All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
13.2.2 (2022-04-23)
13.2.1 (2022-04-23)
- app: add patch release script (cd7cd7c)
- app: fix log in message (c43f795)
- app: fix login bad credentials error (7334d38)
- app: fix manifest (9f761b1)
- app: fix pwa issues (9648643)
- app: fix some scripts (3a2425f)
- app: update readme (935d631)
13.2.0 (2022-04-22)
- app: add documentation (5bfbba6)
- app: destroy subscription! (08b10f3)
- app: fix apollo provider (cbb4f76)
- app: fix build error (af757c8)
- app: fix ci script (2f6383d)
- app: fix e2e script (14ab120)
- app: fix eslint config (80e7469)
- app: fix eslint config 2 (2e89dff)
- app: fix eslint config 3 (d7c024d)
- app: fix eslint config 4 (f93ba6c)
- app: fix ng mocks error (231385d)
- app: fix paths config for unit tests (d970530)
- app: fix tests (111c13e)
- app: improve storage service (c0964e0)
- app: reformat all code files with prettier (34e6892)
- app: remove cookie votes flag (67e8b47)
- app: replace some paths (795ae4f)
- app: update @angular-eslint/schematics (6a05c74)
- app: update @angular/cdk (ce26490)
- app: update @angular/material (4b3e730)
- app: update apollo-angular (1e27c5c)
- app: update cypress spec type (dc00932)
- app: update eslint config and modified to be more restricted (a0814fe)
- app: update husky and add pre-commit validation (be5453d)
- app: update ng-mocks (9fec4a6)
- app: update readme file (3354fcb)
- app: upgrade some versions (5508d73)
- hero: add posibility to vote (5e3b645)
13.1.0 (2021-12-11)
13.0.0 (2021-12-11)
12.0.0 (2021-12-11)
11.0.0 (2021-12-11)
10.0.0 (2021-12-11)
- angular resolver: add hero resolver for hero detail page (386d594)
- angular9: first start running (c1937f0)
- angular9: fix lint errors (e6ba19f)
- angular9: fix lint errors (9bd6e67)
- angular9: fix ssr (3bb0e1b)
- angular9: fix ssr (226603f)
- angular9: remove moment from lib (2c46771)
- angular9: update files and move some folders (97cc055)
- angular9: update files of angular @8.X (12514ef)
- angular9: update files to angular 9 (6188de9)
- angular9: update files to latest versions (10ea1dd)
- angular9: update readme file (9bd365f)
- ANGULAR: fix extract-i18n script (b7739e4)
- APP: add auth, root and user modules with stable logic (b8e4553)
- APP: add new routes and prepare code for next improve (5f23548)
- APP: Angular 13 (614fd78)
- APP: fix ci script (fe6eb42)
- APP: fix ci script (6ccbcd3)
- APP: fix sass divide warning (6f0ba1e)
- APP: fix tests and linter (10b4b5d)
- APP: fix typescript type checks (be0f333)
- APP: remove universal and fix i18n (ee37914)
- APP: update readme (1fba65d)
- APP: update readme (6bee3a2)
- APP: update readme and upload eslintrc file (10330b0)
- APP: update readme file (6fba863)
- APP: update readme file (a2bf561)
- APP: update readme file (a837e7b)
- APP: updates updates updates 😄 (25ee977)
- audit: fix some issues related to google lighthouse (8f8e993)
- code: reformat code (56d4bcf)
- coverage: fix coverage path and sonar issues (f17192a)
- coveralls: remove coveralls and codacy budgets (52b55ec)
- csp: refactor csp directives to app config and move sw manifest to assets folder (552fea0)
- dependencies: upgrade some of them (1d6972f)
- dependencies: upgrade some of them and remove web-animations-js (1a1403d)
- dependency: update @ismaestro/ngx-scroll-to-first-invalid (22a2a51)
- deploy: deploy to firebase after build (d024f3d)
- favicon: update favicon paths (dbb1202)
- fireabse: upgrade node version to 8 for functions (e47b7ec)
- functions: remove ^ from functions package (8517394)
- headers: add some security headers with helmet (db691ed)
- hero detail: fix hero detail page (4c760be)
- hero service: improve unit tests (b00e915)
- karma: update coverage dir path (f7a821b)
- karma: update reporters (a137313)
- layout: update ts config files and more layout changes (f2d5f47)
- lazy images: replace ngx-progressive-image-loader for ng-lazyload-image (ffdc4b0)
