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Chit Chat

UCLA Bootcamp Project 3

User Story

AS A User
I WANT TO instant message friends and show off my profile
SO THAT I can keep in touch with friends on my friends list

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a instant messaging app/website
WHEN I load the site
THEN I am presented with the option to login or signup
WHEN I click the login option
THEN I am presented with a form to input my username and password
WHEN I click the signup option
THEN I am presented with a form to input my name, username, and password
WHEN I am logged in
THEN I am present with my dashboard that displays friends, chat previews, and an option to add friends
WHEN I choose to edit my profile
THEN I am presented with my profile, and an option to change my photo, bio, and interests
WHEN I click on a friend from the list
THEN I am presented with their profile, which includes their name, username, photo, bio, interests, and an option to start a chat with them
WHEN I click on the option to start a chat with a friend
THEN I am presented with a page displaying our the friend’s name/username at the top, chat history, and a send messages box at the bottom
WHEN I view the chat history
THEN I see my messages on one side, and my friend’s messages on the other side\


To install, run npm i.
To seed, run npm run seed.
To start, run npm run develop.


This project has been deployed at:






This project was created by Ramita Indurkhya, Justin Chun, William Gomez, Jamie Han and Eric Lee.

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