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100 lines (81 loc) · 4.26 KB

SvgBob in R

Build Status AppVeyor Build Status

Svgbob is a diagramming model which uses a set of typing characters to approximate the intended shape. It allows for converting ascii art into beautiful svg images.

This R package wraps the svgbob cargo crate.


Input text:

    E +-------------------------*--+     E |                         o    
    D |-------------------*--*--|--*     D |                   o  o  |  o 
    C |-------------*--*  |  |  |  |     C |             o  o  |  |  |  | 
    B |-------*--*  |  |  |  |  |  |     B |       o  o  |  |  |  |  |  | 
    A +-*--*--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+     A +-o--o--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| 
        5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50         5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 
text <- readLines(system.file('examples/demo.bob', package = 'svgbob'))
svgbob(text[66:72], 'chart.svg')


Suppose input text looks like this:

     +10-15V           ___0,047R
  + |        |      |       |  |         |    |       |
  -===-     _|_     |       | .+.        |    |       |
  -===-     .-.     |       | | | 2k2    |    |       |
  -===-   470| +    |       | | |        |    |       |
  - |      uF|      '--.    | '+'       .+.   |       |
    +--------o         |6   |7 |8    1k | |   |       |
          ___|___    .-+----+--+--.     | |   |       |
           -═══-     |            |     '+'   |       |
             -       |            |1     |  |/  BC    |
            GND      |            |------o--+   547   |
                     |            |      |  |`>       |
                     |            |     .+.   |       |
                     |            | 220R| |   o----||-+  IRF9Z34
                     |            |     | |   |    |+->
                     |  MC34063   |     '+'   |    ||-+
                     |            |      |    |       |  BYV29     -12V6
                     |            |2     '----'       o--|<-o----o--X OUT
                     |            +--+                |     |    |
                     |            |  |                C|    |    |
                     |            |  |          30uH  C|    |   _|_ 470
                     |            |3 |    1nF         C|    |   .-.  uF
                     |            |--)----|(--.       |     |    | +
                     '-----+----+-'  |        |      GND    |    |
                          5|   4|    |        |             |    |
                           |    |___.-._______|_____________|    |
                           |         |                 ___  |    |
                           +---------(-------------o--|___|-+    |
                                     |             |       1k0   |
                                     +-----+      .+.            |
                                           |      | | 5k6 + 3k3  |
                                           |      | | in Serie   |
                                           |      '+'            |
                                           |       |             |

Convert to svg or png:

text <- readLines(system.file('examples/circuits.bob', package = 'svgbob'))
svgbob(text[1:41], 'circuits.svg')



Q: "How to integrate this in markdown?" A: "There is a project called Spongedown" which specifically does that. The svgbob diagramming feature is guarded with ```bob code block so as not to pollute the markdown syntax.

Installation in R

The hellorust readme has instructions on how to setup rust on Windows, MacOS or Linux. After that you can just do:
