This library includes tools for parametrizing QUA for_
As opposed the for_each_
method which suffers from large memory usage and may introduce gaps,
these functions simplify the usage of QUA for loop without any costs in terms of ressources and performance.
This function allows to parametrize a QUA for_
loop using a predefined python array.
Note that this array must have a linear or logarithmic increment. For looping over arbitrary arrays,
please use the QUA for_each_
from qualang_tools.loops import from_array
import numpy as np
pulse_amplitude = np.arange(-0.3, 0.3 , 0.01)
with program() as prog:
a = declare(fixed)
with for_(*from_array(a, pulse_amplitude)):
# The variable 'a' will be looped over the values from pulse_amplitude
When looping a QUA int with a logarithmic increment the values taken by the QUA variable slightly differ from the ones
in numpy.logspace because of rounding errors. The exact values taken by the QUA variable can be retrieved using the
function as shown below:
from qualang_tools.loops import from_array, get_equivalent_log_array
import numpy as np
qubit_frequency = np.logspace(3, 6, 101)
exact_qubit_frequency = get_equivalent_log_array(qubit_frequency)
with program() as prog:
f = declare(int)
with for_(*from_array(f, qubit_frequency)):
# The variable 'f' will be looped over the values from exact_qubit_frequency
WARNING: if the logarithmic step is small such that two consecutive values will be equal after being cast to integers, then an error will be raised because the QUA for_ loop would be infinite. In that case, you can consider increasing the step or using the for_each_() method.
Note that this does not happen when looping over a QUA variable of type fixed, or when using a linear increment.
This function allows to parametrize a QUA for_
loop using the same formalism as with numpy.arange(start, stop, step)
Note that the 'stop' point will not be included in the loop.
from qualang_tools.loops import qua_arange
a_min = -0.3
a_max = 0.3
da = 0.01
with program() as prog:
a = declare(fixed)
with for_(*qua_arange(a, a_min, a_max, da)):
# The variable 'a' will take the same values as the ones in np.arange(a_min, a_max , da)
This function allows to parametrize a QUA for_
loop using the same formalism as with numpy.linspace(start, stop, num)
Note that the 'stop' value will be included into the loop.
from qualang_tools.loops import qua_linspace
a_min = -0.3
a_max = 0.3
a_len = 101
with program() as prog:
a = declare(fixed)
with for_(*qua_linspace(a, a_min, a_max, a_len)):
# The variable 'a' will take the same values as the ones in np.linspace(a_min, a_max , a_len)
This function allows to parametrize a QUA for_
loop using the same formalism as with numpy.logspace(start, stop, num)
Note that the 'stop' value will be included into the loop.
from qualang_tools.loops import qua_logspace
a_min = -4
a_max = -0.302
a_len = 101
with program() as prog:
a = declare(fixed)
with for_(*qua_logspace(a, a_min, a_max, a_len)):
# The variable 'a' will take the same values as the ones in np.logspace(a_min, a_max , a_len)
Note that the values between a_min and a_max must be included in [-8, 8).
When looping a QUA int with a logarithmic increment the values taken by the QUA variable slightly differ from the ones
in numpy.logspace because of rounding errors. The exact values taken by the QUA variable can be retrieved using the
function as shown below:
from qualang_tools.loops import from_array, get_equivalent_log_array
import numpy as np
f_min = 3
f_max = 6
f_len = 101
exact_qubit_frequency = get_equivalent_log_array(np.logspace(f_min, f_max, f_len))
with program() as prog:
f = declare(int)
with for_(*qua_logspace(f, f_min, f_max, f_len)):
# The variable 'f' will be looped over the values from exact_qubit_frequency