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MPI functions:

|-----------------|-----------------| | MPI_Init | Initialize MPI. Every rank must call in the beginning. | | MPI_Finalize | Tear down and free memory. Every rank should call at the end. | | MPI_Comm_rank | Find the number of the current running process. | | MPI_Comm_size | Find the total number of ranks started by the user. | | MPI_Send | Send data to one specified rank. | | MPI_Recv | Receive data from one specified rank. | | MPI_Isend | Start sending data to one specified rank. | | MPI_Irecv | Start receiving data from one specified rank. | | MPI_Wait | Wait for a transfer to complete. | | MPI_Test | Check if a transfer is complete. | | MPI_Barrier | Wait for all the ranks to arrive at this point. | | MPI_Bcast | Send the same data to all other ranks. | | MPI_Scatter | Send different data to all other ranks. | | MPI_Gather | Collect data from all other ranks. | | MPI_Reduce | Perform a reduction on data from all ranks and communicate the result to one rank. | | MPI_Allreduce | Perform a reduction on data from all ranks and communicate the result to all ranks. |

MPI Types in C

|--|--| | char | MPI_CHAR | | unsigned char | MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR | | signed char | MPI_SIGNED_CHAR | | short | MPI_SHORT | | unsigned short | MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT | | int | MPI_INT | | unsigned int | MPI_UNSIGNED | | long | MPI_LONG | | unsigned long | MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG | | float | MPI_FLOAT | | double | MPI_DOUBLE | | long double | MPI_LONG_DOUBLE |

MPI Types in Fortran

|--|--| | character | MPI_CHARACTER | | logical | MPI_LOGICAL | | integer | MPI_INTEGER | | real | MPI_REAL | | double precision | MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION | | complex | MPI_COMPLEX | | complex*16 | MPI_DOUBLE_COMPLEX | | integer*1 | MPI_INTEGER1 | | integer*2 | MPI_INTEGER2 | | integer*4 | MPI_INTEGER4 | | real*2 | MPI_REAL2 | | real*4 | MPI_REAL4 | | real*8 | MPI_REAL8 |

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