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222 lines (203 loc) · 11.5 KB


8.4.0 (2024-09-17)

  • Features:
    • Added support for PushPrimer Campaign using CustomJson [RMCCX-6702]
    • Prevent showing Push Priemr Campaign if Notificaation Permission was granted already [RMCCX-6707]
    • Added CustomJson feature for RMC SDK users [RMCCX-6712]
    • Redirect user to App Notification Permission Settings if permission was denied previously in Push Primer [RMCCX-6710]
    • Send RMC impression event to RAT [RMCCX-6939]
    • Send RMC push primer event to RAT [RMCCX-6938]
    • Implement console warning if LogEvent is called before calling RegisterPreference [RMCCX-7109]
  • Improvements:
    • Improve Documentation for IAM [RMCCX-6705]

8.3.0 (2024-05-13)

  • Improvements:
    • Prevent sending impressions for expired campaigns [SDKCF-6910]

8.2.0 (2024-04-08)

  • Improvements:
    • Added PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file [SDKCF-6897]

8.1.0 (2023-12-12)

  • Features:
    • Added User preference input in Sample App [SDKCF-6641]
    • Added device_id to all the RAT events [SDKCF-6625]
    • Added device_id to DisplayPermission request header [SDKCF-6624]
    • Prevent calling configure() then RMC module is integrated [SDKCF-6710]
    • Added rmcsdk version parameter to all api calls [SDKCF-6709]
  • Improvements:
    • Retaining API calls until configure() is called [SDKCF-6812]
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed Xcode 15 beta errors [SDKCF-6692]
    • Fixed Finding RMC Bundle [SDKCF-6751]
    • Fixed Loading cached user data before IAM initialisation [SDKCF-6826]

8.0.0 (2023-06-21)

  • Breaking changes:
    • Update Swift version support for package to 5.7.1 [SDKCF-6515]
  • Features:
    • Added SwiftUI support for Sample App [SDKCF-5026]
    • Added SwiftUI support for Tooltip feature [SDKCF-5025]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Removed "last user" cache to avoid overwriting anonymous user cache during init [SDKCF-6409]
    • Added display permission service to perform ping on tooltip dispatcher [SDKCF-4964]
    • Fix broken UIKit framework UI on dark mode [SDKCF-6587]
  • Improvements:
    • Created new test scheme to combine unit test and UI test results [SDKCF-6356]
    • Refactored Event classes and removed unused code [SDKCF-6376]
    • Update api documentation [SDKCF-6592]
    • Improved unit test code coverage to
      • EventType.swift [SDKCF-6378]
      • CustomAttribute.swift [SDKCF-6379]
      • UserInfoProvider.swift [SDKCF-6380]
      • EventMatcher.swift [SDKCF-6390]
      • ConfigurationService.swift [SDKCF-6388]
      • UserDataCache.swift [SDKCF-6384]
      • MessageMixerService.swift [SDKCF-6386]
      • CampaignRepository.swift [SDKCF-6387]
      • SlideUpViewPresenter.swift [SDKCF-6383]
      • UILabel+IAM [SDKCF-6385]
      • CommonUtility [SDKCF-6381]
      • Event [SDKCF-6376]
      • AppStartEvent [SDKCF-6376]
      • CustomEvent [SDKCF-6376]
      • PurchaseSuccessfulEvent [SDKCF-6376]
      • LoginSuccessfulEvent [SDKCF-6376]
      • CampaignDispatcher [SDKCF-6452]
      • AlertPresentable [SDKCF-6375]
      • ConfigurationManager [SDKCF-6451]
      • HTTPRequestable [SDKCF-6389]
      • Router [SDKCF-6382]
      • ToolTipView [SDKCF-6377]

7.3.0 (2023-01-11)