- node: downgrade node version required to 10.16.0 (3e9fe1d)
- package: add update script (544ae6a)
- pwa: fix pwa manifest and update firebase functions dependency (1750f16)
- readme: improve readme file (7c14167)
- readme: update buy me a coffee link (c7e1f0c)
- readme: update readme file (c152df1)
- readme: update readme image (e4266b4)
- resolver: add resolver test (913cb0d)
- server: refactor ssr function to use server ts file (79adb00)
- service workers: add service workers support (fc7eebf)
- sonar: update sonar configuration (f634fe6)
- sonar: update sonar configuration 2 (4f1babe)
- sonar: update sonar coverage configuration (bdf4a2f)
- tests: improve unit tests (cbaaac5)
- travis: move sonar-scanner to the script step (0364c0a)
- travis: remove set +e from travis build (e7535cc)
- travis: update firebase configuration (b858eea)
- travis: update firebase deploy commands 1 (5a213ae)
- travis: update firebase deploy commands 2 (dc13641)
- travis: update firebase project name (4cffc6e)
- travis: update travis configuration (9f6e28b)
- travis: update travis configuration (ae0f7ee)
- travis: update travis configuration to add sleep (f4b6183)
- travis: update travis order and create validate server script (83d0ec3)
- universal: add preboot module to share state between browser and server (2cc12f4)
- card: add responsive class to images (31176a8)
- hero list: add track function in heroes loop (98b45a5)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (2accd9c)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (f38ba18)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (469fff8)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (23f8ee3)
- package: solve problem with validate server script (f6b2bca)
- sw: solve problem with service worker in localhost and refactor assets folder (925990b)
- travis: install functions dependencies (d74e298)
- travis: install functions dependencies 2 😄 (33b9cb9)
- tslint: solve some tslint issues (2a5e084)
8.0.0 (2019-06-12)
- angular 8: improve material imports and load child with the new version (fd6f955)
- angular 8: update some versions (c4ca817)
- angular version: update angular version to 8 (b17bf23)
- firebase: add firebase! (c8eaa60)
- lazy loading images: add ngx-progressive-image-loader (544142d)
- linter: remove deprecated rules and fix unit tests (3e959cf)
- loading states: improve loading states (82edffc)
- moment: remove useless locales from dist files (240217e)
- readme: update angular version and warning (45281ff)
- sentry: add sentry! (d0ecb7f)
- ssr: removes webpack, refactor routes and endpoints and updates ssr structure (f318446)
- ssr: removes webpack, refactor routes and endpoints and updates ssr structure (d2bde9b)
- travis: upgrade node version (5364f1e)
7.0.0 (2018-10-30)
- anchor: add anchor and scroll support in app routing module (c24ddea)
- angular: upgrade versiion to 7 (d31cdde)
- animations: provideIn root and add animations (2d0779e)
- bowser: add browser detection (b4671f5)
- forms: add autocomplete and scroll to first invalid directive (08aeb02)
- forms: update scroll directive (704e1a1)
- helpers: move helper class to services and add tests (05d65d0)
- hero card: add hero card component (0d32deb)
- hero loading: add as a component (72bdd21)
- library: upgrade version in app (8fd0f36)
- library version: upgrade library version (813d8f7)
- light version: remove polyfill and reduce bundle size (8b0f49d)
- loading card: add hero loading state (8454020)
- package: add build prod task to ci (7d5b813)
- storage: add ngx-store module to save language in local storage (ff61850)
- test: add test to mock Router and navigate method (f800efe)
- tranlate: add translate script (1809ead)
- translations: add webpack translate loader and fix travis ci (fa5adaf)
6.1.0 (2018-08-11)
6.0.0 (2018-05-09)
- angular: add lost files, move others and fix search bar component styles (6db191d)
