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Contributing to BoTorch

We want to make contributing to BoTorch is as easy and transparent as possible.

Development installation

To get the development installation with all the necessary dependencies for linting, testing, and building the documentation, run the following:

git clone
cd botorch
pip install -e ".[dev]"

Our Development Process

Code Style

BoTorch uses ufmt to enforce consistent code formatting (based on black) and import sorting (based on µsort) across the code base. Install via pip install ufmt, and auto-format and auto-sort by running

ufmt format .

from the repository root.

Flake8 linting

BoTorch uses flake8 for linting. To run the linter locally, install flake8 via pip install flake8, and then run

flake8 .

from the repository root.

Docstring formatting

BoTorch uses Google-style docstrings. To make sure documentation is rendered correctly, we require that every __init__ function contains an Args: block. We use the flake8-docstrings plugin to check this - install via pip install flake8-docstrings and run flake8 as above to check.

Type Hints

BoTorch is fully typed using python 3.10+ type hints. We expect any contributions to also use proper type annotations. While we currently do not enforce full consistency of these in our continuous integration test, you should strive to type check your code locally. For this we recommend using pyre.

Unit Tests

To run the unit tests, you can either use pytest (if installed):

pytest -ra

or python's unittest:

python -m unittest

To get coverage reports we recommend using the pytest-cov plugin:

pytest -ra --cov=. --cov-report term-missing


BoTorch's website is also open source, and is part of this very repository (the code can be found in the website folder). It is built using Docusaurus, and consists of three main elements:

  1. The documentation in Docusaurus itself (if you know Markdown, you can already contribute!). This lives in the docs.
  2. The API reference, auto-generated from the docstrings using Sphinx, and embedded into the Docusaurus website. The sphinx .rst source files for this live in sphinx/source.
  3. The Jupyter notebook tutorials, parsed by nbconvert, and embedded into the Docusaurus website. These live in tutorials.

To build the documentation you will need Node >= 8.x and Yarn >= 1.5.

The following command will both build the docs and serve the site locally:


Pull Requests

We actively welcome your pull requests.

  1. Fork the repo and create your branch from main.
  2. If you have added code that should be tested, add unit tests. In other words, add unit tests.
  3. If you have changed APIs, update the documentation. Make sure the documentation builds.
  4. Ensure the test suite passes.
  5. Make sure your code passes both ufmt and flake8 formatting checks.
  6. If you haven't already, complete the Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").

Community Contributions (Beta)

In order to reduce the maintenance work required from our team, while continuing to support contributions from BoTorch community, we're trying out a revised support model for community contributions.

Contributing new methods & notebooks: We're asking our contributors to add these under botorch_community, notebooks_community & test_community, and their help in maintaining added code going forward. The maintenance expectations include keeping the code up to date against any deprecations in BoTorch and dependencies, fixing any breakages, and help in responding to issues & discussions from other users. We will notify the contributors of any maintenance needs and expect a resolution of the issues within 90 days. We may decide to move any contribution into core BoTorch at a future date, at which point our team will assume all maintenance responsibility.

Fixes & improvements to core BoTorch: We appreciate the support from our community and continue welcoming PRs with bug-fixes & improvements to core BoTorch.

Contributor License Agreement ("CLA")

In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need to do this once to work on any of Facebook's open source projects. You can complete your CLA here:


We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.

Facebook has a bounty program for the safe disclosure of security bugs. In those cases, please go through the process outlined on that page and do not file a public issue.


By contributing to BoTorch, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.