  • Features:
    • Added new API method to close displayed tooltips [SDKCF-6027]
    • Added contexts validation for tooltip campaigns [SDKCF-6028]
    • Added a feature flag to enable/disable the Tooltip feature [SDKCF-6075]
    • Added tracking of opt-in/opt-outs in Push Primer feature [SDKCF-6026]
  • Improvements:
    • Restored tab bar items support. Added UITabBar extension method for convenience [SDKCF-6134]
    • Added support for screen orientation changes when using Tooltip feature [SDKCF-6177]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed an edge case of not readable status bar when campaign message is displayed [SDKCF-5134]
  • Improvements:
    • Sample app improvements

7.2.0 (2022-09-23)

  • Features:
    • Added Push Primer feature [SDKCF-5631]
    • Added a possibility to set subscription ID and config URL in runtime [SDKCF-5614]
  • Improvements:
    • Enable triggers validation for test campaigns [SDKCF-5776]
    • Refactor for Xcode 14 compatibility [SDCFK-5611]
    • Integrated with Emerge Tools [SDKCF-5346]
    • Added a warning when registerPreference() is called before configure()
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed Opt-out message visibility on a dark background [SDKCF-5620]
    • Fixed an issue when test campaigns were not displayed [SDKCF-5636]

7.1.0 (2022-06-14)

  • Improvements:
    • Updated information sent to Analytics [SDKCF-5252]
    • Display impression analytics event is now sent when campaign message appears [SDKCF-5252]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed issues with unit tests on Xcode 13.3 [SDKCF-5124]

7.0.0 (2022-05-13)

  • Breaking changes:
    • Aligned public API with Android IAM SDK [SDKCF-4940]
      • RInAppMessagingDelegate and RInAppMessagingErrorDelegate have been removed.
      • inAppMessagingShouldShowCampaignWithContexts() delegate method has been replaced with onVerifyContext callback variable..
      • inAppMessagingDidReturnError() delegate method has been replaced with errorCallback variable.
  • Features:
    • Implemented new UX features - Campaigns with no end date, infinite impressions and no ❌ button [SDKCF-5003]
  • Improvements:
    • Improved test campaigns handling [SDKCF-5027]
    • Added border in campaign buttons when their color is similar to message body background color [SDKCF-4859]
    • Xcode 13 compatibility
    • Removed Codecov support in favor of SonarQube coverage reports
    • Switched to shared bitrise yaml file
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed impression counting when application was terminated during campaign display

6.1.0 (2022-02-04)

  • Improvements:
    • Campaign UI has been updated to be in line with internal Rakuten UI design guide [SDKCF-4471]
    • Added Swift Package Manager (SPM) support [SDKCF-4388]
    • Improved network request error handling [SDKCF-4728] [SDKCF-4637]
    • Added Xcode requirements to README [SDKCF-4790]
    • Integrated SonarQube to track SDK code quality [SDKCF-4693]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Custom event attributes are now handled as case insensitive [SDKCF-4550]
    • Fixed test campaign triggers [SDKCF-4525]

6.0.0 (2021-11-12)

  • Breaking changes:
    • The minimum supported OS version is now iOS 12.0 [SDKCF-4361]
    • The registerPreference() API method now requires a UserInfoProvider object [SDKCF-3970]
    • Removed all Rakuten ID references. The value used as Rakuten ID should be used as the User ID instead. User ID should be treated as any unique member identifier.
  • Improvements:
    • Updated user handling to align with the Android IAM SDK. The registerPreference() API method now requires a UserInfoProvider object, which must be kept up-to-date in your app code. See the README's registerPreference() description. [SDKCF-3970]
    • Added UI tests [SDKCF-2246]
    • Integrated RSDKUtils library to replace common code [SDKCF-4351]
    • Updated response models to use non-optionals [SDKCF-4017]
    • Test campaigns are no longer cached.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed possible race condition crash in LockableObject [SDKCF-3987]
    • Fixed issue with opt-out logic that occurred on user change [SDKCF-3720]

5.0.0 (2021-09-15)

Breaking change: Changed public Identification enum member easyId to idTrackingIdentifier.

