - x) / new Date().getTime();

function calculateForce( previousX, x ) 
  acceleration = Math.abs(previousX - x) / new Date().getTime();
  force = mass * acceleration;
  return force;
  • self-invoked functions should have the parenthesis inside
var thing = (function ( ) 
  .. code

var thing = (function ( ) 
  .. code
  • stay away from passing large nondescript objects as a parameter for a function. Be as explicit as possible.
function sendMessageServiceRequest( data, success, callback ) { ... }

function sendMessageServiceRequest( userid, messageId, messageBody, success, callback ) { ... } 

// WHY? This helps you to see the dependancies of the function better. 
// It helps other developers who didn't write this function, nor should 
// they need to read the detail steps of every function, understand 
// the requirements to use the function.
  • If an error check can early return out of a method, do the check as close to the top as possible.
  • any check that's not completely understandable should be broken out into a boolean variable name.
if ( myVar === param1 && param1 !== otherVar )

var isVarUnique = ( myVar === param1 && param1 !== otherVar );
if (isVarUnique) { ... }

Readability - White Space

  • code in paragraphs.
    • empty line breaks should be used to break up chunks of functionality. Normally there are a few chucks of things your function is doing. Keeping those chucks together make it more scanable and readable.
function updatePosition( x ) 
  acceleration = Math.abs(previousX - x) / new Date().getTime();

  force = mass * acceleration;

  x += force; 

  this.move( x );

function updatePosition( x ) 
  acceleration = Math.abs(previousX - x) / new Date().getTime();
  force = mass * acceleration;
  x += force; 

  this.move( x );
// WHY? Because the updatePosition function does 2 things. 
// It calculates the forces, then it moves the object to 
// the new position.  Keeping like functionality together 
// helps to make your code more readable, scanable and understandable.
  • functions should have the opening bracket on the following line.
  • braces should be on separate lines unless it's a short object literal. ie var obj = {myProperty:myValue}
  • any complex checks should be set to a descriptive variable. This improves readability and understandability of code as well as making it easier to debug.
if ( b !== c && b !== a && ( b > 0 && b < 100) )

var isBUniqueAndUnder100 = ( b !== c && b !== a && ( b > 0 && b < 100) );
if ( isBUniqueAndUnder100 )

Dependency Management

  • all dependancies should be listed in require's define method, except a few global objects like jquery.
  • any private functions should have any and all dependancies injected as a param of the function.
function calculateXPosition( x ) 
  acceleration = Math.abs(previousX - x) / new Date().getTime();
  force = mass * acceleration;
  x += force; 

  return x;

function calculateXPosition( x, previousX, mass, acceleration ) 
  acceleration = Math.abs(previousX - x) / new Date().getTime();
  force = mass * acceleration;
  x += force; 

  return x;
// WHY? This to keep private functions unit testable. If all 
// the dependancies are injected as a param then when 
// the function is ran it will count towards code completion 
// because everything was testable and nothing needed to 
// be mocked out. It also helps to spot dependancies 
// much quicker and address way to eliminate them. 
  • Ways to remove dependancies
    • minimize the imports in require's define function.
    • try to use the smallest data model that has the data that is needed.
    • if a few properties are needed from another model, check if the properties will be static and can be passed in as a string instead of the entire model.

Messaging Options

  • events
  • localize observing
  • data binding

Work Flow

  • Break up all coding tasks into something that can be completed in 1 to 4 hours. Commit after each discrete task is complete. Sync code base at least once a day.