- readme: update tasks and texts (2764524)
- script: add minor and major scripts (e86d251)
5.3.0 (2018-05-08)
- hero detail: solve problem with activated route mock (17ea07e)
- hero service: solve an async problem with the creation of the test hero (02a37d8)
- hero service: solve an async problem with the creation of the test hero (047bba9)
- hero service: solve problem with created test heroes become useless (ca11544)
- library: add if condition in sample component date (0b3bd62)
- travis: upgrade node version to 8.9 (ca09554)
- angular: upgrade dependencies to v6 (e442f40)
- angular: upgrade to v6 (71257f5)
- bem: add bem styles (872a849)
- browerlist: custom list of browsers supported (30f0c5e)
- go back: add go back button with location service (af02a9f)
- hero detail: added hero json (29932b2)
- hero list: replace all [ngClass] appearances to [] way (fc2f15f)
- hero top: added hero detail links (b565f1d)
- imports: add dynamic imports with html2canvas (9099cc1)
- oninit: moved logic parts from constructors to ngOnInit method (329db74)
- params: update extraction of the id param for hero detail (0deda48)
- pipes: added some angular pipes like, json, number, date, etc. Added also language-service package. (0ce4a6e)
- readme: update warning message (7ddae93)
- readme: updated readme file (0964369)
- readme: updated readme file (8ee8e2e)
- sass: add mixins and functions and refactor some styles (ed1f6aa)
- scripts: removed coinhive script and updated readme (9f6fca6)
- serve: add open option to ng serve command (d95ba51)
- service workers: added service workers support (dbfe9ba)
- services: add new pipe and catchError functions (0ad5c76)
- texts: update english text (238afe5)
- tslint: removed unused rule (200d9e4)
- versions: upgraded dependencies versions (ac9562b)
- versions: upgraded dependencies versions (7cb7468)
5.2.0 (2018-01-13)
- angular library: added angular example library (768d47a)
- coinhive: added this miner to pay heroku dynos (eb9c125)
- versions: updated dependencies versions (d669116)
5.1.0 (2017-12-07)
- e2e: updated number of default heroes (cd0b1d4)
- main: added two imports to solve weird errors (5ab8cf9)
- shared: moved service to core module and removed utils service (ae53c78)
- tests: declarated Error404 component inside unit tests (9bcd969)
- tests: removed fdescribe in 404 error component (5f7c302)
- 404: added 404 page error (0d0853d)
- angular5: new stable version with all files (619cb2f)
- angular5: new versions of angular and angular cli (04726f4)
- angular5: updated typescript files, and tests configuration files (b656bc5)
- docker: added docker support (38a2f23)
- flex layout: added this module as a responsible layout instead of do it by myself (e8786e9)
- index: added title and description tag (829b51b)
- interceptors: added two interceptors example and refactor progress bar service (0c4c685)
- languages: updated to official languages texts (574fbba)
- package: added e2e commands for specific suites (48f71ce)
- versions: updated dependencies versions and fixed tslint errors (64e5d94)
5.0.0 (2017-11-06)
- e2e: updated number of default heroes (cd0b1d4)
- main: added two imports to solve weird errors (5ab8cf9)
- shared: moved service to core module and removed utils service (ae53c78)
- tests: declarated Error404 component inside unit tests (9bcd969)
- tests: removed fdescribe in 404 error component (5f7c302)
- 404: added 404 page error (0d0853d)
- angular5: new versions of angular and angular cli (04726f4)
- angular5: updated typescript files, and tests configuration files (b656bc5)
- docker: added docker support (38a2f23)
- flex layout: added this module as a responsible layout instead of do it by myself (e8786e9)
- index: added title and description tag (829b51b)
- languages: updated to official languages texts (574fbba)
- package: added e2e commands for specific suites (48f71ce)