  • Features:
    • Added support for ID tracking identifier. [SDKCF-4072]
  • Improvements:
    • Modified AtomicGetSet wrapper to use a concurrent queue with barrier to ensure safe writes.
    • Increased HTTP resource request timeouts to more reasonable values.
    • Added mobsfscan automatic code scanning for security issues.
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed large image display issue in campaigns. [SDKCF-4022]

4.0.2 (2021-07-21)

  • Improvements:
    • Changed campaigns to not display when attached image cannot be downloaded. [SDKCF-3977]
    • Changed campaigns to not display upon display permission request failure. [SDKCF-3976]
    • Increased clickable area of the IAM close button "x". [SDKCF-3958]
    • Fixed campaign view incorrectly being horizontally scrollable on iPad in landscape orientation [SDKCF-4020]

4.0.1 (2021-06-30)

  • Improvements:
    • Added recommendation to README that apps should use a remote feature flag to enable/disable the SDK. [SDKCF-3938]

4.0.0 (2021-06-22)

Breaking change: Config API contract has changed and now requires the v2 GET endpoint. The SDK will not work with the v1 endpoint.

  • Improvements:
    • Updated company name references. [SDKCF-3550]
    • Added handling for getConfig response status codes 400 and 404. [SDKCF-3884]
    • Changed Config API call to be a /GET with query params. This allows the backend to filter requests if required. [SDKCF-3652]
    • Added handling for "429 Too Many Requests" response to Config/Ping API requests. When status code 429 is received by the SDK it will start expontential backoff (plus a random factor) retries to space out the requests to the backend. [SDKCF-3654]
    • Campaign opt-out & max impression tracking logic is now handled solely on client side. This change reduces the backend's load per request. [SDKCF-3656]
    • Added support for rollout percentage value received in Config API response. This allows the backend to gradually increase campaign distribution. [SDKCF-3663]
    • Added subscription key in Config API request header to enable better filtering of requests. [SDKCF-3716]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Removed canOpenURL check for redirect and deeplink buttons [SDKCF-3848]
    • Fixed rarely occurring threading crashes in dependency manager by using a static queue for access. [SDKCF-3646]

3.0.0 (2021-02-10)

Breaking change: Minimum supported iOS version is now 11.0 [SDKCF-3182]

  • Status bar overlay in Full Screen campaigns is now present in all layout types. The color is adjusted to status bar style (dark or light) - this feature is available only on iOS 13+. [SDKCF-3203, SDKCF-3175]
  • Added new API method to close campaign's message manually [SDKCF-3201]
  • Improvements:
    • Added integration tests [SDKCF-3109]
    • Moved CI from Travis to Bitrise
    • Improved README [SDKCF-3062, SDKCF-3179]
    • Improved Sample app secrets setup
    • Reduced a chance for user to change screen when campaign is being displayed/animated [SDKCF-3027]
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed an issue when SDK localization files interfered with host app's localization [SDKCF-3139]
    • Fixed campaign dispatch logic that might have caused an unwanted delay between messages [SDKCF-3007]

2.1.0 (2020-11-11)

  • Added a campaign's context feature - a phrase enclosed in square brackets added to the campaign's title. Campaigns with contexts can be optionally validated by implementing a new method from the SDK. Validation occurs before displaying the message and decides about showing that message or not. [SDKCF-2871]
  • Improvements:
    • Updated the locale parameter format in backend http requests [SDKCF-2401]
    • Improved unit tests code coverage [SDKCF-2245]
    • Improved campaign synchronization logic [SDKCF-2467]
    • Other minor improvements like: using xcconfig to set up secrets, Xcode 12 updates
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where bottom body margin in Modal campaigns layout was missing [SDKCF-2496]
    • Full Screen campaign content is now not overlapping with system status bar [SDKCF-2444]
    • Fixed an issue when UI was blocked because of no internet connection [SDKCF-2842]
    • Fixed an issue when a user was able to see a message from previous user's cached data [SDKCF-2535]

2.0.0 (2020-06-30)

  • Initial open sourced release
  • This version is a major refactor. Highlights include:
    • Improved maintainability, testability and error handling
    • Removed 3rd party dependencies
    • Added CI automation with Fastlane/travis

Note: Previous SDK versions up to and including the most recently published version 1.4.0 were named InAppMessaging.