r0 aims to be a minimalistic reimplementation of the radare shell without much complexity and relaying all the extensibility to external applications trying to keep the source as small as possible.
- Small footprint (50KB)
- Minimalistic Intel and ARM disassemblers (90KB)
- Minimum set of commands to inspect and manipulate binaries
- r0d does binary diffing and patching files
- r0v is the visual interactive frontend of r0
- Very portable: Compiles for wasm, js.. even for MS-DOS!
- Single binary without any external dependency
- pancake<nopcode.org>
[0x00000000]> ?
s[+-addr] seek to relative or absolute address
b[+-size] change block size
w[hex|"str"] write hexpair or string
/[hex|"str"] search hexpair or string
x[size] hexdump
d[size] disassemble n bytes
X[size] hexpair dump
p[fmt] print formatted current block ('p' for help)
d[size] disasemble
r[+-[num]] truncate or -remove N bytes
.[file] interpret file
<[file] load file in current seek
>[file] dump current block to file
!cmd run shell command
?expr calculate numeric expression
q quit
print command
[0x00000000]> p?
ob/wW/dD/qQ byte (oct,hex), word, dword, qword (lil, big endian)
i/I/f/F int32 (lil, big), float (lil, big)
s/S short int16 (lil, big)
z/Z zero-terminatted string (ascii, wide-ascii)
./:/* skip 1 or 4 chars, repeat last format instead of cycle
r0 is known to build and run on several OS.
- GNU/Hurd, Plan9, DOS, BSD, Solaris, Linux, macOS, Windows, Wasm, Javascript, ...
- support for escapped characters in string write and search ops
- Add support for simple math ops (+,-,*,/) no parenthesis plz :)
- Remove '.' command? to make it suck less
- Add .! command that runs !foo > file and then .file
- Support for multiple commands in a single line (';' separator)