This is especially useful if you would like control over tokens, such as token invalidation
Copy/Create an API token at
Make a POST request to
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"apiToken\": \"$token\"}" ""
- Define a QASM quantum circuit e.g.
qasm_string=''OPENQASM 3; \
include ""; \
qreg q[1]; \
creg c[1]; \
x q[0]; \
c[0] = measure q[0]; ''
The circuit provided will need to be mapped to instructions fitting to the hardware basis instructions of the QPU, which is a process known as Transpilation
transpile locally via Qiskit or:
Use the Cloud Transpiler API. See general documentation at
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer '$token \
-d '{
"qasm_circuits": "'$qasm_string'",
"backend": "ibm_peekskill",
"optimization_level": 3,
"use_ai": false
Request the results using the task_id
curl -X GET \
"${task_id}" \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer '$token
- Make a POST request to
with the following headers:-
'Content-Type: application/json'
'x-access-token' with the access token obtained above
'x-qx-client-application: qiskit-version-2/0.39.2/'+'your_application' specifying the application you might be running from. For an actual Integration project, this option it is invaluable to know where jobs are coming from. At this time the "qiskit-version-2/0.39.2/" string is a necessary prefix.
Include a JSON payload with the following
- 'program_id': 'sampler'/’estimator’,"backend": …, "hub": …, "group": …, "project": …, "params": {"circuits": [resulting_qasm]} with the qasm that the transpilation Service outputs
curl -X POST \
"" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'x-access-token: '$api_key \
-H 'x-qx-client-application: qiskit-version-2/0.39.2/your_application' \
-d '{
"program_id": "sampler",
"backend": "ibm_peekskill",
"hub": "ibm-q-internal",
"group": "dev-sys-software",
"project": "internal-test",
"start_session": "False",
"params": {"circuits": "'$resulting_qasm'"}
c.f. documentation at
curl -X POST "" \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'x-access-token: '$api_key \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"backend": "ibm_peekskill",
"instance": "ibm-q-internal/dev-sys-software/internal-test"
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "x-access-token: $auth_id" -H 'x-qx-client-application: qiskit-version-2/0.39.2/YOUR_APPlication' -d '{"program_id": "sampler","backend": "ibm_cusco","hub": "ibm-q-internal","group": "dev-sys-software","project": "internal-test","session_id": "YOUR_SESSION_ID","params": {"circuits": "OPENQASM 3;include \"\";qreg q[1];creg c[1];x q[0];c[0] = measure q[0];"}}' ''
After submitting the job, the status can be checked using the job_id.
curl -H "x-access-token: $auth_id" ''$job_id
The status of the job can be either “Queued“, “Running“, “Completed“ or ”Failed”.
- Make a GET request to '{job_id}/results' to retrieve the job results.
- Include the 'x-access-token' header with the access token obtained above.
curl -H "x-access-token: $auth_id" ''$job_id'/results'
- Make a POST request to '' to invalidate the access token.
- Include the 'x-access-token' with the access token obtained above as json input
curl -H "x-access-token: $auth_id" ''