I enter maintain stage for this Cfd module, I will not develop new features, but fix bug.
- boundary faces selection will survive geometry redesign (topology change)
- bugfix: after changing turbulence model from laminar to any turbulence model,existent boundary constraints' turbulence spec combobox is empty. Similar to heat transfter setting
improve FreeCAD meshing quality for CFD, boundary layer inflation and mesh importing CFD mesh with viscous layer and hex meshcell supported, The best way to do that will be meshing externally like Salome, and importing back to FreeCAD Currently, the bad mesh quality make turbulence case hard to converge
testing CfdResult loaded into vtk pipeline built in FemWorkbench (given up, please use paraview)
update CfdExample.py for testing Cfd module demo (low priority)
in source doxygen, style check, clean (last step before merge to official)
NamedSelection (Collection of mesh face) for boundary: for identifying mesh boundary imported from mesh file
Part section: build3DFromCavity buildEnclosureBox for example, there a pipe section, how to extract void space in pipe for CFD, it is done in Part Next
More CFD Analysis Type supported, transient, heat transfer and LES model setup
potential new Cfd solver like fenics, elmer, both solvers has been discussed in Fem forum
GGI and dynamic mesh will not be supported for the complex GUI building work
multiphase case setup: too much work
list of FemAnalysis instances, add_analysis() add_time() timeStep, currentTime, adaptiveTimeStep=False historicalTimes chain up all historical case data file. static multiple solvers are also possible